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August 24, 2012


VA Cane



nice one va

VA Cane

2nd as well?


Season predictions so far for 2012:

Brandon Odoi, CaneInsider 4-8

Michael Casagrande, Sun-Sentinel 6-6

Chris Whittyngham, WVUM 7-5

Gary Ferman, Canesport 8-4

SolarCane, Canespace They will play hard


lol yea they will

VA Cane

Hey solar, since I did not sign in on typepad, I could be tested for doping and have all 12 of my kids SB titles in 33 years stripped...kind of like Lance!!! Guess it is up to the big boss Huh? Nice to be first in something....been running way back in a lot of things since the economic and housing crises!!! Solar, please tell me you have some of those incredible animations....you need to be on TV they really are incredible my friend. 86, hope you ate one of those lobsters for me!!!


hi va,
I have a couple part way done.
I haven't set the Fantasy Factory stop action studio back up since an unfortunate Swifter wielding wife disaster.
As I get a little more time I'll put up a preview.
I know you will bounce back and things will be fine, keep grinding my friend,


86, hope you ate one of those lobsters for me!!!

Posted by: VA Cane | August 24, 2012 at 09:22 PM

One? ONE? Why I ate FOUR in your honor. Extra butter of course, just like U like 'em!


Nice questions 86, why would he mention gray crow ??


Nice questions 86, why would he mention gray crow ??

Posted by: Laquinton | August 24, 2012 at 10:11 PM

Gray Crow is BY FAR the best FUTURE player on the team and the next starting QB at UM after Morris leaves, that's why!


Nice questions 86, why would he mention gray crow ??

Posted by: Laquinton | August 24, 2012 at 10:11 PM

Well that and his parents read Canespace.

Actually I am being serious when I say that:

Gray Crow = Bernie Kosar

Kosar was NOT the most gifted athlete but he was a determined leader of men. And that is how I see Gray Crow.


so as a redshirt freshman Gray will start 12 games go 11-1 play in the NC and win it??


Season predictions so far for 2012:

Brandon Odoi, CaneInsider 4-8

Michael Casagrande, Sun-Sentinel 6-6

Chris Whittyngham, WVUM 7-5

Gary Ferman, Canesport 8-4

SolarCane, Canespace They will play hard

TonyCane: 12-0 - national media goes nuts, Shapiro weeps, and Jimbo Fisher screams in frustration


Hey, one of the guests/smart guys agrees with me on the season prediction! FWIW, I hope we're both wrong and Tony is right. :)


so as a redshirt freshman Gray will start 12 games go 11-1 play in the NC and win it??

Posted by: solarcane | August 24, 2012 at 10:58 PM

He is a TRUE Freshman this year so then NEXT year, well not exactly. I think that Morris will start for the next TWO years and then after that it is a toss up.

So then as a Sophomore or Junior then maybe...YES!


So then as a Sophomore or Junior then maybe...YES!

aight then


SMD from the Miami Herald has submitted her entry in the FIVE questions saga here at Canespace. She goes in-depth and deep tomorrow night here on the blog.


She goes in-depth and deep tomorrow night here on the blog.

lucky I've turned over a new leaf


im out,
have a great weekend spacers


The five question interview and chats are amazing. You have succeeded in your promise over five years ago to someday have newspaper writers blogging on Canespace rather than Canespacers blogging at newspapers.

I'm proud of you and happy our never ending work here is being recognized as relevant by the writers.

Posted by: solarcane | August 24, 2012 at 05:43 PM

We got this!


I like how people keep saying morris has a tendency to throw ints but they don't say that about peyton manning. And yes I think peyton is one of the greatest qb's ever but he throws a lot of pics. He three 23 total ints his Jr and Sr years at UT. Ints on the stat book are deceiving at times just like td's. Just kind of depends on if the db's are dropping em or it could be from tipped passes


Willie...when Morris throws his first 70 yard TD to Malcolm Lewis against BC please call me on my private line. I'll be there waiting.


Actually I am being serious when I say that:

Gray Crow = Bernie Kosar

Kosar was NOT the most gifted athlete but he was a determined leader of men. And that is how I see Gray Crow.

