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January 12, 2009



1st!!!!! Great Letter


Good Article 86!!!!


Nicely written, I think Bryce will come here, let him take his visits, I am sure he will come to the conclusion that Miami is the home for him.


To run a pro-style offense, we need a pro-style O-Line.

Let's go Big Fellas!!!!




As someone wrote on the previous blob, it is amazing the number of coaching changes in the NFL and CFB this season.

Here is the latest change - The Patriots' OC hired to be Bronco's new HC:


Go Canes!!


Nice article, but I think a good OC would help more.:) Hopefully we get someone in place in the next couple of days.


super - Any news on the recruiting front?

Considering the time between posts, I will check back in an hour and a half:)

The Legion must have gone at it hard this weekend!

Go Canes!!

The Truth

It is absolutely amazing to me how utterly negative even the most stout and harcore fans of this team are...

Tonight is a big night. Tomorrow should be a big day if things go well. A lot of my contemporaries know this and STILL people are complaining.

Raise your hand if any of you knew who Bill Young was, what his experience entailed and just where exactly he started when formulating his current defensive scheme?


Randy knew and it may not have appeared as so this past season but it's going to pay off big time within the 2 seasons. The man can coach a defense.

Now here we are on the probable eve of an announcement just as big IMO and I'm getting called and emailed because "Dana didn't get the job and Gus got plucked by Auburn who's gonna run this O now blah blah blah blah blah blah!!!!!"


None of you here though a crapola about Jimmy and his staff when he got here. Even less of you thought anything about Ericson and Brat and those guys either - especially that 1st game when that 1 back 3wr set was introduced. And I know full well no one here even noticed Who Butch hired to run his O and D and hated them ALL until 2000 when that quasai NFL football team lined up and started the domination.

Chud? Please.

All I ask of you guys in the next few days is to seriously check yourselves when it comes to what you REALLY know about the game of football.

Randy made a mistake with nix...but knows football and he's going to make it right just like he did with the Young hire.

You guys should be excited. Stay that way even after the announcement because it's all good.

Miami will win the ACC next season. Miami will be a legit contender after that.


Solar I actually missed the Steeler game because my 13 and under travel baseball team was playing in a tournament(BrowardReddogs.com). We lost in the championship however thank god for Tivo, I checked the game out when I got home last night. Manny I would love to see you respond with an indepth article rebutting the recent articles in the Herald and Sentinel which somehow feel as if the Gators success means the demise of the football program at the U!


Truth keep coming with the good stuff! When should we expect the announcement on the new OC?

The Truth

Please don't take that last post as any indication about Holgorsen. I was just mouthing off about an email I just checked and knew it's probably going to be this way on here if nothing happens today or tomorrow.

Just chill people. Everything is going to be ok.


Truth, you got me excited.

Cat5 Cane

Waz-up Space... looking for the latest hot flash!

pre 83... that was me and the more I got into changes the deeper it keep on going and it keep spiraling from one team to another... Unbelievable, the higher the position change, the more openings where created by the new hire, then filling the need by the new coach and drawing from the same talent pools of the NFL and NCAA, would create another opening or several openings down the chain.

What's amazing is the salary jump in the last 5 years... what was 1 million in college is now 2/4 million and 3/7 million in the NFL. DC's and OC's was 150K, is now 300 to 600K and higher in the NFL. Big schools trying to keep up with the NFL seduction draw is dumbfounding!

It's all big money talking trash and kicking the fan in the teeth. Sorry but our paychecks haven't risen in 30 years... plumbers and electricians still make 50/70 thousand a year. Doctors still knock down 200 grand and higher. Lawyers still take from the pot but nothing like the big 3 sports!!! Chaching Baby!


I definitely agree though. People seem to be quick with the bashing of Shannon or anyone associated with Miami. No patience at all.


Truth has spoken! No more fair weather friends...Gracias! (Said like Baby Joker in Next Friday!)


super - Any news on the recruiting front?

Considering the time between posts, I will check back in an hour and a half:)

The Legion must have gone at it hard this weekend!

Go Canes!!

Posted by: pre83 | January 12, 2009 at 10:09 AM

Nothing much man. Everything is quiet, besides Bryce, lol.

Big visit weekend next week though.


USC wants Bryce Brown now...

As Truth has been saying, it will come down to Arthur and our choice of OC.

Named U.S. Army Player of the Year, Brown dazzled at the All-American Bowl winning co-MVP honors. Scoring two touchdowns, including a 41-yard reception that helped seal the East's victory, Pete Carroll pondered re-recruiting Brown.

