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March 06, 2015


Texican cane

Been a while

Terrance Sullivan

Soup U rule. KYCANE U rule also. I am blessed to have U all as Friends and had the time of my life. Canespace 4 life!

Dude on a Pale Horse



The NCAA has come down in a huge way vs. Syracuse today. This really kills Boeheim's legacy, as he's losing a ton of Ws and drops to 6th place. It will also be interesting to see how this affects the basketball team tomorrow, as SU plays NCState in their last game of the season, so it becomes their championship game. Also, the winner would tie the U, assuming the U beats VTech at noon (never a guarantee obviously), for 6th place in conference. Likely it is better for the U in jockeying for NCAA tnmt. position to see SU win, as NCState is likely a bubble team just like Miami. Of course, I just want to see Coach L wrap up another winning ACC and 20 W season. Anyone near Blacksburg willing to wear orange and green tomorrow?

Don't suppose I should ask Terrance which one is the shark? BTW, nice personal article. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.


Just for those of u who think we lose to Nebraska, that ain't happening. We will, however lose to some scum bucket team we are not supposed to lose to like cane's killer virginia.
Good to see the 2016 class taking shape, give al a little time, say about mid season and watch it start to dissolve, we each loss where we get out coached at half time.



If U want to support and promote the Miami Hurricanes, then post here. If U want to hate and criticize the Hurricanes then go the the MH or the SS. I will be glad to be rid of MOST of U tomorrow.

Or better yet, maybe yesterday.

That is all!


^^^^^^ That wasn't a nice post Soup. 😔

Terrance Sullivan

It's a real post by Soup!

Dude on a Pale Horse

I didn't criticize Miami, I criticized another blogger, lol.

Dude on a Pale Horse

All I said was when I predicted 12-0, Go Canes and his crew suggested I had an agenda. Besides that, I was granted complete permission to say whatever if Al lost to UVA. Everything I've said is fair, or I've explained is my opinion.

WW, I need my agent to fight for me on this one. Lol.


"They caught a shark. Not THE shark."


Fair enough SOUP, but Go Canes was WRONG about certain bloggers looking for negative angles. What's wrong with agreeing that we should take Spring ball worth a grain salt, i.e., moving to Missouri?


WW, I need my agent to fight for me on this one. Lol.

Posted by: The Dude | March 06, 2015 at 11:41 PM

He's right Soup! It's well documented that you pretty much gave The Dude diplomatic immunity after that Virginia game. He's a Made Man now!!!


Its been a while, but TSully the man...lol... i should be in town for the Spring Game, if you fella go let me knw!!

Terrance Sullivan

What's good DeeCane.


The NCAA has come down in a huge way vs. Syracuse today. This really kills Boeheim's legacy, as he's losing a ton of Ws and drops to 6th place.

Posted by: JCane | March 06, 2015 at 09:36 PM

Just read this...what buncha cowards in Indianapolis. If SU doesn't have a successful appeal, this is damn near the DP.


Lookin tsully


Looking good tsully*


TSully, nothing much brother, just still living this Army life style. . Me and Cold Cane kicked it for the FSU game out here in Texas...


Terrance...where did you cop that hat, I like it? And let me get my damn shirt back dawg!, I swear I HAD one like it my closet!


SOUP...an article about you & KC's? snorkeling excursion would've been nice. Those outdoor articles you used to write for that other blog were pretty good, seemed like you were in a zone. You should write those articles when it's "dead season" around here.


Give me Canes or give me death! Love dem Canes!

Dude on a Pale Horse

Posted by: CaneRock | March 07, 2015 at 01:29 AM

I concur. I'll have to do one too, about Idaho.


Canes men basketball team have another play-in game to make the NCAA tournament today at noon at Va Tech. Va Tech is 2-12 in conference so the Canes should take care of business in Blacksburg and move it RPI into the low 60s.

Go Canes!


