The widely accepted old wise saying is: "Where there is smoke, there is fire."
In the case currently being made against the University of Miami by the NCAA for alleged rule violations Hurricane fans are wondering if this saying really holds true.
To be fair there does appear to be a lot of "smoke" that has been floating around the UM Athletic Department in the last few days based on the statements and supporting details brought forth by former Hurricane booster Nevin Shapiro.
The smoke coming from Shapiro that has been released by Yahoo Sports as part of their investigation implies that it is possible that some violations may have occurred over time and involving several UM student-athletes. Shapiro had access and he had the means and the motives to commit the violations that were alleged to have taken place.
Still, several questions remain: What actual corroborating evidence or witnesses exists? What allegations can factually be proven? How much of this is based on former versus current players at "The U" and how much does that really matter anyway? What if anything did the UM coaches or AD staff know about the alleged violations?
Yet, maybe most importantly of all is this gnawing question: Can Shapiro, a scam artist who is currently serving time in a federal prison as a convicted felon for his role in orchestrating a massive ponzi scheme that netted over $900 Million from unsuspecting investors, be trusted as a valid source of information and can he be believed as a reliable witness by the NCAA?
After spending the last few days with smoke in their eyes Miami Hurricane fans are starting to wipe away the tears caused by the big, burning piles of trash dumped on their front lawns by Shapiro and are beginning to see him for who he is and his allegations a little more clearly now.
The proverbial smoke is clearing ever so slowly as more details are revealed about the man, the allegations and what many are now saying seem to be some glaring inaccuracies that appear to exist in many of his statements.
These issues and apparent factual errors raise serious doubts surrounding the who, when, where and even what NCAA rule violations may have occurred recently or a few years ago if they ever happened at all.
In fact, at a handful of universities where some former UM players have transferred and even some high school recruits who were alleged to have been involved on the name dropping list issued by Yahoo according to information from Shapiro, several players have already been cleared by the NCAA to play this season in spite of their connections to Shapiro.
There is no doubt that there has been a thick cloud of smoke hovering in a low, menacing manner just above the Hecht Athletic Center in Coral Gables the past few days.
But the question that still remains is: "Has anyone seen the fire yet?"
Again I will repeat that many of those receipts that are shown do not equal up to what he claims. I also know for a fact that 3 of those pictures he put out there are not fact based. Last note, theres about 200 media outlets sitting around waiting for any little gossip. Cameras are everywhere peeps
Posted by: BMAT | August 18, 2011 at 05:37 PM
Post here, post often!
Posted by: SOUP | August 18, 2011 at 05:59 PM
360 we are on the same side the NCAA needs to change. I just can't be a Mom, a mentor of kids and excuse this behavior. I know kids party, I know they want to have fun but their behavior not only will penalize themselves but also the entire team,the students, the alumni and the school. So it better be worth it.
I am okay with playing the adult and even though adults are not always popular with kids, we are a bit wiser. It is up to us adults to make sure we make strong and stable young adults. Like I tell my kids I am your Mom not your friend. You can hate me all you want right now but when you get a few years older I promise you will like me again. ;)
Posted by: canechic | August 18, 2011 at 05:57 PM
Posted by: canechic | August 18, 2011 at 06:01 PM
NEMO's in the house.
Posted by: 2002nemo | August 18, 2011 at 06:04 PM
Posted by: Willie Will in Nashville | August 18, 2011 at 06:06 PM
Soup are you concerned with the email Eichorst sent out today? Sounds to me like they know something happened just waiting for the consequences.
I don't know this is concerning to me. Public Relations 101: Get out ahead of the story. Donna knew this was coming, she knew what the media would do and yet she choose to let Yahoo break out first. I don't think she needed to deny or admit but get out in front of it. Don't be the follower....JMO.
Posted by: canechic | August 18, 2011 at 06:07 PM
top 5, dam thats the closet i have ever been to being first and i've been here since the day one :(
Posted by: Willie Will in Nashville | August 18, 2011 at 06:08 PM
cc it does bother me that he came out and made that statement. but idk how all the other players from other schools are being cleared and our players haven't been cleared yet?
