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June 06, 2023



From an SI article on NILs

“It has all the appearances of an in-house payroll system,” he says. “This reflects how short-sighted schools are. Everybody is trying to out-compete the next guy, and they don’t have a strategy for tackling the big picture. In the course of doing this, they harm their long-term interest in protecting the amateurism model.”

Arthur Bryant, a lawyer specializing in Title IX violations, believes schools are violating the federal statute that prohibits gender-based discrimination. Male athletes are receiving more NIL cash than female athletes, he contends.

“Most colleges and universities in America are violating Title IX right now. What’s happening with NIL is just adding to that, sometimes massively,” he says. “It is impossible to know in some circumstances exactly how much the school is involved, but from public appearances, the schools are regularly involved and in some cases, they have to be involved.”

Belzer believes the foundation system and any non-profit collective is a “bad” business model that is certain to spell disaster in the end. “They are using it to get a tax writeoffs to pay student-athletes,” he says. “Unless you are OK with money laundering, you can’t pay athletes $20-30,000 a year through a non-profit.”

Posted by: Old Skool | May 31, 2023 at 05:40 AM

"Nobody" ever saw THIS coming, now did they?


It won't be long until some team buys themselves a natty.


Dimare needs to go fetch some pitchers. more than 3/4 of the staff had an ERA of over 4.


"Nobody" ever saw THIS coming, now did they?

Posted by: 86Cane | June 06, 2023 at 05:48 PM

Only us nobodies on this blog


True, Herb, but hitting wasn't so consistent through the season either, although with a lot of HRs. The winner bracket game vs the Horns was a 4-1 loss. Won't win many regional games against decent teams with 1 run. The truth is that they are consistently good, but not great.

58 Straight

"Nobody" ever saw THIS coming, now did they?

Posted by: 86Cane | June 06, 2023 at 05:48 PM

Only us nobodies on this blog

Posted by: KYcane | June 06, 2023 at 08:33 PM

Hate to say "we told U so" but we told U so.

Anybody with half a brain could have seen this coming. Apparently some people don't even have that.

Old Skool

Ah the 2006 Gatas, that team could fill an entire season of Law and Order or else inspire a new series: Better Call Urban

Former Florida Gators football captain Earl “Tony” Joiner (Aaron Hernandez's teamate) pleaded no contest this week to the 2016 murder of his girlfriend. Looking at 25 years in prison.

Old Skool

Fins (Tebow lovers) mini camp update

Undrafted rookie linebacker Mitchell Agude continued his strong run in offseason practices. He was in the backfield multiple times for a sack and tackle for loss.

58 Straight

Former Florida Gators football captain Earl “Tony” Joiner (Aaron Hernandez's teamate) pleaded no contest this week to the 2016 murder of his girlfriend. Looking at 25 years in prison.

Posted by: Old Skool | June 07, 2023 at 11:42 AM

It is ironic that I actually met him at a Kia dealership in Lake Wales. I was not working directly with him but he was there selling cars and I saw his name tag and realized who he was and introduced myself. He was a bit surprosed that I knew who he was but he was a big dude, seemed cool. Who knew?

Old Skool

More fun in the summertime Oh Yeah

Lots of school reps are in Washington to meet with Senators and Congressmen to address the potential impact of the California bill below (revenue sharing with the athletes, particularly those in non or trivial revenue-generating sports. At that point what's an amateur and/or do you begin to look at individual athletic scholarships as having an ROI) Apparently no one wants to let the cat in the bag. They'd rather dole out bits of kibble to the ones who generate the revenue.

The California Assembly on Thursday narrowly voted to approve legislation that would create the unprecedented opportunity for college athletes in the state to receive payments from their schools based on their respective team revenue.

Holden said during floor debate that he had met Wednesday with the members of the California Legislative Women's Caucus and had amended the bill in an effort to address concerns about the bill's possible impact on women's sports.

There have been concerns that payments to athletes would go overwhelmingly to football and men's basketball players, and that these payments would result in schools having less money for women's teams. Holden said that under one of the new changes, if the bill's financial formula resulted in athletes on any team at a school being owed revenue-sharing payments for any given year, the total amount of money designated for athlete compensation would have to be shared evenly between athletes on men's teams and athletes on women's teams.

Actually, this could be considered separate from NIL's in that no one's being paid for the use of their likeness or promotional impact.

Old Skool

Iron Sheik RIP. May he rust in peace


Gino DiMare stepping down as UM baseball coach


About time. Miami should rake in baseball and yet the team was up and down and has been this way for some years. Got to get some pitchers and that is fo sure.

Terrance Sullivan

Mario Cristofraud is on the Clock ⏰!


Tee, I take u are not a Mario fan?
Well, it's for sure he better be building a defensive wall. With all these warm predictions for about 2o to 25 players we aught to get 3 or 4 difference makers at DT .CB and WR are still dragging a bit. We should know how things are going to roll by the end of the month but we have gotten enough 3 star dudes.

Terrance Sullivan

Herb I actually Love Mario The Man. I appreciate A Grinder, I Appreciate Relentless Agresion, I just think he is a C Minus Coach. He is a A Plus Recruiter, but A C Minus Coach. I Hope He Proves me and others that feel that way about him Wrong. Nothing More than I and everyone else around here that loves the University of Miami Football Team and Athletic Program at large want to come back to life and to be kicking Arse and Taking Names Again and to be back on The Main Stage with Alabama, Clemson, Georgia, Ohio State, Etc of The College Football World. We Are A Blue Blood Program and Dann It We Need To Play Like It, Coach Like It, And Win Like It Again and Soon. Go Canes! Same Applies To Baseball We Are A Blue Blood Program. In Basketball We Aren't A Blue Blood Yet but Fastly Knocking On That Door! Big Dan R. Needs to Nail The Baseball Coaching Hire. Also. We Better Get A Damn Softball Program up and Running in Next 5 Years and Competing in ACC. We Can Play Home Games at Tropical Park as there isn't any room on Campus!

U No Who

BREAKING NEWS: Gino DiMare steps down as Miami Hurricanes baseball coach



Probably one of the biggest recruiting weekends ever this weekend, especially on the defensive side. Mario needs to work his so called magic, if we are going to get back to the way things should be us talking shyt and thumping dudes.

Agreed Tee, Mario is a grade C coach. Needs to not metal with the OH side of the ball, period.


Great interview by Josh Pate with Mario: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgo3PHeZwqw

58 Straight


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