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October 14, 2018



Great article, Soup! Spot on! đź’Ż


What happened to Six, angry, ocala and those cats?

Posted by: solarcane | October 14, 2018 at 08:02 PM

Ahhhhh...the stories I could tell!

Six went AWOL during the "The Great Blog War" and he followed the Jello Shot Queen into oblivion. But then who can blame him?

Angry and Canechic are fine and dandy thank you very much. We are friends on Facebook and he just had a birthday. He is a fine officer and a gentleman in the U.S. Army and she is as beautiful as always. A Charming couple if there ever was one. May God bless them both.

Ocala found religion (seriously) and gave up sports (I think?). He is married with children in Ocala and doing well I guess but we have not spoken in many years.

orange 'n green in the vein

Nepotism is always a dumb idea!


Smart Mark should have never been so dumb.


I am interested in smart, mature, thoughtful and insightful feedback on this article. Please commence!

Terrance Sullivan

Thomas Brown is the alledged OC in name correct so he should be ordered to call plays for remainder of season. If Coach Richt wants to coach something he should Coach Special Teams. Also Coach Richt step back from all the Fundraising things that's Athletic Director Blake James and His main Assistant Jenn Strawley jobs. Have Perry and Williams battle it out over who will be present and future QB. Rosier and Weldon should not play again unless it's blow out City.


You made a great comment on the last article


I am interested in smart, mature, thoughtful and insightful feedback on this article. Please commence!

Posted by: 86Cane | October 14, 2018 at 11:13 PM

Who reads the articles?

Dude on a Pale Horse

I dont think its the calls TS, but the system. Run heavy pass on 3rd down offenses win all the time, in fact weve seen Wisconsin, Stanford, Michigan and many teams in the SEC have coherent offenses through recent years. What good would Brown do calling plays if he's using the same playbook. This staff needs outside eyes, but so did the last one, and unfortunately, Richt has a history of being the smartest man in the room longer than AG.

Dude on a Pale Horse

Who reads the articles?

Posted by: thirstybuzzardcane | October 15, 2018 at 12:01 AM

Im here for the boobs!


Great article Soup.
As fans it seems we have a habit of believing everybody that wore a U on their uniform at one time or other would be a fantastic Miami coach.

We tend to turn a deaf ear to any opinion someone not wearing orange and green has.
The super Georgia fan Uncle Lou told us exactly what we were getting.
We said "f u Uncle Lou, we are Canes we know what the hell we are doing."

We gushed and fell all over each other when Shannon was hired.
When someone suggested Shannon was moody,introverted, or not head coaching material, We got our knickers in a wad.

We did the same thing with Richt. I mean the man can do a mean friggin back flip, what's not to like we said.

Georgia is the best imaginable measuring stick we could have to judge Richt's head coaching ability.
He isn't the coach I always thought he was.
I admit I was dead wrong to jump all in.

Underdog has a U on his uniform too btw


Posted by: Terrance Sullivan | October 14, 2018 at 11:24 PM

Mark Richt
Athletic Director/ Head Corch/ Awfensive Corchinator


And Chaplain

Dude on a Pale Horse

I liked the Richt hire, but he wasnt my number 1. I could understand the reasoning in picking him over Butch Davis, even if I didnt agree with it. All Richt has to do now is one thing, hire a f*cking OC and stop the nonsense and we'll be fine. Will he? It shouldnt be his choice, he just burned a whole lot of fan good will with his UVA stunt.

On a similar not, when was the last time a HC that also called plays and won big? Not even asking about a title.


I am interested in smart, mature, thoughtful and insightful feedback on this article. Please commence!

Posted by: 86Cane | October 14, 2018 at 11:13 PM

Spot on Soup!

I hate to say this and can't believe I'm actually about to type this but CMR is worse than Golden. Golden's problem was one of his coaches, which was his bff... CMR is the problem then his own son is his next problem then special teams. Golden didn't have a full roster nor the money to pay for a staff like CMR... so what's CMR's excuse???


Posted by: Dude on a Pale Horse | October 15, 2018 at 12:44 AM

To do that CMR has to demote or fire someone because he already has 10 coaches... what's his chances of doing either???


I loved when Spurrier would call the perfect play at the perfect time and his quarterback would muck it up.

The veins bulging out of the ol ball coach's head as he skipped his visor across the field was priceless.


Tecmo Bowl baby.

Bo Jackson off tackle for 99 yards!

Throw Marcus Allen a bone once in a while.

Rosters were almost always the same til free agency hit.