Posted by: Willie Will in Nashville | August 18, 2011 at 06:15 PM
Take a step back, take a deep breath and consider this:
1. The NCAA is still investigating, and only they know what evidence they have and what evidence, if any, they have been able to corroborate using a much different standard than that used by a journalist - we all know that journalists by nature slant their stories for the sake of sensationalism and to promote their own agendas. I have read every article I could find on the story around the country, I stayed home from work today and listened to the local radio stations, and I taped all of the ESPN shows and just finished watching them a few minutes ago. After my search for answers I find that I am appalled by the lack of journalistic integrity and the pure hatred for the University of Miami being displayed by the media. It is one thing to give an opinion, but when your opinion is based on incorrect facts and full of bias, it turns into an indictment and a rush to judgment rather than an opinion. With few exceptions, the common theme today was that Miami should, and will, get the death penalty, with many calling for the death penalty to be implemented immediately! Yes, that's right, forget the rules of law and the presumption of innocence, it does not apply to the NCAA, and apparently the pundits on TV and radio have all the facts they need to find Miami guilty and kill the program - after all they read an article and that's more than enough to convict Miami. I'll just touch on a few of the incorrect assumptions these righteous media people spoke about today and considered in rushing to judgment against Miami:
a. At least 5 people said that Paul Dee was still the head of the NCAA infractions committee and should recuse himself - the problem with that is that he is no longer in that
position, but let's not spoil a good story with the facts;
b. With a few exceptions, they all referred to the Luther Campbell pay-for-hits scandal, and the taking players to clubs, etc... as Miami's first violation of NCAA rules and that
this incident now is just continuation of the Uncle Luke era and thus falls under the repeat offender category thus exposing Miami to the death penalty - This is wrong on so
many levels that I could write for another 2 pages, but suffice to say that Miami was never, I repeat, never penalized or even charged with any violations stemming from
Uncle Luke's actions, Miami was put on probation for the Pell Grants incidents, not the shenanigans with Uncle Luke. There is also a 5 year time-frame from violation to
violation that they conveniently ignored.
c. I heard that idiot Sid on WQAM, who claimed to be 100% sure that Jacory is guilty, and that he is sure the players took the money... really Sid? Then
perhaps you should be talking to the NCAA investigators since you seem to have evidence and information that the rest of the world, except for for you and Mr. Scumbag
stool pigeon rotting away in a New Jersey jail, do not. I wonder if you were invited to his Bar Mitzvah? Of course, nobody in their right mind would consider Sid Rosenberg to
be journalist, so enough said about that moron, who unfortunately for us alumni attended UM. This theme of absolute certainty that everyone named is guilty was common
in the so-called media today.
After watching ESPN cover UM's story all day I realized that it was Mardi Gras in Bristol Connecticut today.
I could go on, but I wont because this is not the proper forum. Suffice it to say that the Miami haters were out in full force today and rejoiced in fanning the flames and calling on the masses to pick up their pitchforks and come down to Miami for the lynching ceremony! Miami was tried and convicted today in the media and the only evidence before them was one article posted on a webpage - this is what we've come to in America today. With the access to instant information and the instant gratification mentality of our citizens, it is no surprise that a convicted felon who is serving 20 years in prison for lying to people and stealing their money can accuse an entire university of egregious acts and violations, and a journalist can write a mostly one-sided article which results in a conviction and sentencing of an entire university, and over 80 people, without ever hearing the other side of the story. Everyone has already taken the allegations at face value and decided, without any other proof but what was written in that article, that everything is true and Miami is guilty. That is just sad.
We all know that if this were a criminal investigation, any prosecutor worth his or her salt would not bring any charges based on the evidence made public thus far. First of all, the credibility of the person making the allegations is highly questionable and any good defense attorney would destroy this midget in court. Second, the so-called corroboration made by this writer and upon which the haters are relying consists almost entirely of pictures of players with this moron, and then the lying piece of shit attesting as to what happened when those pictures were taken, e.g.,
Example of corroboration conversation:
DIRTBAG: yeah, I was with these two players who appear with me here in the picture at the club,.....
WRITER: okay, so?
DIRTBAG: Well, I gave them money and hookers when we were there....
DIRTBAG: Yeah! I gave them cash and they had sex with some hookers....
WRITER: okay, that's good enough for me, its corroborated!!! Next picture please....
And so it went.... after all, the players were in the picture. It does not matter that a liar is giving you the date that the picture was taken and where.... so what if all you have is the statement of a convicted felon and proven pathological liar with a vendetta? If he says it happened that way and on that date, and if I have a credit card receipt showing that the scumbag was there, then what he says he did with those players must be true and is therefore corroborated. Where there any pictures with hookers? Where there any hookers who corroborated the stories? Let's continue....
