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October 23, 2018



All I have to say is:



All I know is that I am sad and tired.

This BS news "report" is an insult to our intelligence.


Rosier is back. I feel SO much better.

orange 'n green in the vein

They'll play two QB's.

Terrance Sullivan

I am expecting the worse but hoping for the best. Go Canes!


This, some of y'all need to put the pitchforks down!...Cote:

"So, if I have this right, Perry posting a video pictured with a pile of cash that isn’t his gets “the image is not good,,” but teammates flaunting comically oversized jewelry designed to look costly is celebrated, not scorned. Hmm.

Don’t get me wrong. What Perry did was just a freshman’s lapse in judgment that should not have him on public trial or suggest anything about his future or ability to rise above and be the great college QB many see in him. Likewise I love the Turnover Chain, which has spawned imitators across the country

The weird dichotomy, for me, is that one gets sanitized from social media and brings a reprimand while the other gets famous as a rallying cry — when both are the same thing, really.

If you love the Turnover Chain — the look of it, the audacity of it — don’t go all self-righteous and pretend the Perry video is an outrage. Because they are more similar than they are opposite.

They both are Canes swagger, personified. They are vintage attitude, in your face. Each is a time-honored little echo of what makes The U The U."


Go Canes!!

Posted by: CaneRock | October 24, 2018 at 03:41 AM

This is an all time stupid take by the undisputed king of stupid takes.


The U is what the U does.


Posted by: CaneRock | October 24, 2018 at 03:41 AM

This is an all time stupid take by the undisputed king of stupid takes.

Posted by: Go Canes!! | October 24, 2018 at 05:27 AM


Concur. One has noting to do with the other and can not be compared.


In other news......someone in South Carolina will not have to worry about how there are going to pay a few bills this morning... dang - 1 winner


Is it me or does it feel richt is losing control? Putting rosier in; losing on top recruits; decommittments; still not looking in the mirror in regards to his shitty offense and his terrible qb coach; his lack of special teams detail; continued losses to inferior teams; etc etc
Need cristobol quick as long as he keeps Diaz and makes him asst HC!
Jmo but I have no confidence we will beat VT, BC, or even GT at this time

Terrance Sullivan

LMAO at Needing Cristobal Yea Okay. Cristobal equals Taggart nothing more nothing less.

DallasTX Cane

What Perry did was silly & stupid because it singles him out ( Turnover Chain is a Team Thing) and shows the world his head “ain’t in the game” at a time when he could be taking control as the undisputed leader of the team (offense anyway). Given his performance on the field, that time should’ve been spent studying the playbook (can’t be THAT tough a read) or getting extra practice in with the WRs. Or just studying - players are supposedly students of other things than football aren’t they?

Lay off the players. What do you want them to say?... we/I suck, there’s no leadship, I plan on playing like crap, there’s no hope, I plan on losing... ?!? U want them to openly, publically criticize their coach(es) in the media?? C’mon be real. Coaches gonna coach-speak. Players gonna player-speak. They’re damned if they do and now damned if they don’t.

I’d personally prefer they say nothing and just play better on the field. I said after Game 1 this team needs a leader. The D has players that stepped up into that role. The O not so much. But it’s stil disingenuous to call the players out for talking positive.

Go Canes!!

Posted by: AeroCane | October 24, 2018 at 08:05 AMW

Here. Breathe into this paper bag.


We're going to be wearing tights, I'll have hand warmers, the heated benches, so we have no excuses why cold will be a factor. That's not even an excuse."

Men in tights will prevail over the elements!


Posted by: CaneRock | October 24, 2018 at 03:41 AM

This is an all time stupid take by the undisputed king of stupid takes.

Posted by: Go Canes!! | October 24, 2018 at 05:27 AM

No doubt!!!


There is a long history of premier programs coming to South Florida and cherry picking high level recruits. The Canes can’t get everyone, but need to get their fair share.

The recent recruits who chose Alabama over Miami: DT Brandon Ingraham, CB Patrick Surtain II, WR Jerry Jeudy. WR Xavier Williams, and DB Josh Jobe. A very impressive group. The Canes can start swinging these players, it can compete with anyone.

I think the Canes under CMR are doing better than there were under Golden and Shannon, but they aren’t yet at the point where they can put up a fence around South Florida.