"Pete saw his skills during the game and said the whole staff was excited," said Butler. "They really wanted another chance to recruit him and then Bryce called two days later. It was an enlightening conversation."

Brown's interest in USC revolves around the two main factors influencing his decision on a college.

"In the end, it comes down to success," said Butler. "It's success and NFL-ready players. If you mention Miami, Tennessee, Auburn, Oregon, Kansas State and USC, who has the best football team in that mix?

"And then you look at what schools are putting guys in the NFL. Committing to Miami had a lot to do with them putting more guys in the league than any other school. All of those first round picks . . . but that streak is going to be broken this year."

However, Brown's interest in USC only makes the Trojans a finalist for his last official visit, not his commitment.


Go Canes!

conch salad

BB will be a Cane... I'm not too worried about him taking off...

The Truth

To piggy back on that super post...

You probably won't get too much except the usual "where will jonnyicancover play next year..." BS

BIG weekend the weekend after next and the harcore push for those offensive players commited to Miami (Bryce) and elsewhere (Debose) will start in the next few days when the OC is announced.

Should be lots of fun this year.



BB will be a Cane... I'm not too worried about him taking off...

Posted by: conch salad | January 12, 2009 at 10:36 AM

Yeah I spoke on that yesterday. I think he'll be here in the end. Once we name our OC things will fall in line.


I've got my popcorn ready...



Great post. It is interesting that history means nothing to some, but what can you do??

Seriously, how many people would have thought that the Atlanta Falcons would have even come close to making the playoffs this year?

All I recall hearing about a year ago is how the face of the franchise, Miguel Vick, was going to the slammer, their coach left mid season, current players were pissed and the media was making a mockery of the way the ownership was conducting a coaching search and assembling its management team.

Then, when they did select their head coach, even more hysteria ensued.

Well, who's laughing now?

I have to imagine RS has a clear plan and is chipping away at forming the finished product he has envisioned and I believe the Cane faithful will once again be proud of the team.

I am a fan, but I take things with a grain of salt. If there is a hiccup along the way, well, life happens. It is part of the human element. Nothing is a guarantee. Just ask the '07 Pats.

Go Canes!!



I do think we pick up some other pieces after this visit weekend. Hurst and Barrington, I'd expect to jump on board. Hall, White and Buche, and Sims I'd say are up in the air. But like you, I'm more excited about the following weekend, and those "unexpected" visitors that always come at the end (like DVD and Buchanon).


U know.......


Tennessee also likes Hurst now...

If you look at the Rivals player profile for Lancaster, Texas defensive back Demontre Hurst, you won't see Tennessee listed anywhere. That's because the Vols haven't been in the picture. At least until this weekend, when Hurst got a call from the Tennessee staff.

"Actually I talked to Tennessee yesterday," Hurst said. "I talked to coach Lane Kiffin and his dad. I talked to a number of their guys yesterday. They have a great tradition and good school. I'm hoping to learn more about them."

Miami, Oklahoma State, and Arizona were the final three for Hurst, but Kiffin's call has him thinking about a possible trip to Knoxville later this month.

"I had narrowed it down to three schools, but coach Kiffin called me yesterday and told me I had an opportunity to be a part of something special at Tennessee," Hurst said.

What this tells me is that although Hurst wa s a sleeper type guy a few weekends ago, you have to love our staffs ability to evaulate and find jewels in the rough. Once they are found, all the top schools come knocking at the door! Same for Barrington, who's SR film I thought was pretty good.


Cat 5 - I agree. You really have to wonder if salaries can keep that crazy pace...not to mention the rate of the coaching carrousel. Nuts!

Thanks, Super. I know it's pedal to the medal time. RS at his finest!

BTW - Did anyone see the NFL Network interview that Warren Sapp did w/ Ray Lewis?

That just summed up for me the reason for the U's astounding success. The way that they had one another's back and settled for nothing less than domination speaks volumes.

RS was there when that atmosphere was built. I have to imagine he knows the importance it has on the program's success. It is something that you can't buy and it takes a lot of work to instill. I am sure it is part of the reason he is hard set on doing things a certain way. He doesn't seem to like shortcuts.

Go Canes!