Lets ignore that there is no paper trail for the cash money, no paper trail for the hookers (whom I assume were paid in cash... I don't know too may hookers who take American Express), and also ignore the fact that there is no other evidence but the statements of a proven and admitted liar. Of course, there was his ex-girlfriend who says she saw him give a player money, but I would want to put a lineup in front of her and have her identify the UM player.... that is corroboration, but I doubt this writer did that. This same corroboration issue goes to every picture taken (over 1,000), all that I can see is that a picture was taken and a story given for each picture by a liar... that's the extent of the corroboration, at least as reported.
Keep in mind that this guy also took pictures with our United States Attorney General Eric Holder and the Chief of Police of the City of Miami Beach, among other politicians and famous people... so I guess the Attorney General of the United States should also be questioned as to why he did not know that this guy was a Ponzi Schemer and stealing millions of dollars from innocent people, right? Where was the institutional control on the part of the United States' top law enforcement officer, Mr. Holder? Does the lack of institutional control go all the way up to Mayor of Miami Beach and to the United States Government - Can President Obama be found to have failed to monitor his Attorney General????? But I digress......
Seriously, what other evidence was presented in the article? Bank statements and cancelled checks for restaurants, strip clubs, clubs, hotels? Do any of those statements or receipts have the names of the players allegedly involved? I think not.... so again the corroboration comes from a proven liar and other "unnamed sources"... don't you love it when writers quote "unnamed sources".... who are these unnamed sources and unnamed ex-players? Are they going to talk to the NCAA? Inquiring minds want to know? This guy "unnamed source" is quoted in every major scandal, he sure knows a lot about a lot of things. So let me get this straight... up to now, we have one named player "Moss" who claims he took $1,000 from this scumbag over 5 years ago...... everything else is coming from the mouth of a liar with a vendetta.... backed up by unnamed sources, unnamed ex-players and pictures and receipts of money spent by whom.... the liar who is accusing.... and this was corroborated mostly by whom? The same liar.... WTF? Yes, I can see now how the media gave Miami the Death Penalty today.
The last time I checked, it is not illegal to donate money to a university and I can assure you that when this weasel made those donations he gave checks from a legitimate company; therefore, nobody could have imagined that he was running a ponzi scheme at the time - just look at how many donations were made by Madoff and Rothstein, the two most notorious Ponzi Schemers in recent history. Heck, Google "Claudio Osorio" President of Innovida - he is a guy who lives in Miami Beach and had another Ponzi Scheme going were he stole money from Alonzo Mourning, and many other basketball players and prominent business people, including but not limited to, Kris Korge, a Lobbist for the Democratic Party and President Clinton's close friend.. he was also Hillary Clinton's largest fund raiser during her run for President. If you go on his company's webpage (Innovida) you will find pictures of this Ponzi Schemer (who also stole over 282 million dollars from some people in Switzerland) and you will see a video of President Clinton in his house on Star Island for a fundraiser - even Obama and Michele have many pictures with this guy who is facing criminal charges here and in Europe as we speak.....the reason I bring this up is to show that Shalala was just doing what everyone does in her position, i.e., raise money for the University, and since at time this dirt-bag had a legitimate business, everyone in Shalala's position would have taken his money; but since it's Miami then let's show her taking a $50,000 check at a bowling event.... give me a break.... that is just yellow journalism and takes away from the credibility of the article. There is not one shred of evidence that anyone at the University of Miami knew that this guy was a crook at the time he was around and giving donations. Shalala even had her friend Coach Alvarez from Wisconsin invest in Shapiro's company, it is clear that she thought he was a legitimate businessman. All of the evidence at the time points to the fact that he was a legitimate businessman, and even the Attorney General of the United States and the Miami Beach Chief of Police did not know ... where was the IRS, the FBI, the local law enforcement on this one:? Oh, wait, they were partying with him on South Beach....
The allegations against the coaches are just as questionable - did you find any evidence, other than the statements of a convicted and proven liar to show that any of those allegations were true from reading that article? Okay, so again the writer says he corroborated the stories, but how? I guess he found an email or two from the coaches, perhaps a text message; so in his mind, since the coaches were communicating with this scumbag then his story about giving thousands of dollars to recruits and coaches must be true. This would not even be allowed to be introduced in a criminal trial; but it makes for a great story when you implicate the coaches. So let's see, the extent of the corroboration was as follows: you told me you gave this coach or recruit money, and this coach was talking to you at the time; so the pieces fit and therefore it's corroborated and must be true. Forget about the fact that the alleged payments were made in cash, and forget that all of the bank statements and credit receipts in the world can't prove that you gave the cash.... forget that without another witness to the transaction all you are left with is exactly what you started with,i.e, the word of a convicted felon with a vendetta who is trying to write a book and make money, and who was blackmailing players prior to coming out with this sensational story. Great job of corroborating..... this must all be true since you corroborated it.
