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August 28, 2011



Cool nickname..Bolts.

Great article and accompanying pics!

VA Cane


VA Cane

Or tied for first. Soup I just won a shirt a couple days ago; no need for me to have 2. I won one on Jan 4 2011 when the new shirts were not out and never followed up....check the archives. Thats 3 in the year. I will e mail you for 1....if one of our service guys does not have one, its fine with me to send one to them, I will send my size and address!!! Thanks buddy!!

VA Cane

or anybody else who has not gotten one.....I am glad to share with anybody. Been lucky last 2 weeks....survived a quake, hurricane, works picked up, and won on here. Lifes pretty good, Huh?

VA Cane

Neat article as well.....I go to see my HS play at least once a year...HS football is big around Richmond, lotta kids play at VT...R Gordon was from here as well...I enjoy the games!!


Screw the Dolphins AS A STAFF AND A RECORD LABLE AND IF YOUR DOWN WITH THE Dolphins then screw U too!




I'm offically a Jags fan and I hope that joke of an organiztion"Brokeback phins" goes 0-16 for the next sixteen years


I will e mail you for 1....if one of our service guys does not have one, its fine with me to send one to them, I will send my size and address!!! Thanks buddy!!

Posted by: VA Cane | August 28, 2011 at 03:09 PM

U got it!


Robert Marve----errrr check that----

Chase Ford


Nice article.


What up Space? I've been out of commission since Friday night. Caught a bad case of the flu. Hot flashes, body aches, 101 temp...the works. Any new info I should know about?


nice article


From SI.com

Brent Musburger Drinking Game
This is from 2007 but you get the idea of the game…

For those “folks” about to enjoy the “dandy” ABC Prime Time Game-of-the-week, Brent Musburger usually is calling the biggest game for ABC, “pard-ner”.

The Brent Musburger Drinking Game

WARNING! Play at your own risk. It is conceivable your whole party will be passed out with 8 minutes remaining in the first half.

*Note: Partner is spelled “Pardner,” because that’s the way Brent says it.

Rule #1: “The Pardner”

A person is picked to be the Pardner at the beginning of the game. The first time Brent says “Pardner,” the Pardner has to take 1 drink, and then picks someone else to be the Pardner. The next time Brent says it, the new Pardner has to take 2 drinks, and then pick a new Pardner, and so on and so on. The Pardner must wear a special “Pardner” hat.

Rule #2: “Folks”

Everyone drinks 1 when Brent says “Folks.” However, if Brent says “Hold on Folks”, everyone must drink once but the first person to drink has to finish their drink for not holding on.

Rule #3: “It’s a foot race!”.

Whenever Brent says “It’s a foot race” everyone has to finish their drink. The first one done becomes “That Man” and gets to punch the Pardner in the arm.

Rule #4: “There’s that man again”.

After someone becomes “That Man,” they get to give away 3 drinks to someone of their choosing the next time Brent says “That Man.” That person then becomes “That Man.” If Brent says “That Man” before “It’s a footrace,” The Pardner becomes That Man. If The Pardner becomes That Man first, he gets to punch the new That Man in the arm twice after giving away the 3 drinks. There must also be a special hat for “That Man.”

Rule #5: “Dr. Pepper”. - (This works in bowl games; whichever food or drink is the title sponsor)

Every time Brent says “Dr. Pepper” everyone has to yell out “I’M A PEPPER!” and take 2 drinks. Afterwards, each person must give out a satisfied “AAAAAAAHHHHH!”, as if in a Dr. Pepper commercial. Anyone who fails to do so must drink again.

Rule #6: “Jack Arute”.

Whenever Brent says “Our ol’ buddy Jack Arute” everyone has to say “AROOOOOOT!” Last one to do it has to do a shot. If everyone does it simultaneously, the Pardner must do a shot.

Rule #7: “In the college game”.

Whenever Brent says this little gem, everyone must say “Shut the fuck up Brent”, drink 2, and punch the Pardner in the arm.

Rule #8: Mentioning a Big 10 school during a game involving no Big 10 teams.

Whenever Brent does this, the first person who names the Big 10 school’s mascot gets to make somebody drink for 11 seconds, since there’s 11 schools in the Big 10.

