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November 22, 2012









Family, friends, Canes football, and CANESPACE!

Terrance Sullivan

Job, Health, Friends, Canes Sports, and Canespace.

orange 'n green in the vein

My liver is thankful that the home slate is finished because it couldn't take much more of what I was doing to it this fall. I'm thankful that Dumbo Fishead blew the best chance he'll probably ever have to win a national championship in the state capital. I'm thankful that the Mayan or Aztec or whatever calender is wrong and that UM will have next year to try and return to its rightful prominence in college football where it belongs.


Soup you hit it on the nail my friend!!!! Im thankful for my family, friends, health, and The U!!!

Old Skool

I'm thankful I didn't go to Florida State


^^^ i agree with old skool lmaoo..... I forgot to say that i am thankful that vince wilfork got drafted by the pats oooo and the man Tom Brady!!


when Santana Moss goes over 10,000 yards he currently has over 9,500 he will become the 4th hurricane with that many yards, Joining HOF Irvin and FHOF Wayne, FHOF Johnson.

2 HOF and 1 borderline HOF on the SAME TEAM for the hurricanes.


Best 2 game receiving totals ever

Andre Johnson, 461 yards in 2012
Chad Johnson, 450 yards in 2006
John Taylor, 448 yards in 1989
Jerry Rice, 442 in 1985


1) For having such a caring and loving wife

2) For being given a 2nd chance with life

3) For being able to call a True Cane a friend of mine

Lets Go `Canes

Beat Duke


Hassan...U are ROCKIN da blog!


5706...U know, that I know, that U know.




I made the mistake of calling him this week and lets just say that this wasnt the week to ask how things were going LOL

I told him to just get in touch with me whenever he calmed down LOL


5706...It is ALL good. Do not be alarmed, as he is too sensitive to the players side. This too shall pass.


He does love those kids

The kids sure seem to love him

Ill just wait for an email from him just to be safe LOL

DallasTX Cane

Happy Turkey Day Canespacers!

Thankful for:

1. My daughters health - in the past 12 months, she has dealt with a diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes and a lower lumbar stress fracture that threatened a promising athletic future (she's 13). She''s healthy today; doing amazing taking care of the diabetes & her back gets stronger every day.

2. My family's (sister & brother in law) safe return from their 3rd combat deployments in Iraq/Afghanistan.

3. Safe & healthy birth of new nephew 5 days ago.

4. My own safe returns from deployments many moons ago when on active duty.

5. Those 5 wonderful championships our CANES delivered!

Lastly and this may be a little bit of a suck-up...

I'm thankful that 86 expends so much of his time & energy providing Canespace & all the information found here. Great job! That goes to Hassan, Ohio, Solarcane, CGNC, OGV (even tho I grew exhausted with his posts this season around, oh the 2nd week!), and everyone else I've left out that contributes. Thank you.

We all have so much to be thankful for in this country. It's good to stop for a moment and realize that.



### Former Hurricanes are lashing out at the NCAA for threatening to believe Nevin Shapiro if ex-players don’t talk to the NCAA. “The NCAA is a joke,” Greg Olsen, who wasn’t accused of violations, said on Twitter. “Assume guilt if kids don’t agree to talk to you? Are we not still in America?” Olsen’s tweet was re-tweeted by Jonathan Vilma and Kellen Winslow Jr., who were accused of violations by Shapiro and Yahoo!

Packers executive and Canes great Alonzo Highsmith ranted on Twitter: “Trying to understand why Miami is allowing the NCAA to run roughshod over the program… At some point, [UM president] Donna [Shalala] needs to take a stand. Amazing a school like Miami won’t stand up to the cartel and tell them to bring it! Now it’s time to tell them what you think and fight.

“The NCAA hates Miami anyway, so why would you think they were going to be fair to Miami? They [couldn’t] care less about self-imposing and they want our [butt]. Bet Vilma is glad he didn’t listen to all those jack offs [in the NFL bounty base] about sitting and not fighting? Some people have no balls.”

Olivier Vernon, who served a six-game suspension last year after meeting with the NCAA, said: “They’re believing a liar, and to do this during the season? It’s ridiculous.” Said Lamar Miller, who wasn’t accused of violations: “It’s unfair. It’s crazy.”

### Though he will be rumored for several jobs, Al Golden sounds genuine when he says: “The thing people don’t understand and accept is I want to be here for a really long time. We’re destined for great things here. I like the people, diversity, climate, urban setting, [proximity] to the Keys. My kids enjoy it. My wife is happy. Miami fits who we are.” He’s signed through Feb. 1, 2020.

Read more here: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/sports-buzz/2012/11/tannehills-late-game-issues-canes-players-lash-out-at-ncaa-fins-canes-notes.html#storylink=cpy

The parade was cold and lame this year

Hai guize! Where da fake gaturd info be?


^^^^^ & somebody needs a hug.. took alot of time and energy to type that but why ? Are you a fan of UM no... You take the time to post on a um fan run website cause you hate the hurricanes. . Wow just sad


my family and friends

my faith

being born in The United States of America


My family and friends!


A DTX sighting - woo hoo!

Thankful for family (two legged and 4-legged LOL), friends, Canespace and Canespace family


I'm VERY thankful that I didn't see anyone commit suicide yesterday.

If, however, we LOSE later today to DUKE . . . .


If, however, we LOSE later today to DUKE . . . .

Posted by: nemo2002 | November 23, 2012 at 10:08 AM

Nah, just pull weeds, mow the grass or paint the house. This season too shall pass.


I'm thankful for Fsu kickers.


I'm thankful for Fsu kickers.

Posted by: Tonycane | November 23, 2012 at 10:50 AM

Best one yet.



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