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June 03, 2011


Mia Chi 'Cane '98

First, Baby!

MIA Chi 'Cane '98

I love summer but how many more days until fall camp?

No Bulls or Blackhawks in the finals and Sox Sux,


Great article, except for the background check.

I mean, I looked up 86Cane on the FBI database, and it listed a BUNCH of aliases.

86Canes, AKA SOUP, AKA Charlie Brown, AKA Tom, known for driving from area code to area code in search of current and former Canes, surrepticiously changing website pages, getting pictures of beautiful women in Canes garb, and occassionally inciting riots online through the use of the word "Whipple".

BOLA this man at BUC, SLS, MLS @ ARP, and at the dangerously named "Titanic", reportedly named after one of his body parts.


Posted by: canechic | June 03, 2011 at 11:10 AM

LOl Rasheed Wallace said as much about officiating in the Finals when he was with the Pistons


Written for the previous blog, but so slowly that it is out of date...

You may ask yourself: "Were these coaches really hot commodities and did they get scooped up quickly by other teams?"

Or you may wonder: "Did these coaches sit and rot on the shelf for a while when nobody called?"
Canes Coaching and Canespacer updates, brought to you by the Talking Heads.

"And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack"

Jimmy Johnson in the Keys is not really a shotgun shack...

"And you may find yourself in another part of the world"

Howard Schnellenberger in Oklahoma is like another world.

"And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile"

If you are Terrel Pryor you won't even have to pay for it.

"And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife"

That would be solarcane, from all I read on here.

"And you may ask yourself How do I work this?"

Oh Nix, where are you now?

"And you may ask yourself Where is that large automobile?"

Sorry Jacory, but UM compliance officers are tougher than OSU compliance officers.

"And you may tell yourself This is not my beautiful house!"

Sun Life just isn't the same as the Orange Bowl.

"And you may tell yourself This is not my beautiful wife!"

Zakee, beautiful girlfriend though....

"And you may ask yourself What is that beautiful house?"

It's called the end zone. Please take it to the house more this year.

"And you may ask yourself Where does that highway go?"

Forcier and Marve and Freeman are finding out that it goes nowhere.

"And you may ask yourself Am I right?...Am I wrong?"

Just don't ask that in front of the media, they will turn it into a full-blown QB controversy.

"And you may tell yourself MY GOD!...WHAT HAVE I DONE?"

Larry Coker and Randy Shannon ask themselves this very question each night.


Ungar - you left off the Met Life blimp, lol.


I was trying to be kind... LOL!


That last picture just goes to show you that size does not matter. Especially when equipted with an assult rifle :-)


Find me 21 more Mike James' and I'll be happy as a pig in $#it!

Posted by: Ohio_Cane | June 02, 2011 at 01:13 PM

That's all it takes? Piece of cake, easy as pie.


29 Results for Mike James in Miami, FL


Now, if you want 21 more LeBron James', thats a bit tougher!


Raize that Duke game was sooo much fun!

You know CGNC I am beginning to think it goes beyond officiating! Lebron was making all those shots and then all of sudden went cold? Something is just not right and I may be way off base but it really makes me uneasy!


CC - It was a blast

I have been saying it for years that 7 game matches are rigged. Think if the money lost if it went 4 games.

And how can a professional team, in the finals have 15 point lead in the 4th quarter....and LOSE???


OK – has anyone listened to the attorney for TP and the justification of the 350Z? He claims that the car is a 2007 and has 80K miles on it. The salesman said he didn’t cut TP any special deal and treated him like a regular customer. Keep in mind the mom paid 11K for this vehicle. I did some research on what a 2007 350Z with around 80K miles on it cost and I could not find anything under 17K.

So either the cost of buying a car in Orlando is a lot higher than in Columbus or the salesman is lying his ass off. I am willing to bet it’s the later. If not and if I lived in Columbus and needed a new car, guess where I would be going?? I would walk in, ask for the salesman and ask for the TP special.

