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September 17, 2017




Alex D

Dos, Mcgahee/Marley

Terrance Sullivan



Canes open as a -13 to -14 favorites against Toledo


GREEN is the color of money.

PURPLE is the color of peace.

I hope my friends and family have an abundance of both.

VA Cane

Got to love it...Dallas got their ass kicked big time....Rubber Face HOF pretender owner and domestic abuser woman beater (JJ and Zeke) are frauds....and That Baaaaaddd Man is getting stomped by Falcons...
The reason I like it is that Bayless loves Dallas and Stephen A. thinks Rogers is the best ever...both with eat crow...uhhh eat shit tomorrow!!!!
Hate them both got to love it!!!




1mg of Epi

When did the team start practice again?


Richt on Radio: What Miami Hurricanes coach said Monday



Friday......All they did was conditioning though. They put pads on on Tuesday.



When did the team start practice again?

Posted by: 1mg of Epi | September 18, 2017 at 08:04


I have a feeling we'll look sluggish on Saturday. I'm expecting a win, but it will be close.


If we play on Saturday looks like Maria may come close enough to cancel or go play somewhere else

have a feeling we'll look sluggish on Saturday. I'm expecting a win, but it will be close.

Posted by: thirstybuzzardcane | September 18, 2017 at 12:31 PM

VA Cane

Hopefully getting back on the field will get the kids energized and confident. This is a big point in the season....can you get up get on the horse and play up to your potential.
While it is unfortunate what has happened, we cannot get down and look for an excuse. This is where the coaches will have to coach. Yes some football coaching, but life coaching. not coddling but encouraging pushing motivating these young men to execute be sharp and deal with an unfortunate truth life has dealt you.
I think CMR and staff will meet the challenge and the kids will respond.


Nice pic 86!


At the moment the Orlando facility can only accommodate 50 people. Might be a few weeks before the whole team can practice together

Saw some UM football players at the Falcons game last night. They said they were being told to stand by until further notice.


Miami switching made me look. Boost made me buy, and buy, and buy. Some of the most comfortable shoes I have.

Matt Powell @NPDMattPowell
Adidas has overtaken Jordan as the #2 brand in U.S. sport footwear. This is an achievement I never thought I would see in my lifetime.

Old Skool

After 2 blowouts, Bengals rumored to be looking at Kaepernick


If we play on Saturday looks like Maria may come close enough to cancel or go play somewhere else

have a feeling we'll look sluggish on Saturday. I'm expecting a win, but it will be close.

Posted by: thirstybuzzardcane | September 18, 2017 at 12:31 PM

Posted by: TJL | September 18, 2017 at 01:10 PM

Maybe it will get cancelled then. We should be in the top 10 in no time!!!


we play on Saturday looks like Maria may come close enough to cancel or go play somewhere else

have a feeling we'll look sluggish on Saturday. I'm expecting a win, but it will be close.

Posted by: thirstybuzzardcane | September 18, 2017 at 12:31 PM

Posted by: TJL | September 18, 2017 at 01:10 PM

Maybe it will get cancelled then. We should be in the top 10 in no time!!!

Posted by: thirstybuzzardcane | September 18, 2017 at 03:22 PM

We should jump FSU in polls and still be undefeated!


FYI - AllCanes and CanesWear will soon have the Turnover Chain shirt in stock. Must have.

CenFla Cane

28 players at practice today. Expecting a few more tomorrow


They put pads on on Tuesday.

Posted by: thirstybuzzardcane | September 18, 2017 at 12:28 PM

I saw on TV ad the other day that said that 60% of women are wearing the wrong size pad. Is this a related event?

(P.S. Do not tell me this is in bad taste. If they can put it on my TV to make money I can put it on my blog to protest)


Don't believe the BS, UM has NOT announced anything about changing the game site.

VA Cane

Just a little info...9/18/1970...47 years ago to the day....

The Greatest Guitarist of All time died at 27.....the great James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix.....he set the tone for all those who came after....hard to say GOAT in a lot of areas....guitarist......not even close.....I was lucky my cousin who was 15 years older than me....took me to see The Experience in 1967 at Constitution Hall in DC as my dad was FBI stationed in Washington...saw JH Experience open for...you got it...The Monkees!!!!!

He was the GOAT of guitar players for sure!

Hope you all are well and getting things back in place!
Go Canes!!!!


What happen to my post?