Rule #9: Calling a touchdown before the player actually scores.

For example, during an interception return, Brent says “It’s a touchdown!” before the player actually scores. In this case, everyone must start drinking and continue to drink until the player actually does score. If by some odd event, the player does NOT score, everyone must finish their drink.

Rule #10: “Kirk, my man”.

Whenever Brent says “Kirk, my man”, the Pardner gets to choose someone to be Kirk. From that point on, that person must be referred to as “Kirk, my man” until the game is over. “Kirk, my man” gets to give away 5 drinks the rest of the game any time Brent says “Kirk, my man”. If someone talks to “Kirk, my man” without calling him that, they have to do a shot. If there is someone playing the game actually named Kirk, that person is automatically “Kirk, my man”.


For those of you that aren't admirers of Criag James, either as a broadcaster or for his role in the Mike Leach scandal:


(Finally, someone else who thought Joe Morgan was a terrible announcer.....)


Nice article.

Posted by: canesteeler | August 28, 2011 at 03:49 PM

Nice article

Posted by: TLuv | August 28, 2011 at 04:03 PM

Thank U x 2!

Mucho research went into that piece.

I will be going to a few different high schools to cover games in Polk County. Some pretty good football being played around here in Lakeland (of course) but also in Lake Wales, Bartow, Haines City and Winter Haven.


Stan Van Gundy on the Miami situation ...
pay the players.

Orlando Magic coach Stan Van Gundy was on the University of Miami campus the other day, dropping off his daughter for the semester. Sports scandal swirled all around the school, though it wasn't obvious on the manicured campus. "The system is set up for everybody but the kids while pretending to be about the kids," Van Gundy said. "Athletics and education should be separate. Colleges shouldn't be farm systems. It doesn't make any logical sense. But the schools don't want to be blatantly in the situation of being professional sports even though they already are professional sports. They just want to disguise it, so they hide behind education. But, really, all you want is enough of your athletes to graduate so it looks like that's what you care about. Anyone around sports knows it is all a bunch of bull [expletive]..."

Read more: http://www.fannation.com/truth_and_rumors/view/304070?eref=sircrc&eref=fromSI#ixzz1WMBlCaxt


Must read article for college football fans. Interesting takes on the announcers, plus games of the year.

Great stuff.



Sup SpaceCadets?

Check this out...




Ocala sighting! Did U get me email about the Tix? I got 2 for the Bethune Cookman game on 10/1 and 2 for the Duke Game on 11/5. U gotta let me know which game U are interested in soon!


Now this right here is LOL funny:






Quick Bounce Back:



Learning From Mistakes:



Live in Jax and plan on going to the FSU game, trying to locate affordable tickets? thanks in advance.


Iz any of u Assclowns aware that bama is being investigated 4 the same reason as Miami & Ohio st. yet espn ( a.k.a. S.E.Cspn ) or nobody else has said anything bout da matter? While yall posting sh*t bout punk-ass brent musburger yall need to be e-mailing Cote, Manny & Lonzo Highsmith with that bama article til it go mainstream. If the ncaa hammer us, they gotta hammer bama 2!

VA Cane

Soup sent you e mail. Thanks again my friend!!


Lull before the storm. Borrrrrrring!


Taters gonna Tate - LOL

Sarasota 'cane

Yeahzzz youzzz bunch a azzzclownszzz, get realzz and shizzz!

Go'zz 'canezzz


Sota! Back away from the vodka - LOL - drinking and blogging is probably some kind of NCAA violation

TLuv - feel better


Thanks CGNC!


rounding third and heading for home!

this high school football game article was a nice idea.

I was Zip lining at the US National Whitewater Center, Charlotte today.
almost 1/4 mile zip trip

What cool, fantastic, inexpensive place to spend a day!

We are going back in October to hit the all day whitewater rafting and kayaking on the Olympic training courses.



When you got a full belly, a full diaper, it's your Birtday, and your Granpa is there to spend it with you, life is good.



