Get ready ladies and gentlemen, here we go again!
Last year Canespace held our first four play ever and it was a resounding success.
So this year we have decided to again, but only do it bigger and better than ever. Although after our incredible trip to Miami last year, I am not sure that it may even be possible to top it?
Now before we get too far off track, for you novices who aren't in the know, the Canespace "four play" consists of attending four UM sports events in just four days. And all of them on the warm, beautiful, tropically landscaped Uniniversity of Miami campus in Coral Gables.
That's right every year from 2013 and henceforth we will be attending two basketball and two baseball games in Miami during the month of February. This year the schedule has been expanded with two days in between the sporting events for your South Florida entertainment pleasure.
Here is the schedule as it currently stands (subject to change):
Wednesday, 2/25/15: UM baseball at 6 PM and UM basketball vs FSU at 9 PM.
Thursday, 2/26/15: Travel to Florida Keys, with a lunch stop in Key Largo and then dinner and drinks in Islamorada.
Friday, 2/27/15: All day private charter fishing trip in Keys (details TBA).
Saturday, 2/28/15: Travel to UM, basketball at 2 PM vs UNC, baseball at 7 PM.
Sunday: Travel day back to home destinations.
Now if you want to be part of this Canespace extravaganza you will need to register via email by 1/15/15. Email only your most SERIOUS intentions to: [email protected].