P.S. Do not tell me this is in bad taste. If they can put it on my TV to make money I can put it on my blog to protest)

Posted by: SOUP | September 18, 2017 at 06:45 PM

Do you suffer from advertisers dysfunction?


Nice pic! Have you gone survivalist?


Do you suffer from advertisers dysfunction?

Posted by: NativeCane | September 18, 2017 at 08:02 PM

Is U is, or is U ain't?



Nice pic! Have you gone survivalist?

Posted by: nemo2002 | September 18, 2017 at 08:17 PM

No, commando.


I saw on TV ad the other day that said that 60% of women are wearing the wrong size pad. Is this a related event?

(P.S. Do not tell me this is in bad taste. If they can put it on my TV to make money I can put it on my blog to protest)

Posted by: SOUP | September 18, 2017 at 06:45 PM



28 players at practice today. Expecting a few more tomorrow

Posted by: CenFla Cane | September 18, 2017 at 06:12 PM

Fake News!


I heard this mornings practice had 7 players and the rest were split between "space mountain" and "Its a small world"


I heard this mornings practice had 7 players and the rest were split between "space mountain" and "Its a small world"

Posted by: TJL | September 19, 2017 at 09:50 AM

As a resident of the Orlando area and only 15 minutes from Disney I can confirm this as true.

1mg of Epi

I saw on TV ad the other day that said that 60% of women are wearing the wrong size pad. Is this a related event?

(P.S. Do not tell me this is in bad taste. If they can put it on my TV to make money I can put it on my blog to protest)

Posted by: SOUP | September 18, 2017 at 06:45 PM

Tastes bad, eh


I heard this mornings practice had 7 players and the rest were split between "space mountain" and "Its a small world"

Posted by: TJL | September 19, 2017 at 09:50 AM

Definitely true! Hope they don't get seasick on small world!


Ok time for Legends of the Fall!

Old Skool

So far biggest legend of the fall Irma, although Marie's come on strong. Jose didn't spend enough time in the weight room and proved to be too weak to make an impact. In fact, he never hit anybody and stayed so far away, you would have thought he was coached by D'No.


Manny Diaz:
β€œIt’s like opening the season again. That’s basically what we told them. It’s like playing in an opener all over again. It’s not just three weeks not playing, it’s three weeks after really playing one game, where really, we played very poorly on defense. You almost look at it as an opener again, with some of the same issues you have with opening games. You’re playing an opponent that is scoring points for fun and has now played a lot of ball so they’re into their season routine. They’ve improved every week and we have to kind of be in mid-season form Saturday at 3:30, no excuses.”


This guy is not sugarcoating anything and I'm sure he'll have his guys prepared to do some damage against Toledo.


Old Skool...LOL. Jose was reading and reacting and minding his gaps


Posted by: Old Skool |Β September 19, 2017 at 11:50 AM



This guy [DC Manny Diaz] is not sugarcoating anything and I'm sure he'll have his guys prepared to do some damage against Toledo.

Posted by: VfB_Cane | September 19, 2017 at 01:28 PM

Sounds like Diaz is on top of things. Diaz's observations are very true. The Canes must come out ready and aggressive. The Canes can establish themselves over the next three games as a legitimate ACC and CFP contender. Canes are favored in every game going forward except FSU, and the ''Noles will start a freshman QB without Dalvin Cook. The game in Tallahassee is very winnable. Any team that makes if to the ACC championship game with at least 1 loss, has a great opportunity to make it to the final four if the win. The Canes have a chance, at least.

On the other hand, If the Canes find a way to cancel games and finish 1-0 undefeated for the rest of the regular season, they could win the ACC championship game and make the CFB playoff. πŸ˜‚ I will take it either way


I think Canes can beat FSU, but Clemson may be another story altogether. They look solid all around. We will know more after the Toledo game. Could a whole lot of scoring going on in this game Saturday. Take the over.


Why is this guy still on the team?



UM’s recruiting class continues to raise eyebrows; Richt addresses issues



86 - going to the Toledo game?


great read:



CGNC...yes, I am going to the Toledo Game. Trying to get Mrs. 86 to go with. You know where to find us.


πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘† I was trying to find you guys last week, but didn't see E5 anywhere. Parking is a tad bit different since they re-did the parking.


Gaylord Palms isn't a bad place to stay!!! The team couldn't of picked a better hotel!!!

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