Then there is the most sensational story of all, the abortion he paid for a hooker - here are the facts as presented in the article: he took an unnamed player to the Pink Pony (a nice strip club in Doral), and paid a dancer to have sex with the player..... a few months later the dancer calls him (I wonder how she got his number or even knew who he was) and tells him that she is pregnant and that the football player is the father....STOP... HOLD ON A MINUTE... for this to be true the following must have occurred: a UM player and dancer meet at a strip club, have unprotected sex, and then the hooker (whose probably had sex with 100 other guys since that encounter) claims that the UM football player is the "Baby Daddy". Again, there was no paternity test done, the baby was allegedly aborted though no records were presented from a doctor or abortion clinic of this having taken place, the hooker is not named, the player is not named, and yet the story is told. Forget about the fact that someone would have had unprotected sex with a hooker (something that just does not happen these days, heck the hookers today all bring their own condoms), and that without any DNA test or records of the abortion having taken place all you have is once again the word of a convicted felon who has lied his way through life... a true con-artist). Yet the media has already found that the UM player is the father....and worse yet, he never told the player about it.... nice guy! And nice job of reporting there slick. This requires a complete suspension of disbelief.
Listen, I'm not going to be a homer and say that everything that this guy said is a lie - All I'm saying is that everyone, including the lynch-mob media, should wait until the NCAA completes their investigation and see what charges are presented. Just today we learned that many of the kids mentioned in the article, e.g., Marve, the Browns, etc... have already been cleared by the NCAA of any wrongdoing regarding their associations with this jerk; so let's wait until all of the real evidence is in before rushing to judgment. As much as the media wants to see Miami get the death penalty, the facts made available to the public to date do not warrant such a harsh penalty. I'm sure that the NCAA will need more corroboration than just a picture and/or a credit card receipt, coupled with a tall tale from a proven pathological liar. I'm going to borrow a line from from Jack Nicholson in the movie.. "Please tell me you have something more...... This university is on trial for their lives. Please tell me that you have not pinned the hopes of a convicted felon and pathological liar to a credit card bill..." Okay, so I took the liberty of changing some of the words around... sorry for that.
In the end, my point is that Shapiro was such a good Con Man that he conned many smart business people and convinced them to invest almost a billion dollars in his scheme..... perhaps he even conned a Yahoo Reporter and a national media lynch mob.
Posted by: alf | August 18, 2011 at 04:47 PM
From the same guy....
In this regard, I know for a fact that there is a car dealer in Miami who got cars for Shapiro for years, and he went on a radio show yesterday and stated that Shapiro wanted to get a car for Jacory and also give him some money through this... car dealership, and that when it was offered to Jacory he flat out refused it. I hope the NCAA is talking to this car dealer - I'm currently trying to get in touch with his attorney to get him to come forward on the record, and I'm also sending the name to the NCAA for them to talk to him... if he talks to the NCAA it will clearly show that Jacory was not on the take, and will go a long way to mitigate the false accusations of that scumbag Shapiro.
Ray Ray Armstrong's dad was interviewed by the herald and told the herald that he or his mother went on every recruiting visit with ray ray and they never saw the scum bag
Posted by: alf | August 18, 2011 at 04:48 PM
Some more info.
Shannon hated shapiro and threathened all his palyers and coaches if they made contact with him they would be fired/kicked off the team.
Shapiro hated shannon for this reason.
If spence and forston knew that this was coming when shapiro first made the allegations. And it was true, they wouldve declared for the draft
Posted by: alf | August 18, 2011 at 04:52 PM
NCAA has been investigating this for 5-6 months and nothing has been said. But he comes out with this bs story on yahoo, just to get money. SCAM
Posted by: alf | August 18, 2011 at 04:54 PM
Posted by: alf | August 18, 2011 at 06:17 PM
Posted by: VA Cane | August 18, 2011 at 06:17 PM
Because with them it may have been one time but i am reading all around, many, many text message with the NW kids. And constant contact with Forston and Harris.
