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December 05, 2014




Go Canes

Heard a report where Butch is talking to Cleveland, about the Miami job.

Go Canes

And Duke is the man.


#No more night games


UFC's hail mary for the win:



I heard a report from Sarasota that Go Canes is a Giant Douche. Ha haaa.

Just once for old times sake


Heard a report where Butch is talking to Cleveland, about the Miami job.

Posted by: Go Canes | December 05, 2014 at 11:16 AM

I heard from an "anonymous source" that Butch was talking to Cleveland about Gruden going to the Browns, Golden going to the Redskins and Butch going to Miami.


CONGRATS! to D[]_ _[][]_ _[][]_ _[][]_ _[]KE!



Go Canes

Posted by: 86Cane | December 05, 2014 at 11:23 AM

But only after everyone takes this weekend off, except for Coley who has to work as punishment for trying to leave to Kentucky.



Goldenites gettin' their panties in a bunch about Butch. It's OK Goldenites, you've accomplished what you set out for, ya' boy gets another year...that was the goal... right? LMAO!

The Dude

^^^ that was their goal no doubt.

Go Canes



Golden Supporters, will you call for AL's head if he loses the bowl game?

Go Canes

I won't have time to. I'll still be busy continuing my master plan of undermining a potential Butch hiring.


I won't have time to. I'll still be busy continuing my master plan of undermining a potential Butch hiring.

Posted by: Go Canes | December 05, 2014 at 11:39 AM

How may loses will you give Butch before you place his head on a stake? lol just joking around with you

The Dude

Posted by: Go Canes | December 05, 2014 at 11:39 AM

So you admit it then.

The Dude

Posted by: Go Canes | December 05, 2014 at 11:39 AM

He's a witch!

He turned me into a newt.


Golden Supporters, will you call for AL's head if he loses the bowl game?

Posted by: SinisterCane | December 05, 2014 at 11:35 AM

You know they're gonna move the target.

i'llalwaysbeacanefanbut. . .

bernie kosar.


Goldenite said..."This is as good as it gets"...yipeeeeee!

Old Skool

Unfortunately you can't bring torches and pitchforks to a football game.

1mg of Epi

He's a witch!

He turned me into a newt.

Posted by: The Dude | December 05, 2014 at 11:51 AM

I got better (in my fanciest English accent)


LMAO! @ "This is as good as it gets" LMAO!


He's a witch!

He turned me into a newt.

Posted by: The Dude | December 05, 2014 at 11:51 AM

That some funny ish right there.


Go Canes

Posted by: CaneRock | December 05, 2014 at 12:13 PM

Some people say they love the Canes but live in Miami and never, ever, ever go to games. Woooohoooo!!!


Bruce Feldman ‏@BruceFeldmanCFB 15m15 minutes ago

David Beaty (#Kansas) will become the FIFTH Sumlin assist in 4 yrs to get an FBS head coaching job (Dana, Levine, Polian, Kliff, DB).


Since when did going to games become the ONLY factor in determining someones level of fandom?

1mg of Epi

I know I'm with the right people when the holy grail references start flying


Unfortunately you can't bring torches and pitchforks to a football game.

Posted by: Old Skool | December 05, 2014 at 12:13 PM

Don't tell OGV that!

Go Canes

Really UMike?



Since when did going to games become the ONLY factor in determining someones level of fandom?

Posted by: UMike | December 05, 2014 at 12:21 PM

That rule officially went into effect on 10/11/12 at 3:27 PM.

The Dude


^^^ Still funny even today.


He turned me into a newt.

Posted by: The Dude | December 05, 2014 at 11:51 AM



I actually like "The Meaning of Life" more than "Holy Grail", but MAN do both leave me in stitches!

Go Canes

All of them are funny. Some of the best comedy ever put together and all of them performed it flawlessly!


Their timing was impeccable and their execution was flawless.

Now if only the UM football team could...oh, never mind.

VA Cane

If you consider cheerleading or little girls in the sandbox making mudpies then....i guess you are a fan....but I like REAL football...you know....
FUNDAMENTAL BEATDOWN APOCALYPSE NOW TATUMIZER TAKE YOUR HEAD OFF BEAT YOU DOWN NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP FOOTBALL......not that schoolgirl song and dance pussy pansy crap your DADDY AlPa is putting out there......please its not football, we really didnt win 6 games....its very sad excuse for an over rated over paid coach to call football......
We can do better


Go Canes

@ByTimReynolds: In case anyone's curious, I've talked with two members of the Miami football staff today and neither had the day off. #ButIDo #giddyup


Posted by: Go Canes | December 05, 2014 at 07:32 AM

All of your post are about defending Golden but you try to act as if you don't like him? You act like it's just so ridiculous about Coley going to UK like it's impossible or something, and like it's just so far fetched that Golden would let his staff off because of so many night games? News flash for ya, everybody else doesn't like Golden like you, Fisch left didn't he? So why Coley can't? Did Golden not complain about night games ALL YEAR? So he set his self up for this, he's NOT a victim!

So do you want Golden to stay or get fired?


TE commit Jerome Washington

Ranked #1 JUCO TE by ESPN and the #19 JUCO player in the nation.


Everybody else is pissed at UM but yo @$$ can't wait to go to the next game! LMAO


Gil Brandt ‏@Gil_Brandt 7m7 minutes ago

My wildcard for #Michigan is Greg Schiano, might even be front-runner. Will get excellent recommendations from high-powered #NFL coaches


Dane Brugler ‏@dpbrugler 43m43 minutes ago

I've confirmed with league sources that January 15 will again be the underclassmen deadline for the 2015 #NFLDraft. No change this year

We'll know Duke's decision by this date...

The Dude


^^^ My time in the military.

dj moonbat

Since when did going to games become the ONLY factor in determining someones level of fandom?

Posted by: UMike | December 05, 2014 at 12:21 PM

That rule officially went into effect on 10/11/12 at 3:27 PM.

Posted by: 86Cane | December 05, 2014 at 12:24 PM

I would like to request an exemption. Game attendance would impose ruinous costs.

Look, there may be a very small contingent of straight-up trolls who get off on going to sports-themed forums/blogs/etc., and raising hell. But in general, if you spend as many hours out of your life as most Canespace regulars do, obsessing over the team's ups and (mostly) downs, you're a fan.

I understand why a person who loves to attend games would want to use game attendance to delegitimize the opinions of others, but there's nothing magical about walking through the turnstiles at SLS that confers special insight into how the world, and the team, works.

J'Ville Cane

Posted by: dj moonbat | December 05, 2014 at 12:54 PM


Saying "I'm a bigger fan than you because I attend the games" is very elementary.


I would like to request an exemption. Game attendance would impose ruinous costs.

Posted by: dj moonbat | December 05, 2014 at 12:54 PM

Exemption granted.

Go Canes

Posted by: J'Ville Cane | December 05, 2014 at 12:58 PM

What view on here isn't?

Is seeing Butch as the savior of this program while ignoring all the issues weighing this program down like a thousand pound anchor such an enlightened viewpoint?


The notion that if you live in Miami and don't go to the games your not supporting the CANEZ is absurd. Let s start with ACC TV deal which allows 2nd class CANEZ fans sit on their ass and help maintain Miami's sky high TV rating even though the team sucks under Golden, how merchandise sale, license plates registration etc. Tickets sale are just slice of the pie

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