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August 05, 2011





I got my room booked at the Hampton Inn for three nights for the OSU game. GREAT DEAL! With the Canespace code saved about $70. When splitting it, it only costs each of us $75.

Posted by: UMike | August 05, 2011 at 04:39 PM

That's they way, uh huh-uh huh, I like it!

A FREE Canespace shirt for U!


So close......


cant believe i got in for a first! gota say i love to here about how golden is taking steps to build the team unity. its a powerful thing to look to your left and right and feel that you are surrounded by your brothers rather than just a bunch of guys when the chips are down and the game is tight!


Jon Beason


Dam..Andre Johnson lol


Damn! Thought I'd be #1!

dj moonbat

cant believe i got in for a first! gota say i love to here about how golden is taking steps to build the team unity. its a powerful thing to look to your left and right and feel that you are surrounded by your brothers rather than just a bunch of guys when the chips are down and the game is tight!

Posted by: fmcane | August 05, 2011 at 05:20 PM

The trick to being first is to stay awake all day, and refresh the page every 5 seconds. That's how I got MY T-shirt. Oh, wait: I've still got no T-shirt.

Anyway, eternal vigilance.


It's almost 6:00 PM and STILL to damn hot to mow my yard......


dj, this is my second one and i have been following the blog daily since before the space on the sentinel during the omar days of the legion. this is certainly the best spot on the net for hurricane coverage, lively discussion and comradery. the space is a special place!


OGV I don't care if they pick on him but be consistent.....he is not the only guy on this team stinking it up!

And if Golden has the Golden touch with every other player, why not with Jacory?

I am not impressed with Jacory or Morris! Not impressed with a lot of these guys!


raise..here in Chattanooga...we mow around 8:30 or 9 lol..were very close to the time zone change, so it gets dark late


What is the deal with these NCAA Clearing House issues? Does that prevent a player from playing at a certain school, or getting in school etc?

dj moonbat

dj, this is my second one and i have been following the blog daily since before the space on the sentinel during the omar days of the legion. this is certainly the best spot on the net for hurricane coverage, lively discussion and comradery. the space is a special place!

Posted by: fmcane | August 05, 2011 at 05:54 PM

OK, SOUP, you're just embarrassing yourself now.

Oh, wait: there really IS an "fmcane." My bad.

orange 'n green in the vein

UMike, the clearing house basically examines all the credits a student athlete has on his or her transcript from high school or their JC and then certifies that they meet the requirements for the NCAA to consider them to be valid. If Johnny 5* takes a BS course in high school to keep his grade point average up and the Clearinghouse calls him on it he can be demoted to partial qualifier status and be declared academically ineligible for competition. If you're waiting on the Clearinghouse to decide it means they saw something on your transcript they want double checked for academic validity basically.


Golden said QB Ryan Williams, a transfer from Memphis who attended Miramar High, has applied for a family hardship waiver from the NCAA that would allow him to play this season instead of sitting out a year. Golden wouldn’t say more about the matter except that right now Williams is “not eligible until further notice.”

If he is granted the waiver my win/loss estimation will significantly change.

10-2 if Ryan Williams plays this year!


Do not ask my why just go to Youtube and check out the highlights dude is lightyears ahead of stick man and the boy with the green thumb.


The trick to being first is to stay awake all day, and refresh the page every 5 seconds. That's how I got MY T-shirt. Oh, wait: I've still got no T-shirt.

Anyway, eternal vigilance.

Posted by: dj moonbat | August 05, 2011 at 05:36 PM

Moonbat...you have been on Canespace too long without a FIRST. Just go ahead and break down, send me your mailing addy and shirt size to:

[email protected]

And I will hook U up!


Thanks ogv


anyone watch the Temple vs. Army game last night???

dj moonbat

86, I forgot to send my shirt size. Large, baby.


Soup check email
article and photos are enclosed


CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — North Carolina chancellor Holden Thorp says he regrets breaking NCAA rules by discussing a scholarship offer from fired football coach Butch Davis to Davis' son.

Thorp told The News & Observer of Raleigh and The Charlotte Observer he was disappointed the coach offered Drew Davis a scholarship without consulting Thorp or athletic director Dick Baddour. Drew Davis is a senior quarterback at East Chapel Hill High School.

North Carolina chancellor Holden Thorp says he regrets breaking NCAA rules by discussing a scholarship offer from fired football coach Butch Davis to Davis' son.

dj moonbat

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — North Carolina chancellor Holden Thorp says he regrets breaking NCAA rules by discussing a scholarship offer from fired football coach Butch Davis to Davis' son.

Posted by: Montreal-Cane | August 05, 2011 at 10:24 PM

I regret lots of things. None of those regrets come with NCAA violations. Just sayin, is all.


Marshall Faulk & Deion Saners agree WR Andre Johnson is the best receiver in the NFL. Also best pure athlete.


try some of this

madden12 ray lewis entrance



Jim Morris
Great seeing former CANES Gaby Sanchez and Jon Jay play at Dolfin Stadium tonight. We need some more guys like them.