Just going to have to wait this one out.
Posted by: canechic | August 18, 2011 at 06:17 PM
I feel bad for Coach Golden and for the players who will suffer in the future. It seems like the program was certainly moving in a positive direction, especially recruiting. I wonder if someone knew this was coming which had an impact in the decision to have the team stay together at the hotel for camp.
Posted by: NY Trooper | August 18, 2011 at 06:24 PM
Technically, there is no more "death penalty" per se, or so we're told. (Of course, for MIAMI an exception is ALWAYS possible). Regardless, the NCAA could effectively sentence UM to a "slow death" penalty by imposing harsh sanctions for the Shapiro-gate caper: immediate multi-player suspensions, multi-year reductions in scholies, no bowl games for several years, etc. Top recruits and their parents will shy away from Miami like the plague.
As bad as we've been in the ACC to date - it will only get worse - for a long, long time - if we get hit hard by the NCAA, which is quite likely.
Attendance at "whatever its called this year" Stadium will drop like a rock.
Much like a murderer languishing in prison with a life sentence (because the death penaty was abolished in his state or not imposed in his case), Miami's football program is also facing a "slow death" sentence, even if the NCAA "death penlty" is formally abolished or not imposed in this case.
Posted by: 2002nemo | August 18, 2011 at 06:35 PM
Strippers? Hookers? Money? Yachts? MIAMI?
Who knew?
Posted by: 2002nemo | August 18, 2011 at 06:38 PM
calm down and take about 3 chill pills
Posted by: Willie Will in Nashville | August 18, 2011 at 06:57 PM
Another Great Read.. Guy is a SCAM artist
Posted by: alf | August 18, 2011 at 07:03 PM
I told U guys jus chill and stay positive. This thing is getting aired out now.
Posted by: elliott | August 18, 2011 at 07:07 PM
Soup are you concerned with the email Eichorst sent out today? Sounds to me like they know something happened just waiting for the consequences.
CC-What is this email you speak of?
Posted by: TLuv | August 18, 2011 at 07:15 PM
Statement from Shawn Eichorst, Director of Athletics:
When I accepted the position of Director of Athletics at Miami in April, I not only embraced a new opportunity, but also a new family; a family of Hurricane students, coaches, staff, alumni, faculty and supporters. I know our family is hurting right now and that is what has made the past few days so difficult, upsetting and disappointing for me, as I am sure it has been for many proud Canes.
But these are not times for pity and reflection. All of my efforts and energy are committed to ensuring the integrity of the NCAA investigation, demanding the full cooperation of our employees and student-athletes and providing unwavering support to our more than 400 plus student-athletes and more than 150 coaches and staff. Along with our passionate and devoted supporters, they are the true essence of Miami athletics.
There are tough times ahead, challenges to overcome and serious decisions to be made, but we will be left standing and we will be stronger as a result. I understand there are unanswered questions, concerns and frustration by many but this Athletic Department will be defined now and in the future, by our core values, our integrity and our commitment to excellence, and by nothing else. The University of Miami, as an institution of higher learning, is a leader in exploration, achievement and excellence and we will work hard to do our part to live up to that standard.
In my introductory press conference back in April, I asked the community for their unconditional support in our efforts to achieve the goal of excellence. Now, the community, the coaches, the student-athletes and the University have my unconditional support as we move towards a better day. And there will be a better day.
Posted by: canechic | August 18, 2011 at 07:36 PM
What up space. Its probably been a year or two since I have come here. Alot going on. How is everyone and is the old crew still here Solar,esteban,calvin,truth,bg1906, etc
Posted by: jimmy | August 18, 2011 at 07:46 PM
I love the comment and article posted by Willie Will~!
Truth is not easily manufactured, and much if not all of this will go away.
I wonder if ESPN and Urban Meyer will apologize when we are vindicated? Probably NOT.
There are many in the Media who make Hating CANES a life's work.
Where is Bruce Feldman on this. He's a CANE and ought to come to our defense.
Posted by: TWStone | August 18, 2011 at 07:50 PM
Sounds like a lawyer wrote that. I didn't get a sense of foreshadowing other than tough times ahead. Clearly we're going to have penalties. Just a question of severity.
Posted by: TLuv | August 18, 2011 at 07:50 PM
Sorry the post that I found very worthy was posted by ALF!