Solar, I haven't been there but Heather went there for a senior class field trip - she loved it. Let me know when you go in October, maybe I can meet you there. I think you can kayak the Catawba River from there, not sure


I say the NC2A should give us R. Williams since we've been so good with the investigation.


I was talking to my father-in-law who is a Florida fan about the Miami situation...and I was thinking..how is over 30 arrest in a few years NOT considered "lack of institutional control" lol

dj moonbat

The Brent Musburger Drinking Game

Posted by: AlpharettaCane | August 28, 2011 at 04:05 PM

God, back in my heavy drinking days I would've killed to go to a football watching party that played that game.


how is over 30 arrest in a few years NOT considered "lack of institutional control" lol
Posted by: UMike | August 28, 2011 at 11:02 PM

$64,000 question that's yet to be answered


86 - ha, you gotta take that up with the Bucs and my boss

Not like I wasn't working from 12pm-12:30am straight ... had about 1 hour for lunch & that's it ... the rest of the time? Unloading/loading the satellite truck bottom racks where the cameras are, putting the big boxes they're in onto rolling carts - weighed no less than 300 lbs. - and rolling them to either endzone to be lifted up to be placed in their little cubby hole where the cameras then had to be built ... same had to be done with the upper cameras and high endzone camera, except at least the carts got to go into the elevator for the uppers

At least those guys get to stand behind a camera the entire time. I gotta put that handheld camera on my shoulder, 35 lbs, have the cable tied off to my belt, have 2 cable handlers behind me the entire time, following me wherever I go from endzone to endzone. The most I put that camera down off my shoulder the entire game is probably 5 minutes total? and that includes halftime

If you did get a field pass from us, then you'd be working your ass off the entire game

I'd have you pulling cable, haha

The girl we had pulling long cable for me, she passed out during the 1st Quarter. Eyes rolled up into her head, knees buckled and she fell right onto her shoulder - had to be carted off. Dehydrated and dizzy as hell

Old Skool I'm sure can tell you as well about shooting NFL football games when you're the host station

Only guys that have it easy physically are all the people sitting in the satellite truck, where it's a cool 70 degrees

Now, if you want to take my place when we head up to DC this Thursday for the final pre-season game, it's all good. I dunno how good you are at shooting field eye level handheld camera the entire game, but if you're down to do it, I'll hook you up with my boss, haha

Then again, you might get in one of the rental cars we have up there waiting for us and go watch the Lingerie Bowl instead ... don't lie


Here's a pic I took with my cell phone when we were setting up the high rooftop bumpshot camera


It's on a small walkway, just across from the top level of the stands of the south west endzone

When it's breezy up there, you really feel it


Longtime national recruiting analyst Tom Lemming said by “locking in the positives.’’

"The first thing Miami has to do is give Golden an extension to his contract — guarantee him like five, six, seven years, which could help him and help the school weather the storm,’’ Lemming said. “The recruits all have faith in him. You talk to recruits, they all love the guy. Coaches have already embraced him in Dade and Broward County, which is remarkable since many did like Randy [Shannon] too.

Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/08/28/2379575/newcomers-key-to-weather-storm.html#ixzz1WPD5ebR9



know thy enemy:





A lot of young guys will be playing in the game vs. Maryland...Chickillo, Dorsett, Perryman.....says Golden


Joe: Do you expect any word from the NCAA soon?
golden "We expect in the next 48 hours we hear something"


Golden also says Spencer Whipple has gotten more work of late. And he says NCAA has not told school of any clearings.


Solar that baby is adorable! :)

Just reading not blogging but that cute face required a compliment!

Have a great day!

PS Fran get better and remember I am not that far if you need anything.
Mary Lou hang in there!
TLuv - EmergenC and green tea!


Is anyone else worried about Figs starting at tackle?


Then again, you might get in one of the rental cars we have up there waiting for us and go watch the Lingerie Bowl instead ... don't lie.

Posted by: Six | August 29, 2011 at 12:50 AM

I've got season tix to the Lingerie League already so I'm good there. LOL


Is anyone else worried about Figs starting at tackle?

Posted by: UMike | August 29, 2011 at 08:52 AM

Worry is like a rocking chair.

Keeps U busy, but gets U nowhere.

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