Me: Yes, I would like a 350Z and I am not paying a penny over $11,500 (including tax, tag, title)
Salesman; How many TD’s have you thrown this year?
Me: none
Salesman: Can I interest you in a YUGO?


Really raise the whole mess is so ridiculous any one trying to defend any of it should just keep their mouth shut. How is your OSU buddy holding up?

Watching the baseball game waiting to pick up my sick dog :( from the vet and canes got out of the inning,going to commercial and some little kid screams way to go 305!


Canes not playing very well but are up 2 to 1



Good stuff my man.

Always a pleasure!

You are right. I have met nothing but great people here no doubt about it.

Jesus I am locked and loaded for Maryland. Shoot me an email.



CC - How is your OSU buddy holding up?

Him and his whole family are blowing it off like it's no big deal. We are going on a 7 day cruise a week from this Sunday and I am going to be in his ear the entire trip...LMAO.


raize, how much grief did he give you in 03?

Just saying, it IS a vacation, I would have HATED to be a captive audience for a week of taunting after Porter's Purloin.

Of course, if he can handle it and give back, then here are a couple of friendly suggestions:

"You guys know where I can get a good deal on a sportscar?"

"You'll feel like you bought from the factory!"

"Jim Tressel is just like any other man, he puts his vest on one face at a time."

"tOSU? the Overpaid Students University?"

"Messing with the FBI? Maybe Scully and Mulder can track down the aliens that stole that memorabiliia for tatoos and pot...."


UNGAR - great suggestions. I will be sure to pass those (and a few others) along.


If the Hurricanes hang on I'm going to 'Canesville tomarrow for the 4:00 game against the Turds. That's if they beat Manhatten.
Go 'Canes!!

P.S. I don't blog all that often, but am a regular reader and really enjoy Canespace. Keep up the good work.


OSU will be buried by Tressel's string of lies much more than any extra benefits Pryor got.

The NCAA is going to give them an USC style beat down cause it's not not the sin, it's the cover up that won't be forgiven.

Sarasota 'cane

It's funny how "new" the internet really is when you put it in perspective. I first started blogging at the Sun Sentinel and came over here when Omar moved on.
I used to laugh when the "rival" factions would square off over our loyalty to their blogs! It never made sense to someone with an insatiable appetite for anythang 'canes! I read all the stories and blogs from the Herald, Sentinel, Palm Beach Post and Canespace.
I can't get enough 'cane info, but I find it hard to blog year round. I "check out" after signing day and mainly just read the papers. I used to like to "stir the nest" of our delusional rivals, but even that has lost it's luster. I simply want good info from reliable sources these days.
We all know that the Miami Hurricanes are the greatest football team in the history of college football in this Great State of Florida! It's not even close!

Go 'canes!


OSU will get hit, and hit hard commensurate with violations.

QB Rhett Bomar of Oklahoma fame and his teammates did worse; they got similar car deals AND got jobs + compensation for which they never step foot on the job or once a month to collect paycheck.

But, what are the OSU & players' transgressions?

While it's all against NCAA extra benefits rules, what are we talking about? Tattoos & transportation?

And one lying coach who got caught by IT?

Coach Sampson got caught lying! Bruce Earl got caught lying!

At USC it was whole lifestyle upgrade for Bush and OJ Mayo, not body paint and transpo fees equaling WHOLESALE prices, right?

Moreover, Tressel lying is BIG because it's proven and well known & publicized.

Unless the media PRESSes, and/or new info emerges, the infractions will end routine punishment.


A baller gets room & board, tuition & books, meal plan, and that's it!

No pocket money, no laundry $, no movies & entertainment, no gas/transportion, heck SS Telemaque has to pay for his own skateboard to go to class from one building to another... when the board wears out

Bottom line, when President Ford was playing Football at UofMichigan, colleges lost money on sports. Now, with the BCS and the TV revenues, college make $100 billions, and they can't give a $100 for gasto the gladiator whose bones break and blood spills!

The system is obsolete, and needs to catch up with the times; it just has to fair to the student-gladiator.