Ingraham has had a strong relationship with Coach Kul, so that didn’t help. The loss at Virginia didn’t help. But Jess Simpson is doing a great job developing talent, so we will have to see if we will have to see how the next two recruiting classes pan out.


If anything, the turnover chain symbolizes the over the top nature of traditional Canes football. I haven’t seen the picture, but sitting with piles of cash has less to do with excess and swagger, and makes me think of bagmen and “mentors”. The type of excreable tactics used by Alabama that they are immune too - NICK SABAN LEASES CARS TO HIS PLAYERS AND THERE IS NOT A PEEP IN THE MEDIA - but a violation that could bring Miami football down. It instantly brought to mind those three Alabama players who on Signing Day posed with wads of cash. Again, since it was Alabama it was met with little interest. If it was Miami, it would be calls for an investigation and declarations we should cancel our season.

Miami players have to be smarter than that.

Meanwhile, I make no connection to the cash and the turnover chain.


It's not going to be as cold as originally thought. Highs in the 50's and lows in the 40's. Rosier is the qb, back him, because this is a HUGE game, and what's the point in negging out? He may just show everyone CMR made the RIGHT choice. Hell, we know he has wheels, and I's just bet he gets a score or 2 running it. Regardless, we NEED this one.

orange 'n green in the vein

"Posted by: CaneRock | October 24, 2018 at 03:41 AM"

Don't get distracted by the latest shiny object. Instead do something productive and post what your opinion is of the big picture because I already know basically where Willie Coke and Sinister are at regarding it right now? Keep it 100% now of course . . .


Posted by: CaneRock | October 24, 2018 at 03:41 AM

This is an all time stupid take by the undisputed king of stupid takes.

Posted by: Go Canes!! | October 24, 2018 at 05:27 AM

Agreed. We are talking about Cote though not Canerock LOL. I mean this is two totally separate things.

Thanks for all the agreement with my prior Perry post. Ugh, I was soooo mad when I saw that video. The turnover chain is there for the defenders who earn it.


I am backing Trick or Treat Malik for this game, hope OC CMR gives him some plays that will help him.

Go Canes


What Perry did may have been immature, but he didn't do anything wrong. With the spotlight always on Miami it wasn't a good look, but he wasn't driving this car and for all we know he had no more than $200 lol


On Friday night, Carol City (#12 in the nation) plays Miami Central (#4 in the nation) at Traz Powell on Friday. I guess I will have to monitor the Canes game and post here from my phone.

Miami Central (Donaldson and Yearby's alma Mater) and ranked higher than Carol City (Choc and CamRon Davis alma mater). Carol City has been dominant so far this season. Carol City has Canes Commit 2019 CB Jarvis Brownlee, who has been an outstanding cover corner. The other Carol City Canes commit, 2020 DE Samuel Anaele, is a Jon Garvin-type athlete, but has only played in 1-2 games this season, and I don't think he is playing Friday. I also don't believe former Canes commit, Denzel Daxon is playing either.

Hopefully, it will be good news for the Canes all night.

Dude on a Pale Horse

Posted by: UMike | October 24, 2018 at 01:18 PM

There was about $4,000 there.


I said the same thing a week ago about seeing two quarterbacks this game.
I think Richt will do something with #5 if only to bring his confidence up.

Go Canes!!

Posted by: CGNC | October 24, 2018 at 01:14 PM


If they don’t show up with some new wrinkles after that performance last Thursday I’m going to lose it.


Posted by: UMike | October 24, 2018 at 01:18 PM

No one said it was WRONG, but you are a QB and supposed leader of the Canes. Cannot do that. Plus it shows severe lack of maturity. He is not 14.

The players should practice and prepare at least as hard as the fans prepare and tailgate. I am tired of some players thinking the U is some kind of club destination.


Go, me too. Haha Roll him out, roll him out...play in the 2 minute drill the whole game. Whatever it takes.


Roll outs, quick slants (ESPECIALLY), screens, and you know what, a PITCHOUT wouldn't hurt either, since we seem to only run up the gut. Just dink and dunk, taking what they give, THEN you can drop a deep one, not EVERY pass! It'll also get him more comfortable.

Go Canes!!