Kosar was NOT the most gifted athlete but he was a determined leader of men. And that is how I see Gray Crow.

Posted by: 86Cane | August 24, 2012 at 10:42 PM

86 - Kosar is my all-time favorite Cane. He is THE reason I became a Cane fan after seeing him play against Notre Dame earlier in the season that they won their first NC.

The traits he had that blew me away as a Redshirt Freshman were his intelligence/decision making (light years ahead of 4th year seniors), his complete understanding of the offense he had to run, his desire to always press/always attack the defense, and yes, a very determined leader of men.

If Gray is even close to Bernie, I'm going to be one happy SOB! I hope you are right!


The five question interview and chats are amazing. You have succeeded in your promise over five years ago to someday have newspaper writers blogging on Canespace rather than Canespacers blogging at newspapers.

I'm proud of you and happy our never ending work here is being recognized as relevant by the writers.

Posted by: solarcane | August 24, 2012 at 05:43 PM

+1 (tip of the cap)


Oh yeah, and Willie, about all of those trick plays that everyone raves about? Well yeah there aren't any that I have been told exist so U best just forget about those.

What to expect is a bunch of SMASH-MOUTH football and maybe once in a while a LONG pass? They will NOT get creative against BC. They are saving that for KSU.


Or did I get that mixed up? Maybe they will get creative against BC and play smash-mouth against KSU? Oh well who knows? LOL


Willie...when Morris throws his first 70 yard TD to Malcolm Lewis against BC please call me on my private line. I'll be there waiting.

Posted by: 86Cane | August 25, 2012 at 12:06 AM

Will do, if I have your number lol

Terrance Sullivan

Great stuff 86. These 5 questions segments are fantastic man. Great insight and perspective. Mad props 86. I would be a very happy Canes fan if our Canes first win the Division and Conference and Bowl Game anything else is icing on the proverbial cake. 7 days till kickoff. I got my Hurricanes Flag flying in my yard here in Montgomery. So pumped for the season. M-I-A-M-l fight, fight, fight.


Including bowl game I feel our Canes will win 10 games that would be for the first time since the 2003 team won the Big East and the Orange Bowl finished 11-2 and #5 in the nation. I feel our Canes will be a top 20 team in final rankings in January.


Not sure if you know this or not...but 7 days left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is all.


Canes got this against BC! I think 7-5 is about what to expect overall. Tsullivan where in the Gump I just got transfered here from Ft. Myers originally out of Broward. I been getting hate for repping the U any cane spots to watch the game in town?


anybody have the full rosters for ncaa???


FMCane I live downtown. There are other Canes fans here as well. I usually go to Dreamland BBQ or Bob Baumhower's Sports Pub, etc.




If they're not blowing BC out by halftime, it's going to be a looooooong season...

orange 'n green in the vein

This is pretty big, from Maisel at ESPN a few days ago;

"3. A North Carolina judge’s decision ordering former Tar Heel head coach Butch Davis to surrender the bills of his private cell phone to the university will make the stomach of every coach in America flip. Private cell phones are how coaches skirt the NCAA Manual. If North Carolina finds something like calls to recruits during dead periods, the school will be in more trouble. Let’s hope Davis didn’t keep his cell phone records private for any reason other than protecting privacy."


New Raising Canes video just released:


VA Cane

I am on that 8-4 7-5 boat...again I do not do predictions, but I try to be real. We have a lot of questions, a lot of pressure, a lot of stress and worry on the program, andf a lot of young faces. I am actually looking forward to a season where the young kids play hard, work together, and surprise some people. I think we will be impressed by the hustle, commitment, energy and great enthusiasm of these young men. And who knows?

