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November 08, 2015



Don't ask me if I'm first...Wah-keen said dominate!

Sarasota 'cane

Yo yo yo!!!

Go 'canes!!

Go Canes

Canes will take it to UNC this weekend!!

Can't wait!


So, r uh, SOUP...4th pic from the bottom, 2nd from the top...was she in the way? I'm just askin'.


at South Carolina L 17-13 0-1
Sept. 12, 2015 North Carolina A&T W 53-14 1-1
Sept. 19, 2015 Illinois W 48-14 2-1
Sept. 26, 2015 Delaware W 41-14 3-1
Oct. 3, 2015 at Georgia Tech W 38-31 4-1 (1-0)
Oct. 17, 2015 Wake Forest W 50-14 5-1 (2-0)
Oct. 24, 2015 Virginia

They lost to SC....which is terrible this year..so bad the old ball coach quit..lol


Don't ask me if I'm first...Wah-keen said dominate!

Posted by: CaneRock | November 08, 2015 at 06:32 P



I cant understand if the head coach wants to win cant he force the d coordinator to run aggressive defenses?


So, r uh, SOUP...2ND pic from the bottom, 4TH from the top...was she in the way? I'm just askin'.

Posted by: CaneRock | November 08, 2015 at 06:37 PM

She was blocking the sun for my photo.

That is my story, I am sticking to it!

Yes Mrs. 86, I am on my way...I'll cook dinner, make the bed, buy groceries, do the laundry, cut the grass, whatever!


Bring Butch back!
The only coaches I retain are beard, ice (in his rightful position) and coley (in some capacity / great receuiter). Kehoe has to go. The rest I'm not sure if they suck or if it's dno and the schemes holding them back. Just some thoughts

Terrance Sullivan

LOL 86. Great time this weekend.


So, r uh, SOUP...4th pic from the bottom, 2nd from the top...was she in the way? I'm just askin'.

Posted by: CaneRock | November 08, 2015 at 06:37 PM


A beautiful lady and a pole....do we need to say more?


My Friday night in South Beach was so rough...I had to actually drink water at the tailgate.... But only for the first 30 minutes. The i was back to my usual self.

As always, great seeing 86, Terrance, KYcane, Kenny, Canezilla, and anybody else i ran into but can't remember. :-)

Terrance Sullivan

RaizeCane Yesss Sir it was a blast.


Bucs just tried to copy " The Return"...resulted in Giants TD! LOL

Dem Canes!!!

orange 'n green in the vein

Line opened UNC -12.5

Already down to UNC -12.

Curiouser and curiouser . . .

Noel doing his best Jim Larranaga impression. 10/10.


The girl on the pole turned around, saw me taking her picture from behind, jumped down, grabbed me by the neck, looked me in the eye and said softly: "I'll rock U like a Hurricane!"

Fortunately, after a brief pause, I quickly regained my composure, then walked away calmly back to our tailgate in E5.



Big win for Pagano. Happy for him! He's been through a lot this year with his job status being in jeopardy. Guys a cane and I will always support all our former Canes coaches and players. Well all except the New Jersey/Philly crew. As far as I'm concerned they were coaching for some other team the whole time they were here. I mean what else can explain being that bad at there jobs.

Go Canes

The girl on the pole turned around, saw me taking her picture from behind, jumped down, grabbed me by the neck, looked me in the eye and said softly: "Officer that guy is stalking me again!"

Fortunately, after a brief pause, I quickly regained my composure, then wildly sprinted between a bunch of cars back to our tailgate in E5.


Posted by: 86Cane | November 08, 2015 at 07:56 PM

Fixed it for you!


Fixed it for you!

Posted by: Go Canes | November 08, 2015 at 08:05 PM



Terrance, KYCane, Raize, Canzilla...a great time was had by all. If only OGV, Native and Old Skool could have been there then it would have even been better.



Canes will take it to UNC this weekend!!

Can't wait!

Posted by: Go Canes | November 08, 2015 at 06:35 PM


Yeah, take it you know where!.....Lol. It will be an ugly one on Saturday.


UNC 48


We need to play a safety up against UNC, like we should've done against Virginia! We have to stop the QB from running, he will kill us if we don't. No'd is probably the most incompetent coach I've ever seen!!


Terrance, KYCane, Raize, Canzilla...a great time was had by all. If only OGV, Native and Old Skool could have been there then it would have even been better.#SlackersPosted by: 86Cane | November 08, 2015 at 08:20 PM

Hey I had good intentions Saturday morning but was victim of an unfortunate accident and was forced to abort the mission!

I dont know what Skool and OGV's excuse is?!?

