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April 02, 2012



RIP, #26. U are forever missed and loved.


Dang, #2

Papa Cane

RIP, Sean. Sad day.

Willie Will in Nashville


whats up, I how is the lil one doing. u know how we be on the same page wit stuff, i'm on my raising canes part 2 what about u?


Willie Will! Sup man? Not a whole lot. She's 8 months old now, crawling and everything. Just started waving to everything and everyone lol. How's your little man?

U are having a 2nd kid??? I don't have another bun in the oven just yet lol


One of an ocasional series of articles about the UM 2001 National Championship team (many feel was the greatest college team ever) was published in the orlando Sentinel on Nov 24,2011. The author was Dave Hyde,the title was "Legacy Of Love,Pain". It was an in depth story of Sean Taylor and his family. I kept the article.Fran


RIP to one of the greatest football players of all time...College or Pro.


Fran...good to see U around! Hope things are well with U and Jean?

Ohio...check email.


Its your boi

You know this goon cant miss out on a Meast article. To know Sean was to love Sean. I am so blessed to have known Sean the man and not just as a ballah. Getz this boi droppin tears everytime I think of my friend ST26.
Cane legends never die.
1 love is why we are different then any other college any f n where


RIP to my favorite cane of all time.. ST26 always remembered never forgotten... The good die young!!!!


That's the kind of player we need here now. A lot of imitators have come & gone but apparently, there will never be another Super Sean Tay, hear me Ray Ray!



The Dolphins will check out UM draft prospects on Wednesday and Thursday, which reminds us that they have selected only two Hurricanes in the past 20 drafts (Yatil Green in 1997 and Vernon Carey in 2004). “It’s mind-boggling,” Ed Reed said at UM’s Hall of Fame inductions Thursday. “We’re right here!” Bryant McKinnie said. “You would think they would know us better than anybody.”

If the Dolphins sign McIntosh, he would be the only Hurricanes player on the roster - for now - because Carey is not expected to return.

The Dolphins insist they have no objection to drafting UM players, and they are believed to like a few departing Canes, including receiver Tommy Streeter.

Keep in mind this is a franchise that took John Jerry at 73 over Jimmy Graham (who went 95th) in 2010 when Bill Parcells mistakenly thought he could draft Graham in the fourth round; Jamar Fletcher (26) over Reggie Wayne (30) in 2001; selected Jason Allen 16th and traded the 51st pick for Daunte Culpepper in 2006 (instead of signing Drew Brees), thus eliminating any chance of drafting Devin Hester (57) or Eric Winston (66); and took Anthony Alabi over Chris Myers in 2005, among other moves. Choosing solid pro Daryl Gardener at 20 instead of Ray Lewis (26) in 1996 would have been regrettable if Jimmy Johnson hadn’t found a gem in Zach Thomas at No. 154 that year.

McKinnie said he, Reed and Jeremy Shockey used to talk about finishing their careers with the Dolphins, but “the Dolphins wouldn’t do that. In college, we all said we would take pay cuts to come to the Dolphins.”

McKinnie said he doubts that would happen now. "I don't know what direction this team is going in," McKinnie said.

Read more here: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/sports-buzz/2012/03/suspension-set-for-marlins-oviedo-former-canes-greats-puzzled-by-dolphins.html#storylink=cpy


Sean wrote the book...Every guy who puts on the uniform and walks on the field as a 'Cane should feel a little bit of Sean with him...
He shows what it is to be a true Hurricane..We will forever be talking about Sean.
That is what LEGACY is all about.
Go 'Canes


Favorite Cane of all time as well. ST26. RIP.

Willie Will in Nashville


yep i'm on number 2. i'm really raising canes lol


Congrats, Willie! That's awesome!

Man, U better slow down, U are gonna have a whole neighborhood soon. Lol


The good thing Willie Will is that youll be raising those young canes right!!!!!


UM Bringing WINFOREVER Workshop to South Florida

CORAL GABLES, Fla. -- The WINFOREVER team would like to invite you to be a part of an exciting opportunity on Saturday, April 14th at Sun Life Stadium in Miami, Florida from 12pm-2pm.

At the home of the Miami Hurricanes, the 2nd Annual NikeWINFOREVER Coaching Workshops Tour will take the 'New Generation of Coaches for the Next Generation of Athletes' through an interactive Workshop that will lead up to kickoff of the Hurricanes spring football game.

The Nike WINFOREVER Coaching Workshop is FREE to all participants, and is open to coaches and leaders in all sports and levels. You will have the opportunity to discuss integral elements of coaching and mentoring in a clinic that will challenge you to find unique ways to remain on the cutting edge of the coaching profession.

UM head coach Al Golden will be on hand to discuss the successful philosophy he is instilling with the Hurricanes.