Dude on a Pale Horse

Posted by: WWIN | October 15, 2018 at 12:52 AM

Revisionist history.

Dude on a Pale Horse

Posted by: WWIN | October 15, 2018 at 12:54 AM

I don't know for certain, has he EVER fired someone?


Thomas Brown is the alledged OC in name correct so he should be ordered to call plays for remainder of season. If Coach Richt wants to coach something he should Coach Special Teams. Also Coach Richt step back from all the Fundraising things that's Athletic Director Blake James and His main Assistant Jenn Strawley jobs. Have Perry and Williams battle it out over who will be present and future QB. Rosier and Weldon should not play again unless it's blow out City.

Posted by: Terrance Sullivan | October 14, 2018 at 11:24 PM

I still wonder if Thomas Brown (or maybe even Dugans) is responsible for the empty jet sweep play that allowed Malik to walk in untouched. Homer would have scored untouched too.

It AMAZES me we have not expanded on this concept when it worked SO BEAUTIFULLY!

It is up Rosier alley and opens a plethora of unpredictable options. All our qbs are at least as athletic as Malik and emphasizing qb running fits all of them.

We don’t have to get 40 or 50 a game. Just be able to start strong and build momentum. Convert some first downs and control the clock. Give THE PILLAGE some hope and xcitement before they come back in.

We got the fbs version of Sanford and Son offense.

But I wonder are Brown and Dugans Fred Sanford Jr or are they Lamont begging their father to modernize the family business?


Dude, i was gonna say the system can work with tweaking. But as I typed it I got a bad vibe.

His insistence on giving his flawed qbs so much rope to hang themselves with throwing deep, low percentage passes so much just baffles me.

When we stick with the short game, it works.

When we throw easy passes on first down, they work.

Virginia baited Perry into deep throws, completely anticipating our tendencies.

Spread was created to give less talented teams a chance to compete. It uses space, pace , and multiple looks and options to get yards on more physically talented defenses. It makes them have to be disciplined and focused every snap or there will be trouble.

But we have better football in the playbook right now.

Why have three straight qbs been so inconsistent under Richt?

I think that the old way of reading defenses is too much for modern qbs. I think the guys can do it, but only the MOST ELITE players can go through a full 4-5 receiver progression with the. exotic looks, disguises, and monsters on slime with amazing technique.

Perry got sacked on a 3 step drop where St. Louis had no chance. Whether he read it would not matter. Those guys are COMING and very few teams can deal with it consistently.

Richt is expecting too much when the game is moving faster than ever. All parts of it. I think this is his biggest problem with finding ways to work around our deficiencies.

Outside the top elite teams, everybody has deficiencies. But p5 teams with less talent are playing better offense than us.We are over complicating things.

You see it in the confused looks and and poor mental performance.

Old Skool

Six is a news director for a TV station in Tampa.

Old Skool

Good write up Soup. Very thoughtful.

I would love to read or hear the post-mortem analysis (or autopsy) Richt performed after the game. Gotta wonder if the word "I" entered into it.

If there was an autopsy, what did he find? Arterial blockage? Cognitive impairment? Constipated play-calling?

Here's a idea for a fifth play for CMR to add to the team's playbook: the flying wedge.




Richt isn't who we thought we were getting and he is everything UGa/Nation has said he would be. Which is new team, same underachieving Richt.

When we hired Richt we thanked UGA for being idiots (lmao) for letting him come to us not knowing that we've inherited everything UGA use to be. A talented team who year after year watched SharkF*cker win the East in the SEC with Treon Harris at QB (LMAO).

What they said: They told us that Richt does not handle pressure situations well. Coaches scared and will always go with the safe pick that makes him average instead of the risky pick that could make him great.
What we thought: We thought he would learn from some of his panic moves in the past like benching UGA's starting QB in 2015 after like 2 drives and countless other fiasco.
What we've gotten: Conservative and safe will always be his choice. Safe, safe, safe personnel choice (especially at QB), play calling, doesn't matter. Some pressure situations that come to mind are the onside kicks vs GT and UVa. Benching Rosier against Pitt. Benching Perry against UVa etc.

What they said: They said expect to have talented teams only for disappointment year after year.
What we thought: We thought with Richt now being in a weak ACC conference that he would manage to win more games a year and possibly be a 10-11 win coach since playing VT, Pitt, and FSU was a HUGE step down from playing Tennessee, Auburn, and Florida every year.
What we've gotten: So far, it looks like UGA fans weren't speaking out of their ass. Every time we ran into a team with a pulse we lost. We got clobbered by Clemson, LSU, Wisconsin. We also got clobbered by VT in 2016 when they were really good. We're only beating FSU because they have been the worse FSU teams in 40 years. We did beat ND and VT but those are the only games that stand out and those games had atmospheres we haven't had since the Orange Bowl.