My first coaching position I had to be talked into, almost strong-armed. I was 19, my college career over due to knee and shoulder issues...a JR in college...all I wanted to do was be alone, drink and party. I was asked to coach my old elementary school... I finally agreed. The kids were young, inexperienced, had not had a lot of coaching. I got 1 buddy of mine, and a girl I knew who loved football and knew it well (CGNC-like expert!!!) and we took it on. I had a big line, whom I coached up...and had 3 young black kids that I put at QB and RBs....and lo and behold it was unreal. My line learned to block hard and open holes, my backs could fly they were great, blocked for each other, never cared who got the ball....and my qb was a godsend!!! He was an unreal leader, took command on the field...we were connected in the brain. He later played college and semi-pro ball....a great young man who has done well as a teacher first, coach second!!! We went 7-0, and in a 4 team playoff won the 2 games to become champs. That was 1979....and it worked. I think we can really surprise some people this year...and this group will do ok. We may not win it all, but there will be some pleasant surprises...JMO

orange 'n green in the vein

VA C, admit it, in 1979, even at elementary school age football, there were some teams you beat that couldn't believe they were on the wrong end of the scoreboard of a team with a woman as an assistant.

VA Cane

You are absoutely correct. Kathy was quite a girl. She knew football from her dad, and man, she was great at fundementals, she could be heard....and OGV...she could punt the hell out of a football. Other teams at first said here comes the girl team.....after they saw her in action...not so much talk my friend. She was also a great trainer...she could do it all and I was glad to have her out there. Now I am no innovator, but I knew her well enough to know she was a great person and coach. I have coached withg several women. One of my old QBS now plays at James Madison University...they won a FCS Div II title in 04...his mom coached with me when he was young. Kathy was a verl beautiful girl as well....shes married, living in PA....and still coaching....she thanks me for her start...mutually, I feel like she encouraged me when I took my first HC job reluctantly and we had so much success...it made me see my calling. TEAM means Together Everyone Succeeds Mightily ...every year I have shirts printed with this for my kids to wear...I started doing it in 1980 after I learned what coaching a team is all about. Thanks OGV!!!


Great job Soup!
Anyone going to Chicago to witness a ND beatdown?


Good luck, Floridians with this storm- stay safe, stay dry, and I'm hoping the clean up is no big deal.


Together Everyone Succeeds Mightily?


Just sayin.....

VA Cane

Sorry about that...I was thinking of Success...Together Everyone Achieves Mightily....Point well taken my friend....it really works for my players and we have achieved 12 SBs in 33 years....I have a really deep, talented, dedicated team this year. My line is not giant....but strong, quick feet, tough and smart. I have 2 fast WRs, 4 backs that will alternate....4 burners who are tough....and a brilliant general of a QB. My D is 11 hitters....11 Assassins who hit like the great Assassin Jack Tatum did....we have the Jamboree next weekend, then we start.

VA Cane

What can I say....VA Country Azz Cane!!! we cannot spell read or write, and have outdoor plumbing!!!!! LOL Its good to laugh at yourself!!!


This year I just want to see the team compete. No doubt that with all the youngins' in the two deep there will be some hard lessons to learn. What gives me hope is that Goldie and the boys, being teaching coaches, will ensure that the players learn their lessons, and develop appropriately from what they learn.

Also, with Goldie reestablishing the connections to the state of Miami Pipeline, we will get (and they will develop) the talent at the specialty positions. However until we control and dominate the point of attack, that is the OL and DL, we will have to hold our tongues on saying that we are back.


every once in awhile someone sends me a youtube that I feel deserves sharing with my Canes,kayak,and drag racing friends

22 million hits in 8 months

Manizha Faraday.




Revamp the seating at stadium" build some seats closer to the field" and put on a dome!

VA Cane

UATW, great point. That is the whole focus of my teams, the point of attack. Until you can control and dominate the OL/DL you stand very little chance of winning on a regular basis like we used to do. Great point. I do not expect perfection, but we can chase it ...like Lombardi said. I will be happy to be in all the games like we were last year....but not make the same mistakes that cost us a victory.


OK, so now we have added three more people to the FIVE questions with Canespace series.

Chris Freet, UM Associate Athletic Director for Communications and Marketing

Chris Yandle, UM Athletic Department Director of Communications

The Miami Hurricane Newspaper Sports Editor

The Hurricane Editor saw the WVUM feature and said he want's a piece of the action. Gonna send him a set of five totally new questions than I sent WVUM.

Any suggestions or ideas?

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