"For coaches at all levels - college, high school, youth, Pop Warner and Optimist - this is an incredible opportunity for growth as mentor and leader," said Golden. "When they asked if we would host WINFOREVER, we couldn't say, 'yes' fast enough. I have read Coach Carroll's book, believe in the WINFOREVER philosophy and have paid to attend seminars like this in the past.

"The best part is that the WINFOREVER team is investing in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties and has made the event free for coaches at any level. This will be a phenomenal resource and benefit to South Florida coaches."


Sean Taylor was one of the greatest Canes ever! RIP!

I think Golden is starting to recruit those kind of players back to the U again. I ran into someone recently whose son played with Duke Johnson for 2 years and he had a lot of interesting things to say about Duke and Flowers.

He told me that Duke is not only the most talented running back he has seen in a while, he says Duke is extremely competitive, loves his teammates, plays with a chip on his shoulder and hates loosing with a passion.

Interesting. Go Canes!

palm bay cane

I think they should make any player who wants to wear the #26. they should have to wait till their senior year. And then get it aproved by the team captains and coaches.That way you show respect for sean and you give the younger canes something to strive for


I like that idea pam bay cane... that would be a great way to honor Sean's memory... Make players EARN the right to wear #26.


Palm Bay, I seriously LOVE that idea, or something similar to it would still be great.


Any word on Jelani Hamilton guys? Will he be ready 4 fall ball?


4-Real, last I heard, he'll be good to go. Haven't heard anything to the contrary. I could be wrong, but that's what I know


Any word on Jelani Hamilton guys? Will he be ready 4 fall ball?

Posted by: 4-Real | April 02, 2012 at 08:20 PM

According to what I hear: YES.


Damn U Ohio! LOL


Hey, is there any basketball on tonight?


Hey, is there any basketball on tonight?

none that I/M watching


FYI first knee replacement Apr 23 next to follow. I am in ao much pain can hardly walk. This has been almost 3 year odyssey hopefully good results soon.


SOUP, sorry!! Lol

Yes, NCAA Finals. Kansas vs Kentucky at 9:28


^^ That's 9:23** pm


Fran...feel better SOON!

Ohio...I was being sarcastic X 2. LOL


Jelani & Chick is gonna be sick!! Look @ Jelani's high school tape & u can clearly see he wuz moving @ 3/4 speed, as if he was saving himself prior 2 getting hurt. Kid is much better than stats & film indicate, balee dat!


Jelani & Chick is gonna be sick!!
Posted by: 4-Real | April 02, 2012 at 09:38 PM

I like-eee!


SOUP, I was attempting to be also. I failed... :-(



If you haven't watched the following tribute video, watch it ASAP and keep the tissues nearby. SOUP I know it's two days past April 1st, but if you could retweet this link, that would be great too. More people need to watch this. Thank you and GO CANES.



I think McCord will have something to say about the DE position.

But the most important freshman is already on the team... Mr. Kirby.

RIP #26.


Papa Cane - This Morning's Black Jerseys on Defense: LB Kelvin Cain, CB Brandon McGee, DT Curtis Porter, More information to come.


FIU HC, Mario Cristobal at UM practice this morning.


WR Phillip Dorsett (tweaked hammy, accding to Golden) is at practice and seems OK


Miami announces RB C.J. Holton and DL Shayon Green out for remainder of spring with injuries.


Can Shayon not catch a break? Good lord...


Ohio...Shayon looked REALLY good at the scrimmage too. He went up against Bunch in the 1:1 Oklahoma Drill before the game and got low and got leverage on him and pushed the BIG boy backwards.


Nicknames for Shayon? Mr. Glass (Unbreakable movie)


Congrats to UK on winning the mini NBA Championship last night. And great job by ESPN in characterizing Calipari as the leading spokesperson for these "1 and done" players. Love the way Cal works His salary cap...


LB...from what I hear at this point McCord is basically a pass rush specialist although he will grow into a complete player. His first couple steps are crazy FAST making him almost unblockable.


And we could use a little more pass rush


making him almost unblockable.

Posted by: SOUP | April 03, 2012 at 10:15 AM

Haven't heard someone say that about 1 of our DL in a LONG time...


What questions about the offense have been answered so far?

Golden: I think Michael and Eduardo -- Lamar is obviously a very talented player to replace -- and so I think those guys have answered the bell so far this spring. And hopefully the offensive line, although we’re not experienced beyond the starters right now or that deep, so far they’ve looked like they’ve been able to have some continuity and some ruggedness about them, which we need to continue to develop. Then, Rashawn Scott at receiver has done a nice job so far. Not that that’s been a surprise, but he’s brought his off-field and offseason program work ethic to spring ball, which has been nice.


Haven't heard someone say that about 1 of our DL in a LONG time...

Posted by: Ohio_Cane | April 03, 2012 at 10:18 AM

Ain't that the truth! Porter and The Plug have been very good at filing the inside gaps and Chickillo and Hoilette look good outside and all are physical against the run. McCord will be a very nice addition with his speed rush on the outside on passing downs.

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