Posted by: TWStone | August 18, 2011 at 07:55 PM
Why can't the U bring suit for the way ESPN implies that our current coaches were involved, by never saying former Coaches?
Why can't we sue this so-called journalist for his apparent smear and lack of real evidence.
Funny how the names of 10 starters are on the list. Perhaps Ohio State paid for this guy to do a smear job.
Posted by: TWStone | August 18, 2011 at 07:58 PM
What the AD said was 100% correct in the fact that tough decisions will have to be made. Miami has been and always will be about family. Now comes the time where family members are being questioned. Miami faces the decision of possibly not allowing some to come back to campus. Miami will have to look alot harder as to what types have access to the program. So what the AD said was on point. Nobody is going to come out and say everything is great with no worries. Miami has everyone open for the NCAA to talk to and are not hiding or trying to protect anyone here.
Posted by: BMAT | August 18, 2011 at 08:03 PM
All Canes fan need to read this:
Posted by: MassivCane | August 18, 2011 at 08:07 PM
top 5, dam thats the closet i have ever been to being first and i've been here since the day one :(
Posted by: Willie Will in Nashville | August 18, 2011 at 06:08 PM me at: [email protected].
I gotchU bruh.
Posted by: SOUP | August 18, 2011 at 08:15 PM
"There are tough times ahead, challenges to overcome . . ."
Translation: "I've seen the evidence; we're screwed".
Posted by: 2002nemo | August 18, 2011 at 08:16 PM
Here's a link to all the accusations for each player. I'm sure this has been posted but thought I would put it up anyway. All the names are on the right. Forston 45 calls or text messages.;_ylt=Aqw5CcA4tk8pswFpYX3ngUlRMuB_?slug=ys-marcus_forston_allegations
If I'm any of these players I deny and make them prove it with something more than a proven liar's word.
Posted by: TLuv | August 18, 2011 at 08:20 PM
Massivcane......thanks for posting that...I was just gonnna post that same thing....everyone should read that
Posted by: DrewZ2 | August 18, 2011 at 08:22 PM
"There are tough times ahead, challenges to overcome . . ."
Translation: "I've seen the evidence; we're screwed".
Posted by: 2002nemo | August 18, 2011 at 08:16 PM
My thoughts exactly!!!!!
Posted by: canechic | August 18, 2011 at 08:23 PM
TLuv just depends what the NCAA has as evidence, yahoo guy says they have much more than even he had.
Posted by: canechic | August 18, 2011 at 08:24 PM
TLuv, they do know something happened. A few ex-players have admitted it. Now we wait and see if coaches and/or current players are guilty as well
Posted by: Ohio_Cane | August 18, 2011 at 08:24 PM
"There are tough times ahead, challenges to overcome . . ."
Translation: "I've seen the evidence; we're screwed".
Posted by: 2002nemo | August 18, 2011 at 08:16 PM
Yes that could be a translation. Another could be: "there are still mountains of evidence the NCAA has to go through and there might not be penalties any time soon. With each game and each win (hopefully) there will be more scrutiny.
Posted by: TLuv | August 18, 2011 at 08:27 PM
1. Soup are you concerned with the email Eichorst sent out today? Sounds to me like they know something happened just waiting for the consequences.
2. Public Relations 101: Get out ahead of the story. Donna knew this was coming, she knew what the media would do and yet she choose to let Yahoo break out first.
Posted by: canechic | August 18, 2011 at 06:07 PM
1. No more concerned than I was before the email. They know, we know, U know, I know that they know that some stuff is gonna hit the fan, and maybe sooner or later. The only question is how much stuff and how soon really? U knew that already.
2. Yes, I agree, get out in front. Unless of course you don't know what is coming up around the bend, which in this case appears to be the case. No way the would not tell Eichorst or Golden IF they knew this was what was headed in their direction.
Unless of course...NAH, NO WAY!
Posted by: SOUP | August 18, 2011 at 08:33 PM
The media coverage on this reminds me of a south park episode. Where they make fun of the media during hurricane katrina.
There is millions dead in a town of ten thousand. There is rape robbery and murder going on. Have you seen any of this? No we are just reporting it.
Posted by: canesfan5 | August 18, 2011 at 08:39 PM
Posted by: alf | August 18, 2011 at 08:40 PM
I actually asked a lady on the shuttle bus to the airport this a.m if she was Heather Dinnich...she looked at me like I had three heads.
All this NCAA stuff is making me crazy....