Damn dude


"They caught a shark. Not THE shark."

Posted by: TonyCane | March 07, 2015 at 12:05 AM

TS caught that shark bare-handed!

Terrance Sullivan

Rock I copped that Hat from I think BP on Miami Gardens Drive last November but U should be able to order it at AllCanes or Shop Miami Hurricanes. Com, etc man. The shirt hahaha classic. Great times was had at the Canespace Four Play + 1.

Terrance Sullivan

KYCANE and Soup are Kings of all trades. I hope I can be like them one day. That shark crossed me and he learned a valuable lesson don't piss off a hungry fat man it will end bad for U BOL hahaha.

Terrance Sullivan

DeeCane glad U and Cold Cane linked up last season for the FSU game. We miss U Brothas! Thank U all for your service. Hopefully one game in the future we will get up for a game again. Go Canes. Canespace 4 Life!


Jack Allison - UM QB of the future?



Sully, For sure bro!!


BB team is looking good so far with a 28 point halftime lead. The 3s are falling and they're controlling the boards.


Same old story: When they can't make 3s, they lose their head. 0-8 to start the second half, lead is down to 20.

We need to recruit busloads of players who can play the 4 and 5 position to become less one-dimensional.


Ive got to let off some steam here. Its not against my Canes but its this acc raw deal we signed into. I can watch the Canes play an SEC team here in SC from a broadcast from Tally on the sec network but the Canes b ball team s blacked out playing someone who is in the north east region of the country on espn 3. In fact the whole east region of the country is blacked out. What a joke of a conference...ACC is terrible.


After Palmer and Lecomte hit consecutive 3s, the lead is back up to 29. Looks like we'll get wins #20 (overall) and #10 (ACC) to close out the regular season.


The only teams that get broadcast up here nationally are fsu and duke espn a d espn2... i guess the headquarters are shared between those schools...lol


I meant Gains-ville not tally on the first post


With broadcast policies like that, TV companies are digging their graves. Broadband internet is going to obliterate their economic model.


77-56 with 1:29 to go.


Canes tie a school record with 15 made 3s (15-25) and win 82-61.
On to the ACC tourney. Go Canes!

Go Canes

Even if had squeezed in, which in hindsight was pretty much an impossibility, he never would have stayed eligible.

@Sheadixon: Oh... Les Miles said Travonte Valentine is "not a guy we will count on" right now. Translation: don't expect him back soon. @Geaux247


Miami down 9-6 in the top of 8th. Louisville scored 6 runs in the bottom of 7th due to poor defense......Ugh!!!!!


Bottom 8th Miami 6 Bad Guys 9

Dude on a Pale Horse

Posted by: Go Canes | March 07, 2015 at 02:45 PM

Translation: Al Golden is my hero.

Dude on a Pale Horse

Has the ACC Tournament been set? Who's Miami playing?

Go Canes

Translation: Al Golden is my hero.

Posted by: The Dude | March 07, 2015 at 04:48 PM

Translation: Go Trojans.


Has the ACC Tournament been set? Who's Miami playing?

Posted by: The Dude | March 07, 2015 at 04:49 PM

Plan accordingly: @CanesHoops will open #ACCTourney play at 9pm Wednesday vs. the winner of Wake Forest and Virginia Tech.

Either way, that's the game the Hurricanes have to win to keep their NCAA chances alive. If they win, things start to get interesting.


Baseball, anyone?

In Game #1, the Hurricanes lost 6-9 because of a total collapse in the 7th, giving up 6 runs.

In Game #2, it's 6-0 Canes after 4. They just scored 5 in the top of the 4th.


Back to basketball:
If the Canes win against VT/WF on Wednesday, they'll face ND on Thursday.

The results this season:
vs. VT: 2 wins 76-52, 81-61
vs. WF: 1 loss 72-70
vs. ND: 1 loss 75-70

Doesn't look too bad.


Canes up 8-1 after 5.

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