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June 05, 2012



Am I first?




U sukk Nemo


Over that time we have gained, and lost, thousands of fans and bloggers.

One thing has remained constant
As perennial as the grass...
although under many names he always shines through with class and generosity.
Charlie Brown

the best thing I can call him is FRIEND!

Happy Birthday CANESPACE and thank you 86 for all your sacrifice and generosity. U are Top Shelf

U today
U tomorrow
U forever


june 16th is my 16th wedding anniversary also...at least two good things happened on that day


June 16th my moms birthday as well!

Btw I really wish that the canes would find a better way to introduce our football team. Dont get me wrong I love the smoke and the helmet....but we need to find a song and if we keep hells bell find a part of the song that they come out to every time. Like VT has enter sandman and stuff like that....I want an entrance like that one of these days.....maybe no possible because we dont have the crowds to back it up


@MiamiHeraldHeat: Chris Bosh's masseuse collapsed and died at Bosh's Miami Beach home on Monday morning, according to police.


Let the jokes begin, I'm assuming...

Posted by: Ohio_Cane | June 05, 2012 at 04:14 PM



Congrats soup/CEO. Great site and great people that converge here. Doesn't get better than the Space.

Thanks for all that you do.


Ditto to what OCALACANE said!

And congrats on the 6th Anniversary CaneSpace!

As an original "Legion Sun-Sentinel member," I can truly say you have taken this blog WAY BEYOND anything that may have happened on the SS site.

Soup, your hard work and dedication have made this site BY FAR the greatest U blog on the web... (pay sites included.)

Congrats to YOU, ALL the loyal CaneSpacers... and of course... LET'S GO CANES!


86 - has it really been six years? I have some old pics of the originals somewhere - LOL holding up the banner. Will try and find them for you. I think blogging back then we (most of us) were so sure that change was coming and we would be contenders for the title soon. Wow.


Posted by: Ohio_Cane | June 05, 2012 at 04:56 PM

Ohio, I haven't heard anything about trading Flower. Shero signed Neal and Kunitz (?)recently and his next priority will probably be Crosby and Staal. He said in an interview awhile back that a solid backup goalie was priority no. 1

OGV - the Kings are the real deal, I saw them dismantle a good Blues team.


Ocala! What's up Captain Coffeepants?


The best thing I can call him is FRIEND!

Happy Birthday CANESPACE and thank you 86 for all your sacrifice and generosity. U are Top Shelf

Posted by: OCALACANE | June 05, 2012 at 07:22 PM

From my best friend AND to my best friend:



Congrats soup/CEO. Great site and great people that converge here. Doesn't get better than the Space.

Posted by: TheWhat | June 05, 2012 at 08:25 PM

There IT is right there.


Congrats to YOU, and all of the loyal CaneSpacers. And of course...LET'S GO CANES!

Posted by: roachcane77 | June 05, 2012 at 08:28 PM

Thanks buddy. I'll see U soon.


Congrats! Love canespace!! We Got Some Canes Over Here!


Congratulations CEO. These last six years were like The Hobbit, and what is coming up next for the site, for Al Golden, and for the Hurricanes will be Lord of the Rings!


Cheers to U canespace!


Jack and Tony...Thanks guys. Appreciate it.

Now about those UM sports events?

Sarasota 'cane

Congrat's on the aniversary Canespace!

I would tell the university to lower the ticket prices to a point that will get 50k fans a game into the stands. If that means free parking and $5.00 tickets for the upper deck then so be it! I would also not even open the upper deck unless there was a demand for it.
They would make more money if they filled the place for free then they are making holding out for ticket, parking, AND concession money.

Go 'canes!

Sarasota 'cane



Big congrats to CEO and Canespace! NO other place like it!

Go Canes, Go Canespace!!


Unfortunately I haven't been able to go to a Canes game since 1994. My wife and I have been out in Texas for the last twelve years. My memories from college though are:

- The colorful counter to the FSU war chant

- Standing in the student section for the entire game, every game

- Southern Comfort ladden jello shots before the 1991 Miami/FSU game

- The gravely voiced Yamma Yamma

- An older fan or alumni from the 1980s turning to me during the 1990 Miami/FSU game and telling me how much calmer things now were. Back in his day, when a player was injured the fans would scream lustily to drag the fallen player off the field.


That dude with the automatic weapon still scares me..... :-)


Why the hell hasn't Spoelstra put Joel Anthony in the game, He's done the best job of guarding Garnett in this series...


Rock...Heat is gonna lose because they haven't had a sense of desperation since game 2. I can't watch it anymore (I turned the TV off) because I know Boston wants it more then Miami does.

Thundering here in J'ville...


Lightning show in the sky here in the 904.

Pretty spectacular actuaslly!


See any similarities between the Heat/Celts and Spurs/Thunder series'?

Top seed wins first 2 games, loses 3 straight after that. Coincidence?


Heat is COLD.


How, how do you lose three in a row? Miami just doesn't have it. Even if they miraculously win this series no way they win against OKC. Looks like my prediction was way off. OKC in 6 over the celtics. Lebron and wade should be embarrassed. I know they don't have great players around them but you've got to pull it out at all cost. I remember the bulls being down 3-2 and Jordan somehow winning the series. Either get that killer instinct or break that team up cause the 76ers played the celtics better. I'm so disappointed.


