The question at hand seems to be: "What is a sports fan?"
One definition I found was, “an enthusiastic devotee (as of a sport or a performing art) usually as a spectator”. Another more simple definition was “an enthusiastic devotee of sports”.
I could not find a single definition that spoke of going to games, being positive at all times no matter the state of said team or attending CaneSpace events.
I have been blogging /contributing to this blog for over seven years now. Although it has been a while, I have personally written close to ten articles for this blog. I created the current banner image at the top of this blog along with the one used before it. I have also helped monitor this blog for approximately three years. I have spent time with and become friends with great people from this blog. I fought for this blog. When others left I stayed loyal. When other blogs were created, I stayed loyal. When SOUP/86 had his own blog wars with former posters, I fought along with him to protect this blog and his name.
I do not mention these things to gloat or seek praise, I mention these things to illustrate a point…I am loyal. I do not run when things get tough or when things do not go my way. I do not mind being called a hater or a negative nancy. I have clearly earned those titles. I do not mind going back and forth with any blogger no matter his/her status on this blog. I do not mind the indirect jabs and cheap shots that are taken at me on this blog from either its owner or some dude lurking around it. No, those things do not get to me.
However, questioning if I am a “real” fan does.
I do not believe ANY blogger on this or any other blog has the right to question another blogger’s fandom or to suggest that they are somehow, some way a bigger/better fan. Does going to games make you a fan? Do attending CaneSpace outings make you a fan? Does sending money to the University make you a fan? Does purchasing merchandise make you a fan? Or does pouring your heart and energy into your team make you a fan?
My grandmother is the reason I am a Canes fan. She is the woman that got me started all those years ago. She was the biggest Canes fan I knew. She never attended a single game her whole life. She never wore a single Canes shirt her whole life and if us kids ever did you better believe it was found at a thrift store. My grandmother cannot tell you the names of all the great Cane players that have passed through. She cannot tell you the coaches’ names who won those 5 national titles. But what she can do, what she can show, is an undeniable devotion and energy to and for her Canes.
When the game was on she was glued to our television, screaming during every play. Everyone knew to be quiet. If we were not at home, the game would be on the radio in the car. Her passion for the team was very evident. Same with the Dolphins. No one in my family would dare question if she was a fan. We knew. But according to different bloggers on this blog she is not a real fan at all.
I’m not a fan because I have a ton of Cane gear. Im not a fan because I watch the games on TV. I'm not a fan because I make it to a game or two a year. Sure those things are all great signs I’m a fan, but I am a fan because I love my Canes and I pour my heart and energy into them. That love is what makes me blog day in and day out about them for years. It’s that love that causes me to be seen as negative when they are doing bad.
Despite how bad things have been with my Canes, I have never wavered in my support. I have never wavered in my love for them. I do however speak about them a little differently these days. If my shifting opinions during the programs current state make me an “arm chair coach, so be it. I have earned the right to complain. But does that make me less of a fan? Or does the sting of the pain show I am a fan? This blog is for the fans. Not for “positive all day every day fans” or “were gonna go from 6-7 to 12-0 fans”, but ALL fans. Or at least it used to be.
We all share in this blog because we are fans of the Miami Hurricanes, the greatest program in history. We all spend our time, energy and emotion on our Canes and this blog. Some want to stay positive in the midst of the down time while others share their frustration with sarcastic comments about how bad we have become. Both sides are still fans. You see it’s NOT about what us bloggers say, it’s about us being on this blog day in and day out saying anything. It is that devotion, that emotion and that energy that prove we are ALL fans… not one bigger than the other and not one better than the other.
CaneSpace rule #305: Never question a bloggers fanhood.
Because if you do, and you know how we roll in the 305, you just might wind up on a stick at someone's BBQ tailgate party. And I'm not jus sayin...
Interesting. Go Canes.
Posted by: Terrance Sullivan | April 13, 2015 at 09:32 PM
Posted by: SOUP | April 13, 2015 at 09:33 PM
UMike comes back swinging and hits home.
U gotta love that about ANY Canes fan. We may get knocked down, but we will get up swinging!
Well done son, well done. VACane would be proud!
Posted by: SOUP | April 13, 2015 at 09:39 PM
Good stuff UMike.
Posted by: Go Canes | April 13, 2015 at 09:42 PM
UMike is also a maestro on the Grill. Love the article. Go Canes!
Posted by: Terrance Sullivan | April 13, 2015 at 10:18 PM
Posted by: CaneRock | April 13, 2015 at 10:24 PM
Well said UMike.
Posted by: Dude on a Pale Horse | April 13, 2015 at 10:57 PM
The blog needed this dose of reality.
Posted by: Dude on a Pale Horse | April 13, 2015 at 10:58 PM
Posted by: CaneRock | April 13, 2015 at 10:24 PM
I may not go that far, but it is in my top 10.