Posted by: AlpharettaCane | August 18, 2011 at 08:41 PM
My thing is they could have come out a few days ahead of it. That way the media can digest it a bit, slow down the insanity a bit....every good politician knows this. You must stay one step ahead. No need for denial or admission. Just be forthcoming with the fact that the Sh!t is about to hit the fan. If they were blindsided I would understand but they have known this for over a year. PLENTY OF TIME TO PREPARE A STATEMENT!!!!!
Sorry this could have been handled much better.
I see no denial in either statement only preparation for the inevitable.
I do recall your comment about Al's body language and we both thought it was because of bad practice. Yikes can you imagine how he must of felt when the school told him this stuff? To be a fly on the wall!!!
Posted by: canechic | August 18, 2011 at 08:45 PM
Just be forthcoming with the fact that the Sh!t is about to hit the fan. And we have it under control.
Posted by: canechic | August 18, 2011 at 08:49 PM
espn is amazing....they keep calling for UMs head but yet what do they do.....Lets get ratings and put The U movie on tv today get people to watch!!! GOD ESPN is so dirty......amazing how Urban is killing UM, but yet he had over 30 arrest under his watch.....and then nobody on ESPN even talks about how Shaprio said he didnt and couldnt pay for recruits to come to UM because of the money the SEC teams were dishing out. Amazing how ESPN people over look that comment.
Posted by: pbcfrcane13 | August 18, 2011 at 08:52 PM
I see no denial in either statement only preparation for the inevitable.
Posted by: canechic | August 18, 2011 at 08:45 PM
Well, they can't put out a blanket denial, right? 'Cause something shady DID go down, at some point in time. Nobody can realistically deny that.
So, the U can deny those things it knows to be false, and then leave itself open to the inference that everything NOT denied is true. Or, it can do what it's doing, and not confirm or deny the substance of any of the allegations until the NCAA is finished.
Posted by: dj moonbat | August 18, 2011 at 08:53 PM
All Canes fan need to read this:
Posted by: MassivCane | August 18, 2011 at 08:07 PM
Wow that was the best article I have read so far defending UM. MUST READ. ALSO all fans should forward that to as many media outlets that they can. That is not a big website so outside of Miami fans most wont no about it.
Posted by: jimmy | August 18, 2011 at 08:55 PM
The media is so brutal here that you cant go anywhere without them asking something. They are so pathetic that they will send younger peeps to walk around town acting like they belong just hoping to get 411. Its not tough to figure out who is frontin out here. Aint snitches around here I can assure you
Posted by: BMAT | August 18, 2011 at 08:56 PM
I know dj, I know they can't and I know it is a slippery slope. But I don't get a good feeling of any one truly being in charge here. They have let the other side get the upper hand.
Posted by: canechic | August 18, 2011 at 08:57 PM
This does not sound to good:
Posted by: canechic | August 18, 2011 at 09:02 PM
Oh no:
CORAL GABLES, Fla. – The NCAA informed University of Miami administrators it will consider invoking its “willful violators” clause and make an exception to the traditional four-year statute of limitations in the Nevin Shapiro case, a university source told Yahoo! Sports.
See link above.
Posted by: canechic | August 18, 2011 at 09:03 PM
This does not sound to good:
Posted by: canechic | August 18, 2011 at 09:02 PM
Another yahoo claim, backing up their false artcile and infractions
Posted by: alf | August 18, 2011 at 09:06 PM
do not listen to yahoo for this investigation. they just want to back-up their claim
Posted by: alf | August 18, 2011 at 09:08 PM
alf read it!!!
Yahoo guy was on every WQAM show today and he sounds very credible. He did break open the USC story.
Posted by: canechic | August 18, 2011 at 09:08 PM
NCAA president Mark Emmert said that despite the penalty being used only once before in college football – against Southern Methodist University in 1987 – the association isn’t shying away from such a drastic sanction.
“We need to make sure that we’ve got, for the committee on infractions, all the tools they need to create those kinds of deterrents,” Emmert told USA Today. “If that includes the death penalty, I’m fine with that.”
And while the likelihood of the death penalty remains questionable, the possibility of the willful violators clause is not welcome news for an already-embattled athletic department. Miami athletic director Shawn Eichorst released a statement Thursday assuring the school’s commitment to “the integrity of the NCAA investigation” and “demanding the full cooperation of our employees and student-athletes.”
Posted by: canechic | August 18, 2011 at 09:10 PM