Oh one more thing. That's why YOU NEVER TAKE A GAME OFF IN THE PLAYOFFS. That game three when they put no effort cost them a chance to go to the finals and potentially win a ship.


Hate to say it BUT:

I told U so!


SOUP, with all respect due, and pardon me for saying this, but...THAT'S A PHUCKIN' LACK OF COACHING!

I see that's KEVIN GARNETT,
You see that's KEVIN GARNETT,
the thousands of people in the stands see that's KEVIN GARNETT,
the millions of people watching it on TV see that's KEVIN GARNETT,
HELL!, the people listening to it on the radio see that's KEVIN GARNETT.
But it's like PHUCKIN' Spoelstra is the only M-UH-EFF-UH that doesn't see it's PHUCKIN' KEVIN GARNETT!
Maaaan, sometimes I wonder if this dude can tell an a$$hole from Uranus...SHEEZ!


Oh and another thing. SPOLESTRA SUCKS.

The Dude

Can we get some West Coast games out here once every 2 years or so? Let's play Stanford or USC. Also the helmet and the smoke... the fire extinguishers look cheap and so does the inflatable helmet. Also bring back the old unis. Grats Canespace. I was apart of the rebel legion that came over, hard to believe we still don't have number six yet... Love canespace.



Man, I honestly cannot believe it has been SIX years. My hats off to you as plain and simply, it doesn't just happen. Six months may just happen - Six years, no way!

I know you have had some terrific sidekicks over the years who have played an integral role making sure that the show goes on hour after hour, day after day, and they each have my sincerest appreciation, but I know in the end, it all falls on you.

For that I send my heartfelt thanks to you!

This is THE site for Canes fans - Nothing compares. For six years, this is the one site I have called home...because you have made it a place where ALL are welcome!

Real soon, we will all finally be able to call "our" Canes a winner.

Congratulations TP!


When Alvarez arrived in Madison, they were really no better than Temple when coach Golden arrived in Philly. Seriously, UW had been bottom feeders for a long, long time.

The turn around Alvarez completed in MadTown is one for the ages - and it pains me to say it as I can say that I hate the Badgers (lived in Minnesota my entire life). Just as impressive is the way he has not only turned around the football program and made sure the program continues to be successful, but as AD, he has also turned around a bottom feeder basketball program and saw the transition of one of the most successful hockey coaches and turned that into even additional NC's.

Alvarez then extended the "upgrades" to many other facets of the athletics program, to which Mr. Wise can attest.

So having said that, I say, Mr. Wise, please do whatever coach Golden asks that you do. He knows far more than I do when it comes to the U's athletic program and to hasten the U's return to prominence, please read Mr. Golden's "bible" and act accordingly.

Old Skool

Six years. Dang!!!!


""We are grateful for Coach Shannon's service as a player, assistant and head coach. Coach Shannon will always be a Miami Hurricane."

They took the high road. Good call. It ends the madness of before. I'm happy to hear that's over.

Onto more important news...

...Congratulations, CEO. Congratulations on a well-earned anniversary and spectacular web experience. Congratulations on a thought-provoking, critical, and yet hopeful insight on the program. Congratulations on earning consensus first place in the Cane News Universe. It's been a treat since I found the light and jumped on.

Happy Six To Everyone at Canespace.


"So having said that, I say, Mr. Wise, please do whatever coach Golden asks that you do."

I think it happened and few took notice. Golden is the face of UM football. He's the godfather...

[Insert Marlon Brando impersonation]


Congrats CEO! While I dont post much I am a constant reader and enjoy the truthful insight posted by you and others here regarding UM athletics. This is one of my favorite sites period!


Love the site, love the 'Canes. no complaints. keep up the good work and congrats on the anniversary!


Seeing as how I've never been to a home game, I'll let the rest of the Space sound off on this topic.


You da man CEO!! congrats on Canespace without this site id be lost in the world of the internet!!!!!!!!


I see it didn't take too long for things at Temple to go south after Coach Golden's departure...In Al We Trust!!!




Ex-Bengals player sentenced in Ohio sex trial

The Associated Press

CINCINNATI -- Former Bengals linebacker Nate Webster has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for having sex with the underage teen daughter of a former assistant coach for the Cincinnati team.

A court official in Cincinnati says 34-year-old Webster was sentenced Wednesday on four counts of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor. He could have received up to 20 years.

Prosecutors say Webster had sex with the girl in 2009 when she was 15 and threatened to harm her if she told anyone. Webster admitted having sex with the girl the next year, when she was 16. Sixteen is Ohio's legal age of consent.

Webster's attorney says Webster will appeal the verdict and sentence.

Prosecutors say Webster rejected a plea deal that would have sent him to prison for four years.


I'm just thankful I have a place I can vent my frustrations & elations and although I'm somewhat of a newbie, about 2 years, This is one hell of an informative site. Thanks for allowing me to stick around CEO!
Not being from Miami the one beef I've got is they don't allow you to purchase tickets to away games unless you are in the Canes Club.


Congrats, CEO, and happy b-day Canespace.


Papa Cane - Great to hear that 2014 RB Sony Michel has fully recovered from his ACL tear. He is back to running Track and will play Football in fall.


Man, it's been that long. It seems like a week ago that Omar Kelley was re-assigned to the Phins and the Cane Blog community was in chaos. A "Yabba Dabba Doo" to you Mr. CEO for the vision and desire to lead in the time of need...Happy B-Day Canespace!!!

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