Maybe my top 5?
Posted by: SOUP | April 13, 2015 at 11:40 PM
Top 5 minimum.
Posted by: Dude on a Pale Horse | April 13, 2015 at 11:44 PM
YUP, just for the sincerity factor alone.
Posted by: SOUP | April 13, 2015 at 11:45 PM
Damn good article, except the part about eating people on a stick.
Posted by: Lurker | April 14, 2015 at 12:07 AM
Best Blog EVER!
Yeah I said it, two tears in a bucket...
Posted by: WWIN | April 14, 2015 at 12:08 AM
For the fans by the fans!
NOT for the Homers by the Homers!
Posted by: WWIN | April 14, 2015 at 12:11 AM
WWIN...I shed a tear or two myself to be honest.
Posted by: SOUP | April 14, 2015 at 12:12 AM
Rock when was the last time I said F da heat? Too long ago???
Well F em!!!
Posted by: WWIN | April 14, 2015 at 12:15 AM
I guess it's a crime to be a Homer right WWIN?
Posted by: Terrance Sullivan | April 14, 2015 at 12:15 AM
We should just all be negative all the time and every thing will be OK.
Posted by: Terrance Sullivan | April 14, 2015 at 12:17 AM
U🎤 gets 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤
Posted by: CaneRock | April 14, 2015 at 12:23 AM
^^^^^^ see Tsully, why you have to do me like dat dawg? I thought we was boys? Lol
Nothing wrong with being a Homer if that's yo thang, so the same can be said about being a Nancy. Everybody is entitled to their on OPINIONS. What I really hate is when people think other people are miserable or depressed just bcuz they tell da truth about the state of the program. The program sucks right now, that's just stating the truth. Not saying that it can't improve this year but that's the current state we're in. But my life is great, the program just sucks right now! Lol
Posted by: WWIN | April 14, 2015 at 12:23 AM
What I really hate is when people think other people are miserable or depressed just bcuz they tell da truth about the state of the program. The program sucks right now, that's just stating the truth. Not saying that it can't improve this year but that's the current state we're in. But my life is great, the program just sucks right now! Lol
Posted by: WWIN | April 14, 2015 at 12:23 AM
Truth on the blog.
Posted by: The Dude | April 14, 2015 at 12:34 AM
Exactly. Nothing wrong with having Homers and Negatives we balance each other out. Just giving U grief my dude. Wax on! Wax Off! It's put up or shut up in 2015. Time for Coach Golden and company to get it done or UHaul gonna be moving his belongings from Miami. That is all. I love each and every one of U. We Canespace FAM.
Posted by: Terrance Sullivan | April 14, 2015 at 12:38 AM
^^^^^ I agree 100%! You know you my boy Tsully!
Posted by: WWIN | April 14, 2015 at 12:51 AM
UMike, mad respect for you. This is the best blog post I've seen here (and I've been reading for years).
Many people fail to understand the difference between "hope for" and "expect".
If I hope for the Canes to lose 5 or more games next season, I am not a fan. We should always hope that next season is the time when we will go undefeated.
Expectations, on the other hand, are a totally different thing. They are based on experience, reflection, analysis (remember the "By the numbers" blogs?). And it is only natural that after a decade of mediocrity and in the wake of a losing season, it is not realistic to expect an ACC title, undefeated record etc.
Saying as much does not make you less of a fan, as UMike has so eloquently stated.
Posted by: VfB_Cane | April 14, 2015 at 04:15 AM
Thanks for the love guys..and as always, thanks SOUP for allowing me to contribute.
Lurker..would you believe me if I told you that last part about people on a stick mysteriously appeared AFTER I submitted my blog article lol
Also, kinda cool the little kid in the first pic is the same, but much older, kid in 2nd and 7th pics time flies...
Posted by: UMike | April 14, 2015 at 06:15 AM
I think responses to commits like "Just more time for them to decommit" or this kid can really be a player responded to with "Too bad it's wasted with this staff" are the things this blog can do without.
Responding to every little thing with a shot is just counterproductive and has no purpose other than to annoy.
To me, things like that are what was killing this blog, not differing opinions.
Posted by: Go Canes | April 14, 2015 at 07:12 AM
Go Canes...I can agree with that for the most part, but since those comments a lot of the times turn out to be true that is why they are said lol....those comments dont kill a blog imo...taking away the freedom to have those opinions do. For every nancy that makes those comments there is a homer making outlandish statements based on nothing more than being a homer goes both ways. I dont think it is done to annoy at all, it just annoys you cause you're a homer, just like the homer comments annoy me cause im a hater lol... The debate is healthy...this is a well balanced blog. We all cant be homers 100% of the time, especially when things arent all fine and dandy at the moment. But we also cant be nancys 100% of the time.