Top Defenses in Yards per Play allowed
1. Michigan 3.71
2 Miami Fla 3.8
3 Clemson 4.03
4 Temple 4.14
5 App St 4.17
6 Cincinnati 4.25
7 Utah 4.33
8 Iowa 4.34
9 Miss St 4.37
10 Fresno St 4.39
11 Maryland 4.54
12 Notre Dame 4.55
13 Washington 4.57
14 Northern Illinois 4.58


Just because he posted a short video with cash in his hand doesn't me he is or isn't prepared. That isn't proof he isn't practicing hard or dedicated. It showed a moment of immaturity but that's it, imo.

Dude, from the video I saw it was impossible to tell how much money was there and what all the bills were.

Go Canes!!

When you’ve already been suspended, there are maturity rumors swirling about you and you just threw two picks in six passes and got benched, posting that video was an incredibly dumb thing to do.

Dude on a Pale Horse

Posted by: UMike | October 24, 2018 at 02:37 PM

The one you saw may have lower quality. The one I saw was the original and all those bills were $100s. All of em.


The only college qb in recent memory
that could shoot the money video, then come out on Friday night and toss maybe 3 tds and run for another one would be Johnny Football. He had that blend of immaturity,arrogance, raw talent, and I dont give a fug,I'm Johnny Football attitude.

I'm not saying that's good, I'm just pointing out that he was stupid enough and talented enough to pull it off.


The Chaminade-Madonna-to-Coral Gables pipeline is only getting stronger.

Lions 2021 running back Thaddius Franklin committed to the Hurricanes on Wednesday, announcing his decision on his Twitter account.


Franklin, who has racked up 856 rushing yards and 16 touchdowns through eight games this season, chose Miami over several other big-time offers he recently received, including Florida State, Georgia and Penn State.

Several of his teammates at Chaminade are also committed to the Hurricanes, including senior defensive backs Te’Cory Couch and Keontra Smith, senior defensive lineman Cameron Williams and junior offensive lineman Willie Moise.

Franklin is Miami’s fifth commit in the 2021 class. American Heritage defensive back James Williams, a five-star prospect and the No. 15 player in the class, according to 247Sports’ composite ranking, is also in the class.

Gin & Tonic

The Canes are 5-5 in the last 10 games played.

Throw out the Savannah State game and these are the scoring averages over those games.

PA 24.78
PF 25.11

Can you smell what the Richt is cooking?


Posted by: UMike | October 24, 2018 at 02:37 PM

Do you think he looked prepared against FSU? or Virginia?


CGNC... Against UVA not so much, he did lead a come back win against FSU. All I'm saying is one dumb video doesn't prove that. I'm not disagreeing with you guys about it being stupid, just saying it doesn't prove those things. The UVA game is more on CMR hen Perry.


Being immature does not have anything to do with losing. When we were dominating the entire team wore military fatigues to the bowl game..,,,what about the turnover chain? Perry did the same thing by showing off the money he earned. When we were a dynasty JJ and Erickson and Butch were always defending the team about the complaints of the egg heads that they did not appreciate the swagger...Richt jumps on a player for immaturity and we are losing...Maybe he represents the dark side and we would be better off with the Butch who the egg heads did not like.


Being immature does not have anything to do with losing. When we were dominating the entire team wore military fatigues to the bowl game..,,,what about the turnover chain? Perry did the same thing by showing off the money he earned. When we were a dynasty JJ and Erickson and Butch were always defending the team about the complaints of the egg heads that they did not appreciate the swagger...Richt jumps on a player for immaturity and we are losing...Maybe he represents the dark side and we would be better off with the Butch who the egg heads did not like.


Richt biggest problem is that he does not understand how to motivate the players...he needs to change


Although the defense looks motivated..lol

Go Canes!!

Posted by: mi@mic@ne | October 24, 2018 at 04:52 PM

Uhh... we lost the bowl game we wore the fatigues.


Football is artistic.....each player has different gifts...you cannot pigeon hole players in a scheme.....how do you play your best..you got to do it your way as long as your within the play....perry got to play his style and Richt needs to change the offense to fit it


We lost because our qb gave the ball away the entire game...we beat them in all areas and we almost won at the end in spite of all the interceptions.


Perry thought Richt was too conservative so he changed the play....we all agree..so Richt needs to figure out how to help Perry become successful...speed the offense up..spread the field


I dont think Perry is a pure pocket qb...he is more of a rpo guy


Roll call for GT game? tSully I got tix and Student center parking, should be about 8 of us.

Terrance Sullivan

UMike see U there Brotha!

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