The Media lack Common Sense!!!!!

i think that what these writers are trying to do is to open up the eyes of Canes fans that Randy Shannon is not the right fit for University of Miami and all he had done for the program are mediocre at best, what these writers lack of is common sense, especially the local writers, because any writer on their right mind would not bash a program and think it wouldn't back fire on them, the Fans really could care less about what the media reports about Shannon, but once the the whole program gets affected, it's a different story coz' now we're talking about the school itself, their academics, students, student-athletes, and everybody involve within the program, these fans are trying to be as optimistic as possible, and chose to close their eyes and block their ears in regards of what Shannon had done lately, everybody is aware that in 2 years Shannon hasn't really done that much of an improvement compared to cokers years, so i think the last thing the fans wants to hear from the media is how and where the U program is headed, none of the fans wanna hear this, they just wanna hear things that are positive, after all wether the fans know better or not, without them, writing about the U would be irrelevant, so instead of negatives, bring in the positives, write something about how the whole northwestern kids gave the program some hope for the future, about the graduation rate compared to other florida schools, about how the 09 recruits don't let the the marve drama and nix firing affect their decision on coming to the U, write something like that instead of villifying urself against the U nation!!!! i hope everybody can agree to this, it's not just about marve, and his dad and hs coach, and Shannon, and Nix firing etc., it's all about the U as a nation and people within the program, think about the current kids we have on here right now, how do you think they're getting affected by all these, if media is trying to making it seem as if they care about marve being a piece of meat, how do you think the other current players are feeling right now, they have to deal with this everyday now from this point on, thanks to the media contributing to the whole mess and making it bigger than it already was, so Dave Hyde, Linda Robertson, Dan Wetzel and Gene Wojciechowski, you try to make things right for one guy (Robert Marve), but you have no idea how many other kids are affected by this, if you're going to villify someone, villify urselves first for contributing to an already negative status marve and Shannon and everyone else involved in this than they already are!!!!


No inside info, just a name from anothe blob: Frank Scelfo from LA Tech


Happy Monday all! Wow those Ravens and Cardinals! I heard on the radio this morning that Tebow is returning for his senior season. Where did he fall draftwise, anyone know?

UF commits backing out!!!

you would think it'll a clear cut choice to go Florida, then why do they keep having commits back off on their pledge and instead going to a school with lesser chance to get to NC, i mean sure you have to compete for playing time, but isn't that the same case with USC and USC don't have trouble keeping their players, is there a reason for them to have second thoughts about UF??? or is it maybe the way Meyer promises them something and deliver to that promise??? i'd appreciate if someone can give me an insight bout that!?



Though you'd find this funny. Apparently DMitch went off on BCF for saying RR was not interested in us anymore. Got deleted but apparently was serious.


No inside info, just a name from anothe blob: Frank Scelfo from LA Tech

Posted by: J | January 12, 2009 at 11:00 AM


I saw that too.

Mr Troutman

This is what I posted on the herald and i want to know if this make sense to those who are thinking about going to the nfl but want to hang on to college LIFE!!

I know that some of U are saying that It is important to get your degree first then the pros. Man let me put perception vs reality in perspective.

First the economy is bad and just because U have a degree doesn't mean U will have a JOB come next year. It is a rat race out there people, take the money while U can because tomorrow is not promise. What makes U think the recession will not last a long time. Hell if I am being projected in the first two rounds I am out! Anything can happen next year ( A SERIOUS INJURY, A MUCH LARGER WAR SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD,TERRORIST ATTACKS, A MORE STRUGGLING ECONOMY,ANYTHING THAT MAKE AMERICA HEAD SOUTH) Thinking that I will still get in the NFL REGARDLESS of what's going on is kind of getting complacent. Get the money people because U can still pay for your last year of school and get that DEGREE that may only put U in line with the rest the UNEMPLOYED. Man I am manager for a national known moving company and I get people looking for work every single day and i mean non stop. So take head to what I am saying people there are A LOT OF UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE OUT THERE!


Posted by: Mr Troutman | January 12, 2009 at 11:08 AM


From DMitch himself...

i hope this post clears up a lot of this.

does my brother want to come on an offical? yes

does the school want him to come? yes

If he does not make it, you can blame the NCAA, not miami or my family.

the school is only allowed to pay for the recruits travel.

my dad just had to pay for 4 tickets to san antonio for the AA game.

the head man (RS) is doing an in-home soon. my dad said after that if both parties are still interested, he would make the visit happen...but nothing has been decided yet until shannon goes in.


Apparently the key with RR is getting his parents to come on the visit. When/if he visits, if his parents accompany him, then we have a real shot, if not, then we don't.


Again, no inside info but as far as Randle goes, Scelfro has a lifetime of contacts in Louisiana

conch salad

Who is DMithc and BCF and these people you guys keep reffering too? How do you know they are who they say they are?

Just wondering... I'm too cynical to beleive anyone is who they say they are on these blogs...


