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February 04, 2012





Cortez the Killer!


Big Tez

VA Cane

4th go big man you were as great one!!!!


Congratulations Mr.Kennedy. Cane Legend!


melvin bratton


whoops! that would be stanley shakespeare


What do you guys think - http://bit.ly/wzeojS


LinderWQAM Jon Linder
Big win for Missouri. Frank Haith is cashing in after inheriting a really talented team that he had no part in assembling. #truth



Raize - I'm so sorry for your loss. Many prayers headed to U and your family bro. I cannot imagine going thru what U have.


Amen.......sorry I have not been on lately. I found out in early January that my dad had cancer so I have been upset for a while. I am sad to report that he passed away yesterday. If I can pass on anything, please please be sure you to keep your health before anything else.

Posted by: raizecane | February 04, 2012 at 07:25 PM

Sorry to hear about your loss RC, my condolences go out to You and Yours.
And on your health note, I'll take that to heart, I'm trying to kick this pack-a-day cigarette habit.
But again, my condolences to You and Yours...


Raize..our deepest sympathies are with U.

God Bless U.


Best wishes to you and yours raizecane. My condolences for sure. Take care.


My prayers to you and yours Raize.

Old Skool

So is Sapp next?


Deepest sympathies and warmest wishes.


Hey raize, my deepest sympathies on your loss. I cant imagine what your going through be as strong as you can buddy and remember CANESPACE and all of us bloggers are here for you man.


Sorry 4 your loss Raize. The whole Cane Gang wit cha bud.


raise....I can only add our condolences to those above and add I am totally aware of the need for vigilance in ones own health care. I am blessed in the fact my wife rather late in her working life went back to school and got her RN.
Jean & Fran

Old Skool

I'm sorry Raize. If I can add to your health note. Part of keeping your health is being aware of the symptoms and getting them checked out promptly. My father ignored his symptoms and enabled his cancer to progress beyond where it could be reasonably treated.


raizecane, I lost my father to cancer & emphysema as well. So sorry for your loss, my deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family.

The Wizard

Raize, my thoughts are with you today.


Raize prayers go out to your family


My source says we have 3 commits coming

Jermaine Bigcountry Grace

George Williams

Bigsix Thomas

I got more info coming look out for these guys too



BTW Ken Dorsey is announcing something big next week many speculate something related to the U. ...

VA Cane


I lost my Dad in Oct 2010; it was not easy, as my life has been hard since 2008 with very few appraisals,loss of income due to housing crisis, possible loss of my home...but those things are nothing compared to losing my Dad. It has been tough, but it will be ok. I am sorry for your loss and extend my sympathy to your family. May god bless you and yours in your time of need, and you know all the Canespace people are thinking of you.


VA Cane


hassan..are those 2013 kids?


I tried 2 post couple days ago that rapper T.I. was seen on B.E.T's 106 & park sporting a U cap. We need to use things like that 2 our advantage when recruiting. Aside from reaching out 2 former Cane players Golden should start reaching out to other celebrities like D-Wade, Rick Ross, Lebron James , Khalid etc. and have meet & greet sessions and invite all the surrounding communities especially during the summer camp season. This is the only way we will be able to out recruit The Axis Of Evil, b.k.a. the s.e.c. legally. What do u guys think?


Check out this report on Gabe Terry

Just watched him dominate the 190 lb weight class at districts in wrestling. He's undefeated this season and only one kid took him to a decision all year. He pinned everyone else.

Not a knock at all but he's def not a d-end. I played sem-pro and he's a sam linebacker for sure. Fast twich, great explosion, and strong. He's all of 6'2.5 but didn't have to cut weight to wrestle at 190 lb. He'll be able to put another 30-40 pounds on in a couple years but that puts him at 230. No way he can get to 245+.

Wit swag you would kill for...

More attitude and presence than anyone in the gym. Wore an orange Miami hat backwards with a neon orange backpack and dark sunglasses inside all day.

Districts are considered playoffs so most kids are nervous and tense, focused and emotional. Terry straight chilled all day. Sat up in the bleachers relaxing and laughing when he wasn't wrestling. When his turn came he walk down 10 min before, changed, walked out on the mat like he jus woke up, and pinned his opponent in the first round every time. Then two min later he'd be back laughing wit all his Miami gear on.

Very athletic. Perfect linebacker body.


hassan...I appreciate, we appreciate all the info bro..thanx!


hassan..are those 2013 kids?

Posted by: UMike | February 05, 2012 at 02:29 PM

yeah they are, I am hearing race is going to be silent cause he wants the show and whatnot like his old teammate howard.


BTW Ken Dorsey is announcing something big next week many speculate something related to the U. ...

Posted by: hassan | February 05, 2012 at 01:12 PM

Maybe the NCAA is granting him one more year of eligibity and he's coming back to The U? ;-)


I really think Golden and co are gonna clean up on the south florida talent next year


One more thing, This is not really a rumour it is GOING to happen but seems a lot of people are overlooking it prob til fall camp.

There is a alot of reasons why UTough is so important, it is big no matter what team you play for the be fitter then your opponent but playing in the SFLA humidity can really give you an advantage if you are acclimated and more fit then your opponents.

The offense actually has a chance to be better then last year but with our team being more fit from another year of UTough we are looking to increase the pace. Last year there were rumblings that we slowed down the pace to protect a weak defense. we actually was 118 out 0f 120 in pace on 60.6 plays per game. This year Al Golden is looking to increase that to over 70 per game, not quite the Oregon Ducks or Oklahoma but much faster and I think this will pay dividends in many areas. So look for us to rotate more OL and WR's during the games which we can also use to sell to recruits. Look for a more quick strike offense which can also be used to sell to recruits and look for us to blow a few games open in the 4th qtr with this strategy.



Interesting point, Hassan...however, Okie State was sixth in "pace" and had the 107th ranked defense and still should have played for the NC.

If your offense scores 48 pts. per game (#2- Okie State), the defense doesn't need to be too good...no matter how much time they spend on the field...


Canes bball putting it to Duke right now. Up 42-28 at the half! Go Canes!


Interesting point, Hassan...however, Okie State was sixth in "pace" and had the 107th ranked defense and still should have played for the NC.

If your offense scores 48 pts. per game (#2- Okie State), the defense doesn't need to be too good...no matter how much time they spend on the field...

Posted by: Texascane | February 05, 2012 at 03:38 PM

They was the inverse of us bro, real good offense, working at that fast pace actually helped their really crappy defense, it put points on the board and great field position. Where as our Slowed down offense was helping our D stay off the field.

But as you said should have played for the N.C you can see the benefits playing at that pace does for you, Now think about us havin #1. SFLA humidity playing at a high pace.
#2 Better skill talent then OK
#3 better defense then OK.

there is no reason why we can not be a top program in another year, we are still young so it will take a year or so but the Storm is brewing.


Miami at Duke upset on the making...link to watch the game.



Getting some of those good old boy network foul calls


how can you call a foul on a player who has his position and hands straight up ...good old boy


i hope he makes a tape of this


them refs are just waiting to blow that southern white whistle


lets see the last 5 times down and 5 whistles .. yea rite


Damn Hassan You on FIRE today!!


wow another white whistle ..refs 10 miami 10


refs got to be related to Mike in some way in that deep south


Miami just can't close out these games.


nice no call horse collar


What has happened to Durand Scott?

Two turnovers in last 2 minutes.


so the guy goes in the lane and jumps into three canes who have their hands straight up and gets two shots bull crap

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