And OSU gets hit too hard, changes wil be legislated! And colleges will pay more anyway to the gladiator-students.
That's a fact.

orange 'n green in the vein

S747SP, why should a student who doesn't play football not get a piece of the pie too if you're going to discriminate and treat students who play a sport differently than others that don't? They already get a free education, if they don't want to play a sport for a scholarship, don't sign an LOI, go to Canada or make an NFL team when you turn 20. No one is forcing these guys to take the offers put in front of them, they do it of their own accord and the rules are set out beforehand on what is permissible and what isn't.

Student-gladiator? Give me a freaking break. The ancient Romans would like to have a talk with you, you're denigrating their third tier entertainment by comparing it to American hand-egg.



Canes win!!!

The Miami baseball team broken open its NCAA Tournament Gainesville Regional game in the bottom of the eight inning against Jacksonville Friday, scoring four runs on the way to a 7-2 win.

The Hurricanes eighth-inning rally included three singles and three walks and was helped by a Jacksonville error.

Miami advances to the winner's bracket. It will play the winner between today's second game between Florida and Manhattan on Saturday.

Miami struck first, getting a run in the bottom of the first when Zeke DeVoss reached on an error, was sacrificed to second and scored on a Rony Rodriguez double.
Jacksonville tied the game in the top of the third when No. 9 hitter Chris Connelly led off with a walk, Taylor Ratliff had a bunt single the two advanced on another walk. Connelly scored on a sacrifice fly.

Miami went back ahead in the bottom of the inning when DeVoss singled and went to second on an error, moved up to third on a fly ball and scored on a groundout to shortstop.

Corey Janson homered to start the bottom of the fifth, adding to Miami's lead. Jacksonville added its second run in the seventh when Daniel Gulbransen singled home Taylor Ratliff.



Go Canes Baseball! It ain't football... but it's all we got right now!

Nice piece RaizeCane... as a Cane alum who never blogged before Omar's SunSentinel site myself, I too appreciate everything the man-of-a-thousand names has put together here at Canespace.


CC - I dunno about the players but maybe fatigue sets in after awhile - Dirk got cold after he had a hot hand too and they didn't have a very big lead and then makes some crazy shot to barely win the game. The Heat peaked too soon in this game - LOL too much time was left and they let their guard down just enough. Bosh is due for a big game next game. Who knows ;-D

Old Skool

Canesport saying we got Preston Dewey QB from Austin TX

Old Skool

I guess we can add Preston Dewey to the players with two first names list like Mike James.


CGNC it really is suspect to me. After watching the last few minutes I said, "if I didn't know better (which I am not sure of I do anymore) I would say this game was fixed". Feeling this way does make me sad, in fact the idea itself having any validity at all really makes me sad but honestly it really could be true.


If I do...." darn iPad auto corrector!

Old Skool

For Solar and Native maybe a few others.

Marshall Matt Dillon - James Arness RIP

Old Skool

In 20 years on television Marshall Dillon never got the girl. Nowadays, he would have had ber before the first commercial break.


BOLA this man at BUC, SLS, MLS @ ARP, and at the dangerously named "Titanic", reportedly named after one of his body parts.

Posted by: Ungar | June 03, 2011 at 12:27 PM

OK, even I LOL at that one!

Just back from the 813 to the 863. I will be headed to the 352 (Gainesville) Sunday for UM vs UF in the championship game of the Regional tourney.


First, Baby!

Posted by: Mia Chi 'Cane '98 | June 03, 2011 at 12:05 PM

Canespace T-shirt? Got one, need one???


That last picture just goes to show you that size does not matter. Especially when equipted with an assult rifle :-)

Posted by: raizecane | June 03, 2011 at 12:44 PM

Nobody took the bait on this one?

Really? REALLY!!!


Wurd on da skreet is:

1. The guy wearing #23 gets it;

2. Some kat named after a large city in Texas is fast, really FAST;

3. The guy named after the famous RB from the Cowboys gets it too and will play this year;

4. To name just two, Sean Spence and Mike James are leaders in every sense of the word.

5. The guy wearing #97 is looking like he might have a breakout year. LOF?

sota cane

Who's named after a large city in Texas?