What they said: They said Richt isn't a good play caller compared to Mike Bobo and that he needed to stick to just being a CEO at HC.
What we thought: We thought since Richt produced those high octane offenses at FSU with Florida kids that he would be able to do it again.
What we've gotten: What have we gotten? The most predictable, uninspired, unimaginative failed infusion of a read option offense into a 1989 system one could ever think of. The system is broken and it does not get your best offensive players involved. We do nothing to exploit defenses and I mean NOTHING! If your weakness as a team is defending outside routes we don't run any of it. If your defense sucks at covering crossing routes we won't run 1 crossing route. We run the SAME EXACT THING over and over again with Richt calling plays. It like Richt and Co. don't even prep or game plan for defense.

What they said: They said Richt is a "QB guru."
What we thought: Yea, we thought Richt would be able to get production out of the QB position because of his time at FSU and some of those early years at UGA.
What we've gotten: He doesn't look like it. Rosier did not improve at all. Perry looked lost in the first half vs FSU and UVa. Also the way he is handling the QB situation is like a sh*tshow on amateur hour.

What they said: Richt never cared about special teams as the special team was always a problem while he was at UGA.
What we thought: We didn't think much of it because our special teams was never really bad.
What we've gotten: I've never seen special teams this impact-fully bad before. It losing us games or keeping games close.

What they said: Richt does not make the necessary adjustment as a HC to make the team better. Lacks self/team awareness and the ability to coach or scheme around the team's overall weakness while enhancing the strengths. If you have 9-3 talent Richt can't coach them up to be 10 or 11 win team. Your going 9-3.
What we thought: We overlooked this. We thought if we recruited like we're suppose to we would run through the ACC coastal.
What we've gotten: Again this is true. Richt can't get the most out of his team schematically or out coaching his opponents. He can only luck into a better result or out talent you like in 2017. You would have thought Richt would put in effort to clean up some of the fixable things that led to so many close games in 2017 like recruiting a punter, hiring a OC or a ST coach, etc. Nope! Completely oblivious to small details that could be corrected before we played LSU that would of course come back to bit us. No awareness of his team's weakness (or strength) as a whole especially on offense. Sure he knows we need to an O-line and some WR but did he even pay attention to special teams? Like at all? No? Okay. He needs to stop "hoping" and wishing that player X, Y, and Z will eventually get the job done. To much blind faith going on with Richt and his coaching staff. Either produce or get off the field. Stop this you have 5 games to prove you can play nonsense. Also stop the with seniority over talent no matter how bad the upperclassmen looks.

What they said: Richt made a lot of bad hires at asst. coach at UGa.
What we thought: We're getting SEC caliber asst. coaches! SEC caliber recruiting!
What we've gotten: A lot of green and journeymen coaches. 3 years in and we STILL don't have a average O-line. They still get their sh*t pushed in by teams that don't even recruit DL well. Brown, Dugans are coaches who undoubtedly can coach and recruit at an SEC level. You can add Manny only as a DC (not as a LB coach) and Kul coaches at Alabama. Simpsons and Banda also have potential. Rumph is meh at best and Searels should be fired. Richt Jr is not a Miami caliber QB coach. Nepotism at it finest. Our QB's haven't gotten better and he isn't recruiting a QBs every year which is dumb and could end up worse with the way we're currently handling the QB position now. It looks like amateur hour out here the way we handle some things.

What they said: Richt team's loses games they have no business losing.
What we thought: There is no way Richt would lose games with talented Miami teams to the likes of Pitt, UNC, or UVa.
What we've gotten: We lost to a 4-8 ND team in '16. We lost to UVa in '18. We lost to Pitt as the #2 team in the land in '17. Not to mention, there were plenty of teams we could of lost to like the 4-8 Cuse, 1-7 UNC, 2 horrible FSU teams, etc.

What they said: Richt team's seem to always come out flat, unmotivated, and takes the personality of Richt's nonchalant attitude.
What we thought: We thought Richt just needed a change of scenery. He'll be fired up to coach at his alum mater.
What we've gotten: Another bingo for UGa fans. How many times have we come out flat? ESPECIALLY the offense. The offense, more then any other unit, is like this. Nonchalant attitude from players getting nonchalant play calling from a nonchalant coach.

Posted by: Sinistercane1 | October 14, 2018 at 10:28 PM

Go Canes!!