Mornin all...
I discovered this blog towards the end of the season, and i have to say... U guys are the shizzle... As a hardcore Cane in Rhode Island, it's a tad bit difficult to get info on the Canes around here (hell any college football period). Most of the other blogs are filled with mostly trolls and the Shannon-must-go fans. Not here. Anywho keep up the good work, I know I'm staying positive.

Go Canes!!!!


ESPN scouting on Barrington. Sounds like a project with potential

Barrington is a gifted athlete at linebacker but may be a better overall football player at this point than a positional prospect. Very raw in technique and diagnosing skills but its hard to ignore his impressive physical tools. Starts with his striking frame. He is tall, well-built and has a sought-after long, rangy body that still has room to fill out with a ton of bulk. Could play at 240-pound range while keeping current speed and quickness. Flashes a good burst of speed when closing on the football vertically. Long frame and first-step quickness needed to develop into a disruptive edge player. Overall, has above average range and covers a lot of ground with his long limbs; but not a sideline-to-sideline speed guy. Does a good job utilizing his long wingspan to separate blockers and string the run out to the sideline. Shows good hand and upper-body strength. Difficult to seal on the edge. Technique is need of refinement but he shows deceptively fluid hips and turns in coverage. However, he tends to take false steps and diagnosing skills are marginal. Does not consistently take direct angles to the ball carrier or breakdown sharply in space. Often overruns the play. Speed may be better suited between the tackles but he has difficulty sifting through the lateral trash without getting caught up in blocks. Better when he is free to attack vertically. Needs to play with better bend and leverage when trying to slip blocks and tackle. Overall, Barrington has a boat load of natural talent to mold up and a prototypical linebacker frame that still has room for continued physical development. Looks to have a motor and energy on the field. Should blossom with individual positional coaching at the college level.

UF commits backing out!!!

OceanStateCane, this one and Eye on the U from Manny Navarro are the safe haven for U fans, try that one too!


lol i know but kehoe's steamer is in there a lot


i do like manny tho


who's the LB rivals speaks of today?


Who is DMitch and BCF and these people you guys keep reffering too? How do you know they are who they say they are?

Just wondering... I'm too cynical to beleive anyone is who they say they are on these blogs...

Posted by: conch salad | January 12, 2009 at 11:27 AM

DMitch is RR's brother. BCF is a "insider" type that frequents the various msg brds. Always has the latest info on what's going on he and FBC and GR82BACF. Those are all acronyms for Biggest Cane Fan (BCF), FBC (Footballcane), and Great 2 B A Cane Fan. All insider types. They are right a lot but are wrong from time to time.

Truth never lets us down here though! He doesn't tell as much as those guys, but he keeps us all even keel and is a wonderful, wonderful balance to those guys as by Truth's responses, alot of times you can kind of get an idea of what is going on behind the scenes. But not all the time.

UF commits backing out!!!

so is caneship 9 rules or whatever his name is, but that's good about Canes fans, they don't bother paying attention to Gaytor Fans, its a waste of time, all in all, eye on the U's pretty legit when it comes to Canes infos, we're not like the gayturd nation, we don't go to their blogs after winning our championships, they're the only one who come here after winning a NC and still has something to prove, we let our program do the talking, we don't need to get into people's skin to get attention!!!!


Caution - footballscoop is awful, but they are now saying we've talked to Scelfo. BTW, We have lacked any pull in LA since Curtis Johnson left. Tag team of Scelfo and Panunzio, interesting ...


who's the LB rivals speaks of today?

Posted by: Canezitis | January 12, 2009 at 11:33 AM



Who is DMitch and BCF and these people you guys keep reffering too? How do you know they are who they say they are?

Just wondering... I'm too cynical to beleive anyone is who they say they are on these blogs...

Posted by: conch salad | January 12, 2009 at 11:27 AM

DMitch is RR's brother. BCF is a "insider" type that frequents the various msg brds. Always has the latest info on what's going on he and FBC and GR82BACF. Those are all acronyms for Biggest Cane Fan (BCF), FBC (Footballcane), and Great 2 B A Cane Fan. All insider types. They are right a lot but are wrong from time to time.

Truth never lets us down here though! He doesn't tell as much as those guys, but he keeps us all even keel and is a wonderful, wonderful balance to those guys as by Truth's responses, alot of times you can kind of get an idea of what is going on behind the scenes. But not all the time.

Posted by: bg1906 | January 12, 2009 at 11:36 AM

Forgot to mention Cmar and Street Agent as apart of that group too.

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