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June 16, 2012


8th Man in the Box

me likey!


So freaking close!


Can U say "Wide Right"?

Hell Yeah 1, 2, and 3!!!



CGNC - you picked 7 games for the NBA Finals b/c you are very very smart woman ..
that goes without saying, but I did anyway

86 - I'll save you the price for postage b/c you've done a tremendous amount already. Let me know next time you're in the area and we'll go get some good food on my dime .. bring the shirt, ha


Heat in 5!

Six...I got U. July 11 I am in Tampa and July 12 St. Pete. We will hook up then.


The big boys are whuppin us in recruiting. This will never end.



Good Article on an ex cane Coach:



How about Todd Sievers?


Whether you have kids or not, HAPPY FATHERS DAY! AFAIC, you have to be a man before you can be a father, and I'm sure all of ya'll have impacted a young person's life along the way. 1


The big boys are whuppin us in recruiting. This will never end.

Posted by: UCaneDoit | June 17, 2012 at 10:14 AM

How exactly? Because Clemson picked up a big name as did FSU? We have picked up big names to. FSU is LOADED with 3-stars, if that was us a lot of people would criticize it lol...Golden knows who he wants and after he closed last year I trust in him and the staff..if we lose out on Thomas, Grace and Cunningham I might be a little worried..but i say we get 2 out of 3 if not ALL 3..imo


"The big boys are whuppin us in recruiting. This will never end."

I'd be inclined to agree with you if not for a few vital points:

1. UM's 2011 & 2012 hauls.
2. Golden's tenure and development at Temple.
3. The size of the 2013 class is significantly smaller.
4. The key to the 2013 class is still on board (Olsen).
5. Kearse's positions. We just signed a bunch of them, and that's not including Jean-Louis.
6. Golden can have any player in Florida he wants. If he doesn't take them, it's for an excellent reason.
7. See previous cases of UM decommits from 2009-2012.


LB..I agree..also some of the "big boys" are getting guys we have no shot at..Bama has a great class, but most of those kids are from north GA or Alabama....for the most part we are keeping the kids from Florida we want


From the looks of things UMike we ain't gotta shot at nobody lol. Lb, I know this year's class is gonna b small but can we at least get 10 kids?


4-Real...we have a great shot at all the kids we WANT...when the #2 player in the country happens to live in Alabama, chances are Miami will not get him...when a top player happens to live in south florida (see tracy howard) Golden has proven he can close and get the kid..so I am fine with whoever we "miss" on


We still waiting on that camp db MVP's commitment? Bad when a kid with no major offers prior 2 Miami's tell u he will get back 2 u on his decision lol


4-Real..I get what your saying..BUT..this also just hearsay...and I would rather offer a kid we have seen up close and personal over a couple days ALONG with game film then offer a 4-star kid just because Rivals says he is good


# 4 de Elijah Daniels just committed 2...do I have 2 say it? Lol


OKC in 6....Guaranteed..Miami is NOT winning a ring..

RCCF12%seeRED4NBA/OKC is Good too lol..


4-Real...why even bother being a fan? U are so NEGATIVE from the time U wake up til the time U go to sleep that you make yourself MISERABLE about every little thing.

If U want to embrace and enjoy your misery that's fine but STOP trying to make the rest of us miserable too and just worry about the upcoming season because WINNING is the only thing that cures EVERYTHING!


RCCF...OKC will NOT win another game in this series. That's right: "I said it!"


"From the looks of things UMike we ain't gotta shot at nobody lol. Lb, I know this year's class is gonna b small but can we at least get 10 kids?"

NSD is a long, long way away. Further, the camps are yet to complete.


CEO/86 Great Maker of the Site we all Love....
Sir the Heat will not win the ring....
They just dont have IT..OKC in 6 Trust

RCCF12%(BULLS fan fyi)OKC Respector..


Y cant our guys just go out & recruit like everyone else? Y must our method be so scientific? U wanna talk about building a program from the ground up!!?? Check out that dude up in Ann Arbor!! What u call misery I call REALITY.


4-Real, U are the biggest pessimist I've talked to about the Canes. Do what U do, but I'll never understand it.


4-Real..im not sure what your even talking about. How do you know how other schools recruit? lol...just because some kids commit to other schools, that don't mean anything. We going to have a small class this year..chances are we cant get 150 of the Rivals top 150 lol..besides..we havent even started playing yet..and the big names guys WE SEEM to want are still out there, so I dont think we "lost" anyone..who cares about Elijah Daniels lol..i dont think we recruit Indiana lol


I'm just commenting on the present, cuz that's all I can do. U guys can 4c the future, I can't.


lol 4-Real...all im saying is, I dont think we are missing out on anyone, that our staff is doing their job..imo



I think u want the canes to have a recruiting class full of 4 & 5* players from all over the country. Smh. Thats never been the formula for championships at da "U". Its always been about decisively selecting players from the most talented urban area in the country, SOUTH FLORIDA. Are 2 & 3* are better than thier 4 & 5*. Trust me. Throw in a few from other parts of FL & no more than a hand full from out of state. The key is knowing which one is a baller or bust. THATS WHAT THE F*CKING CAMPS ARE FOR. Tighten up dawg...


Weren't Willie Williams, Kyle Wright and Author Brown #1 or at least top 3 overall players? How did that work out? Going to freakin Kansas lol


Blue Collar North America (cough Romberg) guys + Urban State of Miami hard working types = championships.

Not interested in stars.