All valid points. Said yesterday I hoped he had the ability to realize his legacy is now riding on his ability to see he’s wasting a defense that year in and out has national championship potential.

If he doesn’t accept help from a young, innovative, aggressive offensive mind he’ll retire or leave here anything but a hero.

It’s all up to him.


Corch is 5-5 in his last ten games



If you break it down...

The Relevant Years: 2001-2007 (7 Seasons)

Wins: 72 or 10.3 Wins Per Season
Conference Titles: 2
BCS Games: 3

The Recent Years: 2008-2015 (8 Seasons)

Wins: 73 or 9.1 Wins Per Season
Conference Titles: 0
BCS Games: 0


I think the difference in wins has to do with the quality of coaching in the SEC and when he coached against them. For example, Richt was 2-0 against Bama but then when Saban came in 2007, he went 1-3 against Bama.

[The records below represent Richt's record v. these teams]

Against UF:

2001: Spurrier 0-1
2002-04: Zook 1-2
2005-10: Meyer 1-5
2011-15: Muschump 3-1

Against LSU:

2001-04: Saban 1-1 (Doesn't play against LSU in 2001 and 2002)
2005-15: Miles 3-2 (Doesn't play against LSU in 2006, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2015)


2001-02: Franchione 1-0 (Doesn't play against Bama in 2001)
2003-06: Shula 1-0 (Doesn't play against Bama in 2004, 2005 and 2006)
2006-15: Saban 1-3 (Doesn't play against Bama in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014


Corch blames the players



Before closing let me say that I believe all Miami Hurricane fans want Mark Richt to succeed. He is a former Hurricane player and came back to his alma mater out of love for the school and a chance to rebuild the once proud program. But, then again, we all wanted Randy Shannon to succeed also and we all know how that turned out.

Richt is a genuinely good man. He has done many good things for the University of Miami and has been generous of his time and money, contributing a cool $1 million to the indoor practice facility. But his job is to win football games. When he does a good job he deserves all the credit in the world. And, when the team plays poorly and loses he deserves the blame too.

If he is willing to take a serious inventory of what needs to be done to fix things I believe he can be very successful at UM. The only questions that remain is will he and if so, how soon will he address the issues that everyone can see.


Disagree with one section

IMO Corch didn’t it come to UM for his love of the Canes. He simply came here due to UGA fires his ass. Corch wanted no parts Miami when we fired clappy and Shannon


Sin...I guess you may be right, I am just not that familiar with those two scenarios.


Why don't we hire Mike Leach?

Let him lock the whole offense in a dark room for a couple days.
Score about 30 or 40 points a game and let the defense catch their breath for awhile

Come out with the center 20 feet to the right of the qb, snap the ball to
Dallas pitch it to Thomas.

When was last play we ran that you said I did not see that coming.


Six is a news director for a TV station in Tampa.

Posted by: Old Skool | October 15, 2018 at 04:12 AM


That's cant be good..... lol


Was CMR on the Rose show today? Curious what he had to say.


I thought the same thing.
Six used to tell me stories about spending hours playing whiffle ball homerun derby while on the clock at HSN network.

Old Skool

I still agree Richt has laid the infrastructure for something special here. It just seems to be missing one detail - honest self-reflection or awareness


Miami had a HORRIFIC loss to Virginia on Saturday, and that sits squarely on Mark Richt.

Here’s what the Canes’ head coach had to say about that loss, the decision to bench N’Kosi Perry, and more, from Monday’s appearance on the Joe Rose Show:

Rose asks about QB switch first.

Richt "Perry was struggling. We were struggling offensively. I didn't like the way the game was going." Cites Rosier's experience in games as the reason for the switch

Rose asks if quick hook will affect Perry's confidence

CMR "I think he'll be fine. He knows we have high regard for him." Says Perry will have a good career here. Says some things, but implies Perry has to develop "mental toughness

Asked about the onside kick

CMR "If you get it, that's great. If you don't, that's a difference of about 15 yards. Unless what happened happens. That was worst case scenario for that"

"it certainly backfired on us. It's a decision I made and I have to own it"

Rose asks about OL struggles

CMR "there were more issues up from than you'd like during a game" but cites perimeter blocking and missed assignments (without clarification) as big issues, as well

Rose asks about play calling issues!!!

CMR "You've gotta soul search." Gotta be thorough in self-scouting (YO @romancane) and more.

Krantz asks what CMR thinks about people saying #Canes need a new playcaller.