As long as the debate stays clean and not personal were all good imo.
Posted by: UMike | April 14, 2015 at 07:23 AM
And Go Canes...I praise you man for always staying so positive in light of all the negative that has happened to this program over the last few years or so. In real life I am that person, just ask TSully he is on my Facebook lol...I know you catch a lot of shyt around here but we do respect you, you have certainly earned that.
Posted by: UMike | April 14, 2015 at 07:29 AM
UMike U are the man!
Posted by: Terrance Sullivan | April 14, 2015 at 07:48 AM
TSully in tha buildin!! T, how far are you from Chattanooga?
Posted by: UMike | April 14, 2015 at 07:56 AM
Morning Spacers
Posted by: Sinistercane | April 14, 2015 at 08:10 AM
Golden better win
Posted by: SinisterCane | April 14, 2015 at 09:06 AM
Awesome, well written and point well taken! Umike you da man! You make a great point, we are all Cane fans in our own ways...right or wrong. One important thing I will point out is the child like name calling that has gone on here. Those who have done it know who they are. We are a brotherhood and we should treat each other as such, everyone one here puts their pants on the same way. We all bleed orange and green and have the same passion for our Canes. As far as I am concerned we are all family here on the Space so lets treat each other as such. We MUST protect this house and the family here in.
Posted by: YooperCane | April 14, 2015 at 09:28 AM
Yooper..I 100% agree
Posted by: UMike | April 14, 2015 at 09:31 AM
Probably 4 and 1/2 hours Brotha. Via I-65 to Birmingham then taking I-59 to Chattanooga and vice versa.
Posted by: Terrance Sullivan | April 14, 2015 at 09:52 AM
Great blog post homie, hater or homer, you brought the truth!!!!
All of this will be squashed in 2015 imo.
A. AG wins 9+ wins and we bring in a great class.
B. AG fails (7 wins) and he is kept (which I doubt) and we loose the class and fan base completly.
C. AG fails and new coach comes in and saves the class.
Posted by: Da U N Houston | April 14, 2015 at 09:53 AM
TSully...were gonna have to link up one of these weekends...any big city halfway or close to? I've never been to Bama before
Posted by: UMike | April 14, 2015 at 10:04 AM
Story has gone national.
@FOXSports: #Miami recruit desecrates #FloridaState logo at Doak Campbell. #CFBAM w/ @TMitrosilis:
Posted by: Go Canes | April 14, 2015 at 10:32 AM
Great article UMike, Soup may be the Heart of the Blog............ but U are the Guts!
A real fighter!
Dem Canes!!!
Posted by: NativeCane | April 14, 2015 at 10:35 AM
Did dude say desecrates? lol
Posted by: UMike | April 14, 2015 at 10:38 AM
The FSU logo is a sacred place. What a crock!!!
The American Military cemtetaries at Omaha Beach and Normandy are sacred places.
The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is a sacred place.
A logo in the middle of Doak Campbell doesn't even begin to compare. It's just more media hyperbole from Fox.
Posted by: Old Skool | April 14, 2015 at 10:38 AM
That's a word that's a word that should be reserved for something that should be revered, for example, a religious symbol. Not for the dirt and grass clownish caricature that he's standing on, in a town where the university and the cops help cover up player crimes, and sell their souls to the devil for a shot to win more games.
Screw FSU
Posted by: Lurker | April 14, 2015 at 10:52 AM
Birmingham works fine. U can come South on I-59.I can come North on I-65. I got some buddies that are Canes fans that live in Metro Birmingham and along with my buddies here in Metro Montgomery probably could meet up at a Sports Bar in Five Points South or Downtown Birmingham, or something like that. Go Canes!
Posted by: Terrance Sullivan | April 14, 2015 at 10:52 AM
I didn't see your post before I posted, old skool, we are thinking alike!
Posted by: Lurker | April 14, 2015 at 10:53 AM
Umike, mad props and laying it out there , you said what most of us wanted to , dude you hit it that one out of the park.
Posted by: Demons | April 14, 2015 at 11:02 AM
love the meat on the stick , good thing you didn't do the d&&k in the box thing .
Posted by: Demons | April 14, 2015 at 11:04 AM
Correction UMike we are about 3 and 1/2 hours to 4 hours apart.
Posted by: Terrance Sullivan | April 14, 2015 at 11:04 AM
'Taps'playing ,the long rendition until tonight for the 'Heat'
Posted by: Demons | April 14, 2015 at 11:11 AM
UMike I will link some of Us up on Facebook and let's pick a game Probably Duke or North Carolina.
Posted by: Terrance Sullivan | April 14, 2015 at 11:17 AM
McShay says PD4 can move up to the 1st Rd., in the mid to late 20s.
Posted by: CaneRock | April 14, 2015 at 11:47 AM