Once miami beats these okies tonight they are too young and they will fold like a cheap suit.


daddy James gonna teach them lessons about growin up.

orange 'n green in the vein


Yes, by at least one service or another they were ranked as the top prospect. You can add Henderson in there as well to that list but he's not been a bust by any stretch of the imagination to this point in his career. Another good year by Brown would make him a regular KSU prototype under Snyder, burn two years somewhere else then red-shirt or play for your two year without it and make a name for yourself.

4-real couldn't wait to worry about recruiting until after the season was over anyway, you expect him not to get worked up way too soon about the next class to be without taking the problems facing the football team in the proper order of operations? Then I say you don't know the real 4-real, for real!


UMike, u named 3 guys that bombed @ UM lol. Whadda bout Julio Jones, A.J Green, J. Clowney, Patrick Johnson, etc. By no means am I saying things won't get better. Just sayin as a TRUE DIEHARD CANES FAN I want it sooner than later. I know it's gonna take time, just hope it doesn't take 2 long. If Golden is half the coach u guys claim he is then he should b able 2 turn this thing around like Hoke, Saban, Sweeney etc.. P.s. Danny Dillard is gonna ball out, just watch. Malcolm Lewis & Lockhart gonna hold down wr corps, Lewis especially. 1 thing I will say is that I have full confidence in the incoming YOUNG GUNS.


As long as the canes handle there business this year the recruits will fall in line.Other than the obivous hometown boys the big fish will come out of state,my guess is Tim Williams or/and Trey Johnson long shots yes,but so was Tracy Howard and they are recieving much attention from AG and staff,if nothing else the man can recruit.


What's with all the greasy talk about the heat losing the finals?OKC is a very good team,but so are the heat with a better defensive team and combine that with losing last year;redemption and determination alone will be enough to fight off the young guns. BRON BRON ain't havin it!

The What

Here is a question/scenario. If nick Saban got Miami's 2008 class and randy Shannon got Alabamas 2008 class would Miami have won 2 national championships like alabama did and would alabama have failed miserably like miami did. Point is you give Miamis previous coaching staff Alabamas 2008 class and they would have had the same exact record Miami ended up with. It's about getting players that fit your system and how you develop them.

Nick Saban has turned down 5 star studs cause they didn't fit his system. Jimbo fisher never met a 5 star he didn't like. See the difference.


Saban ain't never turned down a 5 star nor has he ever told a high school all-American he has to come 2 one of his camps to get an offer. O.k. heres the deal... From this day 4ward can we all agree that this is Al Golden's team 4 sho? Cuz come this season when we lose ( God forbid ) don't go blaming Shannon like u did all last year. When Miami won, it was great coaching on Golden's behalf. When we lost it was becuz of Shannon's lousy ass players. In other words, no more excuses. This is officially Golden' ship, agreed????


Just what I thought....


4-Real..outside of Patrick Peterson (whos recruitment may still be under investigation..the rest of those guys were long shots. Clowney stayed home as did others...Miami has never had good experiences when getting top players from out of state..imo


Rodney King dead at age 47 :(


Ya, Golden has basically sucked at recruiting so far in what will be his "2nd" year here ... not exactly 2 years worth of being at Miami, but whatever

T.Howard, Duke Johnson, Deon Bush, Ereck Flowers, Jelani Hamilton, Gionni Paul, Jalen Grimble, Malcolm Lewis, Tyriq McCord, Chick, Dallas Crawford, Finnie, Gionni Paul, Rayshawn Jenkins, etc. who the hell would want those guys

Not to mention these jabronis that verballed - Standish Dobard right from the heart of LSU country. Kevin Olsen.

It's JUNE and people are complaining about who the Canes will get and won't get already? about why can't they just do like other schools?



J .. U .. N .. E


I'm going to tell you what month it currently is ...... it rhymes with JUNE


Clowney told me he never even was contacted by anyone from Miami while Shannon was there

You want some recruiting stories about what went on while Shannon was there?

Think I have already talked about that before, coming from a former recruiting assistant that worked under Butch Davis, Lane Kiffin and Shannon for a minute

He is now the Director of Player Personnel at Purdue


What has Finnie done so far? Grimble? Paul? Crawford? Duke was coming 2 UM regardless. So was Chick. As was Jelani. Duke worked on both Howard & Bush. Chick worked on McCord. Howard said outta his own mouth that he wouldn't even return the coaches phone calls until Duke & Malcolm got in his ear. Just like Denzel was coming anyway due 2 his friendship with Vilma. Yeah u right six, its just June yet everyone else has nearly 20 commits so far.


I never said anything about Clowney coming to UM. My point was that most of the 4 & 5 star kids that commit elsewhere besides UM lately has gone on 2 have promising careers.


Who is thus 4 real guy?


If Golden doesn't care about stars then explain 2 me why he invited every 4 & 5 star in the country 4 an official visit 2-3 weeks b4 signing day this past February lol.


Who is thus diesel9 guy?

The What


Nick sabans coaching philosophy. I may have misspoken about not offering a five star player (as I have no example) but this article is pretty clear that saban will not offer a five or four star just because they are a five star or four star. I've read in another article where saban didnt offer a stud cause he didn't fit the system unfortunately I can't find it right now.

Besides aren't Recruits automatically deducted a star for commuting to Miami lol.

Also FSU, Clemson, etc are all dipping in their pockets to get these recruits. Miami can't afford to do that and I don't think golden would anyway.

Miami is currently recruiting with one hand tied behind its back. It has been irrelevant for years, it has NCAA sanctions coming, Etc. If you ask me, the job golden has done is nothing short of miraculous.

As someone else above said it's June so who cares.Lol.

The What

If the heat win this game I think they will lock up the title in 6.

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