CMR "make sure you're calling the right things. Offensive football is about 11 guys doing it right." Basically, if they did what they needed to do, the plays would work.

CMR hammering the "missed assignments" thing. Could be right. Is probably right. But it's also deflecting from the question.

Old Skool

Quote of the day from Raiders DE Bruce Irvin: "We lost, but I've got a beautiful wife I get to go home to, boy. I'm going to try to make some babies, man."

Old Skool

Here's the follow-up question, I would have liked to hear Joe Rose ask:

Were the Canes put in the best position to win through your play-calling and, if so, how?


Mike Leach quote

Our offensive line has to be tougher people ... That will be addressed tomorrow. It will be an experience they won’t forget. They’ll be talking about it when they’re my age.


I know that CMR blamed the players failure to execute their assignments (which coaching is partially to blame for that), but there are some fundamental issues with offensive concepts, game-planning and installation opponent-by-opponent. From watching the FSU and UVA games, I just felt that the Canes did not offensive game-plan for their opponent, while the opponent defenses game-planned for them.

In addition, the Canes never did go across the middle or go to check-downs often enough. Also, I was never a big fan of the Canes route designs and combinations, and I do think the receivers should be given "hot" routes, which allow them to adjust when there is a delayed blitz. It seems that teams are noticing that the Canes don't have those concepts, coupled with the fact that they struggle picking up blitzes. It seems that every top ten team in college football has this, and these teams are not more talented than the Canes.

IMHO, CMR needs a lot of help that he is not getting. I hope CMR is open to suggestions. I don't know what is going on in the offense's coaches room, but this is not cutting it. Missing Richards for the season does hurt. I have seen Richards erase a lot of QB mistakes, but he is not there this season, and Rosier is not the answer. I am not interested in watching Rosier, a very limited 5th year senior, quarterback this team. If the Canes are going to lose, they should lose with Perry or Williams, so at least I will have hope for the future.

CMR can also sit down with Diaz and ask him what could help his offense.


Thomas Brown is the alledged OC in name correct so he should be ordered to call plays for remainder of season.

Posted by: Terrance Sullivan | October 14, 2018 at 11:24 PM

You are correct, Brown is officially listed as the OC and Dugans as Co Offensive Coordinator. So what can or is being done to fix this? Surely, they can't be proud of their work to date? Who is being held accountable?


Quote of the day from Raiders DE Bruce Irvin: "We lost, but I've got a beautiful wife I get to go home to, boy. I'm going to try to make some babies, man."

Posted by: Old Skool | October 15, 2018 at 08:43 AM

Keeping it REAL Now that's putting things in perspective!


1. I am not interested in watching Rosier, a very limited 5th year senior, quarterback this team. If the Canes are going to lose, they should lose with Perry or Williams, so at least I will have hope for the future.

2. CMR can also sit down with Diaz and ask him what could help his offense.

Posted by: BigWindyCane1 | October 15, 2018 at 09:01 AM

1. BINGO! But not sure Richt cares what we think?

2. Whatever it takes.


Mike Leach quote

Up 57 to 6

There was 23 seconds on the clock. That's more than enough time. I think we all had a level of disappointment we didn't score one more touchdown.


Mike Leach attitude vs Mark Richt attitude

It’s like when we played Navy, when I was at Texas Tech. We played Navy. So we beat Navy, and it was right during the Gulf War, so we beat Navy, which was quite a deal, cause there was 300 million people that were ticked off and 250,000 that were happy. It’s like being the Oakland Raiders in the 70s. It was awesome.


If there are any doubts about the Canes defense through 7 games, the stats say that this is the most elite defense the Canes have had since Vilma and ST26. Here is where the Canes rank NATIONALLY:

Total defense #1
Third down conv. #1
Tackles for loss #1
Passing def. #2
Sacks #3
Turnovers gained #3
Ints. #7


The Canes have built a championship defense. A lot of names on this roster will play in the NFL someday. But this Canes offense is definitely the worst it has been in ten years. Hopefully, this is just a rough patch, but I think the Canes offense may continue to struggle until there is some continuity.

Going into the bye week, the Canes still have a very good chance to win the Coastal, but they need to win the remaining 5 games, or at least go 4-1 down the stretch. 5-0 is very doable and the defense can carry the Canes until the offense finds its groove, but the Canes cannot have another abysmal performance like they did in Charlottesville. This bye week is an opportunity for CMR to look within himself, and develop a credible plan for each of the remaining 5 coastal opponents.

Go Canes!!

That may be the saddest part of all of this. We’re wasting a Championship defense.

Just wasting it.


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