Dem Canes!!!


UNC 48MIAMI 17Posted by: thirstybuzzardcane | November 08, 2015 at 08:24 PM

Oh ye of little faith......TBC predicts a curb stompin'!


^^^^^^lol.....we might score 30 points, but our defense won't be able to stop them!

Da U N Houston

I hope we plan on bringing pressure all day vs UNC. Have to make M. Williams one dimensional.


UNC will be UNC.. up and down.. 31-28 theU!!

Go Canes

@ChristyChirinos: Offensive line nursing some injuries as the 'Canes begin prepping for Saturday's game at North Carolina: https://t.co/7vLs5eaIux

Go Canes

@adhlawyer: @proCanes Miami passed USC for 2nd in all-time NFL TD's despite its alums playing seven THOUSAND less NFL games #ProCanes #TheU


Posted by: 86Cane | November 08, 2015 at 07:56 PM

Well damn! Lol

She treated you like some school girl b*tch!!! Lol


Da U. Eilliams was pretty 1 dimensional vs Dooke (which was vertical).


Current Top Bid Amount: :$400.00
Bid Quantity: 1

Posted by: 86Cane | November 08, 2015 at 04:13 PM

That's chump change to Soup!!! 💰💰💰


Some always say that over the last decade, the Canes did not recuit good players, they lack talent or they don't develop players. How do you explain this?


Other colleges only wish they could recruit half the talent. The Canes program has had a lot of problems over the last decade, but noone can dispute the fact that the Canes have and always will produce more NFL talent than most top ranked programs



Other colleges only wish they could recruit half the talent. The Canes program has had a lot of problems over the last decade, but noone can dispute the fact that the Canes have and always will produce more NFL talent than most top ranked programs

Posted by: BigWindyCane1 | November 08, 2015 at 09:21 PM

Now if we can finally pick the right guy to coach all that talent bigwindy. If we can do that will be back to competing for championship again. Bring back Butch!

Go Canes

@DavidFurones90: RECRUITING: Josh Uche decommits from UM https://t.co/ApWV4Woy55 @smillerdegnan @Manny_Navarro @AndreMHsports


Which linebackers? Uumm! I don't know; Eddie Johnson, the two rapists, Gianni Paul. I might have forgotten others but if we retained those 4, our depth would be fine. As for D ends; chad Thomas that was wanted by everyone, aqm, d. Jackson, Pachan.

I all do realize the only credible opponent UNC has beaten is duke right? I think the 66 points is confusing u all.


Now for all of U kindergartners out there:

ANYONE who attacks ANYONE else, just ban yourself. This childish nonsense MUST stop,

This is the last warning. If U can't handle the responsibility of acting like an adult find another blog.

Seriously, I have no time for the nonsense.

Thank U,



I love chaos in tha Space


Shaq's Pop:

"Butch is the choice you have to make now... He has done this before... He is the fan favored... He will surround himself with a great staff... All the kids have seen the U Part 2 and thinks he is a legend... He will keep 2016 intact if not make it a bit better."

Also said Shaq likes the 4-3 better.


My thoughts exactly Rock... but when I bring up Butch the haters be on my @$$!


In the words of the late great blogger "Al"....

"Bring the Butch Back!"

Damn I miss Al... put a smile on my face every time he said it!

Go Canes

Interesting stuff from Shaq's dad.

Going to be a wild next 25 days or so.

1mg of Epi

So here's a weird question ... How old is the baby in the pic above?

I ask because I've Been wondering about what age is appropriate to bring kids to the games. I've got a 7 month old now. Maybe next season?


The KIDS have SEEN The U pt.2 and thinks he's a LEGEND... hmmmm... wonder where I heard that before??? Lol

Go Canes

Posted by: 1mg of Epi | November 08, 2015 at 11:33 PM

Just got back from a weekend at Disney. As we pulled into the driveway my fiancé and I gave each other the "Why did we just put ourselves through this again?" look.

I think that's what taking a two year old to a game must be like.

It sounds like fun but once you're there...not so much!

Dude on a Pale Horse

Posted by: 86Cane | November 08, 2015 at 10:42 PM

Another alter-ego for 86, "Johnny Law."

Dude on a Pale Horse

And one for O_C, "Hall Monitor." Lol.


It's really simple... Why hasn't this happened yet? Offer the MAN a contract already!


Dude on a Pale Horse

Posted by: roachcane77 | November 09, 2015 at 05:32 AM

The only reason why is because they want to see if they can get someone better than Butch when the regular season is over. I really don't think even Herman will be interested in the job. I think it will turn out that we should have just hired Butch sooner.

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