DE visiting Miami this weekend
juniore hi lites


(papa cane)


might have been posted

pre camp presser vid clip



Jimbo Fischer knelt on the cold stone floor within the catacombs that served as the athletic department of the Florida State Seminoles. He had been waiting for several minutes for the transmission he had been informed was to come, a message from his master. As he waited, he reflected on the sudden turn of events in recents months. What should have been a victory lap for the Collective had become a rout, with ally after ally meeting unexpected and unfair fates. Key pillars like Jim Tressel, ousted from Ohio State after gripping much of the Midwest in a state of fear and terror. Or Urban Meyer, who had fled the land of noodling and jorts for the sterile confines of ESPN.

Finally the holographic projector came to life. A spectral image loomed before him. Yellow eyes glared at him, seeming to burn through him. He kneeled even further, avoiding the sinister gaze.

"What is thy bidding, my master?" asked Fischer. Of course, this was not his former master. But having turned his back o n his mentor Coach Bowden, he had embarked on a new path and embraced the teachings of the figure before him.

"There is a grave disturbance in the BCS," replied the holographic image. "The young coach who restored the Temple football program, I believe this to be the one who has inherited the Jimmy Johnson Matrix of Leadership and will restore the Miami Hurricanes."

Fischer gulped. He had hoped that the reports and rumors coming out of the Miami Herald and Canespace could be dampened, somehow withheld. But there was no denying it. Still, he had to try.

"He's just a boy," tried Jimbo, "Art Kehoe can't help him that much!"

"He could destroy us," said the holograph. "Al Golden must not be allowed to become a BCS caliber coach."

Jimbo shivered. By all accounts the Canes were well on their way. Team unity had been stressed, and a talented roster was in the best shape of their careers. Still, there was one chance....

"If he could be turned, he could become a powerful ally. Coach Paterno is due to retire soon. We must use our powers to push him to replace Joe."

"Yes," grinned the figure with sharpened teeth. "Yes...he could be a great asset. Can it be done?"

"He will join us or...."

"Spare me. If you fail, I'll use my powers personally at the next BCS Title Game. Leave my presence."

"As you wish, Lord Porter," gasped Fischer.




Started my new job today guys as a legal assistant for an immigration law firm.

Posted by: UpNorthCane | August 05, 2011 at 09:36 AM


Congrats UpNorthCane


I'd like to know who these "experts" are that canechic referred to who said that the Canes will win a NChamp this year under Golden

Again, everything is going completely right in this off-season. Team unity, team bonding - even if it means puking in unity after the conditioning. Head Coach sending motivational texts ... Head Coach sending practical joke emails to all the players ... bringing in past Canes to speak to the players (past Cane players and coaches) ... bringing in past Canes to help coach camps (still love seeing my #2 favorite Cane LB of all-time, Rohan Marley out there) ... it's all good

The one thing that needs to take place? How it translates onto the field

We'll see what happens

Would you bet against this team doing better than 7-6 like last year? That is without all the players they had that left from last year either to the NFL or that graduated?

I think they do better, at least 2 wins better


It is show me time! Golden Rules!




Not impressed with a lot of these guys!

Posted by: canechic | August 05, 2011 at 06:02 PM



Canechic...U are smart enough to know that on ANY football team at ANY level, the head coach and the QB ALWAYS get the spotlight, good or bad.

IF the team wins everyone heaps PRAISE on them.

IF the team loses everyone heaps BLAME on them.

That's just the way it is in football, the way it always has been, and the way it always will be. Get used to it and get over it!


Like I tell my kids just cuz everyone does and always have, does not make it right! :)

At the beach and nothing can ruin my mood!!!!!

Have a great day spacers!

Six I think most of these "experts" are full of crap hence the quotes.

I like Golden, love the canes but this will take time and quite frankly I don't think either of the qbs on this team are all that!


I think everyone should pick their Legends Of the Fall pretty quick.

If you wait till the third or fourth game of the season to "predict" which player will show the most surprising amount of talent this year, whats the challenge?

Picking Sean Spence Ray Ray Lamar or three year starters is also lame.

solarcane LOF

D Gionni Paul,
alternate if GP injured, Anthony Chickillo

O Phillip Dorset
alternate if PD injured, Stephen Morris


S Morris this morning



Mean Streets this morning



Clements this morning



Shane Mac this morning



Jake this morning



Futch this morning



Tim Reynolds
Golden roams everywhere, always correcting, always teaching, quick points, moves on. Total control of the operation.


Tim Reynolds
Fisch: High energy. Kehoe: O-lineman energy. D'Onofrio: Calming sort. And on and on ... everyone on staff brings different perspective.


Tim Reynolds
Now for the QBs: Jacory Harris seems to have more zip than last year, sign he's healthier and stronger. Stephen Morris also looks refined.


105 players in camp right now


Black jerseys so far this AM

Golden's coveted black jerseys are on Forston, Spence, Buchanan & Gaines(!)

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