The Heat choked when the Mavs got it down to a single digit lead. With a seventeen point lead the Heat should have taken the ball to the basket and force the Mavs to play defense. But instead James dribble the ball too much so they only had time to shoot the fifteen to twenty five footer.
It looked like the Heat ran out of gas in the Mavs 17 point run. You got to drive the ball on offense especially with James and Wade...chances are you get the foul and you make the Mavs work.


Joe Kohlbrand


How bout the giants starting stuff with the Marlins? Really think they are way off base. Stinks Posey got hurt but that was not a malicious hit by Cousins.

BCC beating FSU in the 5th inning. I am on throw up watch with my very sick dog so I have lots of free tv time.


Where will it stop if the Head Visor, the other SEC coaches that agreed to it and others who think the players should be paid - get their way?

Come on

Don't go down that very slippery slope

It starts off with the idea like Head Visor said, playing the players $300 out of their own

Then possibly a demand by some coaches to be paid more might come about, seeing how they're giving some of their insanely high salary to the kids

Then possibly you have kids crying about how the 3rd string punter is making the same amount of money as the 1st string whoever

Then at other schools who aren't known as football schools, but maybe are known for their basketball team - the basketball players are wondering why the guys out on the football field who are constantly mediocre at best, are getting paid, but they aren't

Free education. Free room and board possibly? Yes, I understand it blows that you don't have some major walking around money so you can supposedly take your girl out or whatever ... hey, it sucks to be a college kid sometimes. I worked during the summer, as much as I could, in order to save cash for the school year

But ya, like OGV said - student gladiator?

Come on


FSU leading now :(

Seriously I don't have a problem with the payment thing but what about basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis, crew, lacrosse.....how do you spread it out? Why shouldn't the other sports teams get paid? And what about students with a 4.0 or above why not them? I am not sure this will be an easy solution.

NC  U of Miami fan "63"

I'd like to add my 2 cents worth. I agree with the author. I have been a cane fan since 63. Back when it was the only game in town. I moved to NC in 86 and leaving my CANES behind was the #1 thing I miss except for family and a few good friends. If it was not for this blog I would be lost in space about my teams. I say teams because I just dont follow the football program I love em all including the girls side of the fence.Keep up all the good work getting us the news worth reading. If there are any other CANES fan's living east of Raleigh I'd like to hear from you. Not sure this is proper but here goes [email protected]. Thanks again God bless the teams and coaches and our fans.



Posted by: ftmcane | June 03, 2011 at 06:48 PM



Not sure this is proper but here goes [email protected]. Thanks again God bless the teams and coaches and our fans.

Posted by: NC U of Miami fan "63" | June 03, 2011 at 08:35 PM

Why that is very proper my friend!

BTW...U can always reach me at:

[email protected]


Paying college athletes is the DUMBEST idea I have ever heard of. The complications that come with that for MUTILPLE players in many sports is just INSANE!

They are getting $50,000 a year in scholly money (school, room and board, books) and get health care, meals, work out guidance, and also get to travel all over the Country that no other student ever gets to do.

I'll say it right now: If they pay college athletes I'll stop going just like I did NFL and NBA games.


Give a few FU comments in Canesville for me tomorrow. The U didn't look great today, but they pulled out the win, which is more than most #2 seeds have done in the regionals thus far. Out of 15 completed (one still pending), the 2 seed has lost to the 3 seed in 11 regionals. I'll take the win, along with hopefully finally taking down the 'turds up there. Where's Jim Burt Jr. when you need him?!


Comon 86, it ain't costing $50,000 to pay for a college education. In-state tuition: It's $5,000 for 30 credit hrs (1yr) at the USF Bulls in tampa and Transfer LB Travis Williams can get free grants and financial Aid for free, and transfer Kevin Nelson yearly costs total at FAM-U is $4,600 covered in total by grants & fin Aid; your taxes pay for regular students, so are U gonna stop paying taxes?

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