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December 06, 2017


Go Canes!!

Posted by: 1mg of Epi | December 07, 2017 at 05:48 PM

They’ve got to make a team first.

Imo Jackson would be making a big mistake.



This is so bizarre-James Cook transfers from Central to Norhtwestern after Central is knocked out of the playoffs so he can run track with NW. He will be in the Army AA game and since he is at NW now the Northwestern coach gets to go and help coach in the AA game and not his coach of 4 years at Central -Roland Smith


New FHSAA rules allow athletes to transfer more readily now. I saw Cooke play a few times this season, and he is not as muscular or as well built as his older brother was his senior year, but he might be a slightly faster. Cooke does not appear to be the same level as a pure RB as his brother was, but he is still pretty good.

Northwestern v Armwood game should be really good, but northwestern should win that game. Atwell was an optimist legend and Atwell has been a good and loyal QB at Northwestern since 9th grade. Atwell has been there to participate in the northwestern resurgence. Atwell is too small to play QB, so he will be a DB at Louisville, but he was a great high school QB. That Northwestern team is good and experienced. That armwood game should be a great game



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